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Real Men of Genius

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  • #31
    Re: Real Men of Genius

    Miss Hawaii Bikini Chick Calendar Model
    lyrics by Pomai

    Bud Light presents Real Women of Genius
    Miss Hawaii Bikini Chick Calendar Model!
    Today we salute you, hot and exotic momma' of the month
    Although that pose looks really, really, really sexy
    we know it's totally unnatural
    Back-up singer follows with >>> why is my hair wet?
    A lei is supposed to be worn over your shoulders
    but the photographer told you to hold it over your head
    Back-up singer follows with >>> That's really pretty
    So crack open an ice cold Bud Light, Miss Thong Goddess of August
    Because next month's bikini model
    is at another beach,
    holding a lei in her hand in FRONT of her,
    in another, completely unnatural pose
    Miss Hawaii Bikini Chick Calendar Model
    sigpic The Tasty Island


    • #32
      Re: Real Men of Genius

      Mr. Newspaper Seller at the Intersection Guy
      lyrics by Pomai

      Bud Light presents Real Men of Genius
      Mr. Newspaper Seller at the Intersection Guy!
      Today we salute you, Mr. Wheeler-Dealer of the Daily
      News stand price for the Sunday edition is $1.75
      But you're sellin' it for just a buck
      *Back-up singer follows with >>> that's! a deal
      Oh, shoot, I just flagged you down and the light turned green
      Oh well, screw it... our traffic is screwed ANYWAY
      *Back-up singer follows with >>> Hurry! before I get run over
      So crack open an Ice Cold Bud Light, Mr. Red Light Retailer
      Although I paid you $2 bucks including tip
      the convenience was certainly worth it
      Mr. Newspaper Seller at the Intersection Guy
      sigpic The Tasty Island


      • #33
        Re: Real Men of Genius

        I'll give it a go, but, clearly, I've got some bamboocha shoes to fill.

        Bud Light Presents Real Men of Genius
        Mr. Ask Every Girl in the Bar to Dance Guy

        We salute you, Mr. Ask Every Girl in the Bar to Dance Guy
        Your eyes are glazed, and you're spilling your Bud Light.
        You work your way down from the hottest girl in the room.
        *Backup singer follows with >>> Keep trying, pimp daddy!
        After the less attractive of two girls at a table accepts,
        you show of dance moves that are just a little too good.
        *Backup singer follows with >>> That doesn't make me gay!
        So crack open a Bud Light, Mr Ask Every girl in the Bar to Dance Guy
        Because though you came alone and will leave alone,
        you're never alone with a marginally attractive drunk girl on the dancefloor.
        Don't be mean,
        try to help.


        • #34
          Re: Real Men of Genius


          I wanted to share that yesterday Noe, our little girl and I sat 'round and sang every one of your commercials that included bursts of laughter, knee slapping, drooling, woke up our little guy fits! Keep going...and jdub AWESOME!
          "Be god to each other."

