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Railroad Earth at Ronquillo Ranch

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  • Railroad Earth at Ronquillo Ranch

    I was digging through some stuff and came across a live recording I have of a Railroad Earth show at Ronquillo Ranch, NJ from several years ago. It's straight from the mixing board. The sound is pristine and the performance is awsome. It's on 3 CD's and is around a 3 hour show. I got it gifted to me several years ago from a Grateful Dead taper. It's too good not to share, so I thought I'd offer it up to the good folks of HT. I'll send a copy of the whole show to the first 3 people who post here that they'd like to have it, free. Once we see who the first 3 are, given 3 are interested, they can send me there mailing addresses via PM and I'll try to send them out Monday.

    Railroad Earth could be described as a country hippie jam band or psychedelic bluegrass. It's most excellent. I guarantee.

  • #2
    Re: Railroad Earth at Ronquillo Ranch

    How does the performance compare to the MySpace page songs? Some artists sound completely different live.

    Listening to the MySpace, it sounds well produced and something I could listen to while doing something (as opposed to just listening to) but it may just have to grow on me.

