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Real Men of Genius

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  • #16
    Re: Real Men of Genius

    Pomai? Is today your day off?


    • #17
      Re: Real Men of Genius

      Originally posted by tutusue View Post
      Pomai? Is today your day off?

      Sort of. And now I'm off to an official 3-day Veterans' Day weekend, so don't mind if I come up with some ridiculous ideas for this thread. Read (and/or sing along/or be offended) at your own risk or entertainment.

      My fav' so far is the Hawaiian Bracelet and Graduation Day Lei Wearer version.

      That first link I made was bad. Here's a better link to the original sound clips from A. Busch. And I must agree with the author of that site - this AB ad campaign is pure brilliance.
      Last edited by Pomai; November 9, 2007, 08:20 PM.
      sigpic The Tasty Island


      • #18
        Re: Real Men of Genius

        Rock on, Pomai!


        • #19
          Re: Real Men of Genius

          Mr. Cheap Luau Party Caterer
          lyrics by Pomai

          Bud Light presents Real Men of Genius
          Mr. Cheap Luau Party Caterer!
          Tonight we salute you, Mr. cutter of Hawaiian Food corners
          Is that Lomi Salmon, or Lomi Tomato?
          And is that a laulau, or Popeye's leftover spinach dinner?
          Back-up singer follows with>>> It's a mystery
          You call that poi
          but we say it's "cold taro soup"
          Back-up singer follows with>>> Thank God there's rice
          So crack open an ice cold Bud Light, Mr. "Liquid Smoke Kalua Pig Man"
          You may fool tourists
          but you can't fool us
          Mr. Cheap Luau Party Caterer
          sigpic The Tasty Island


          • #20
            Re: Real Men of Genius

            Those were hilarious!

            I'd rather be ... LOST



            • #21
              Re: Real Men of Genius

              Mr. H1 Freeway Accident Rubberneck Driver
              lyrics by Pomai

              Bud Light presents Real Men of Genius
              Mr. H1 Freeway Accident Rubberneck Driver!
              Today we salute you, Mr. "That's not my problem, it's yours" rush hour accident passerby'er
              It may be a minor fender bender
              but you're hoping it's a spectacle of disastrous proportions
              *Back-up singer follows with >>> Somebody call the tow truck
              Was that 1, 2 or 3 cars involved?
              Who cares, you just want to see other people's misery, at the expense of every driver behind you
              *Back-up singer follows with >>> My brake light is workin'
              So crack open an ice cold Bud Light, Mr. Witness-slash-detective of Traffic crash-bam mayhem
              You might be late for work
              but at least you got to see a broken turn-signal assembly strewn on the asphalt
              Mr. H1 Freeway Accident Rubberneck Driver
              Last edited by Pomai; November 9, 2007, 11:12 PM.
              sigpic The Tasty Island


              • #22
                Re: Real Men of Genius


                Mr. Graduation Day Lei Wearer
                lyrics by Pomai

                Real Men of Genius
                Mr. Graduation Day Lei Wearer!
                Today We'd salute you, but we don't think you can see us
                Your mom, dad, uncle, aunt, cousin and every friend you know
                put a lei over that head of yours
                *back-up singer follows with >>> I'd rather get the money
                The leis are stacked so high on you,
                it looks like one wrong step, and you'd fall over
                *back-up singer follows with >>> someone get me a periscope
                So crack open an ice cold Bud Light Mr. Tower of Flowers
                Because there's 10 more leis comin' your way
                and don't you get caught giving any of them away
                Mr. Graduation Day Lei Wearer
                sigpic The Tasty Island


                • #23
                  Re: Real Men of Genius

                  Mr. Coconut Tree Leaf Crafts Person
                  lyrics by Pomai

                  Bud Light presents Real Men of Genius
                  Mr. Coconut Tree Leaf Crafts Person!
                  Today we salute you, oh Twister of the Palms
                  Is that a fish? A hat? a beach mat?
                  Or are you just happy to see me?
                  *Back-up singer follows with>>> Make me a Giraffe
                  Origami's got nothin' on your skills
                  Make me a working car, buddy, and I'll pay ya' $100 bucks for it
                  *Back-up singer follows with>>> That's! thinkin' green
                  So crack open an ice cold Bud Light, oh weave leaf wonder
                  I just hired a Samoan guy to chop the coconuts off my tree
                  but next time, I'll tell him to chop down all the leaves, too
                  Mr. Coconut Tree Leaf Crafts Person
                  sigpic The Tasty Island


                  • #24
                    Re: Real Men of Genius

                    Mr. "Ikaika" Rear-View Mirror Accessoriser
                    lyrics by Pomai

                    Bud Light presents Real Men of Genius
                    Mr. Ikaika Rear-View Mirror Accessoriser!
                    Today we salute you, Mr. Car Kahuna
                    If the cop cites you for obstruction of view
                    tell him, "back off buddy, or THIS Kahuna will get REAL angry"
                    *Back-up singer follows with>>> Oooh, I'm really scared
                    When your dashboard gets dirty
                    The feathers on this cool decoration
                    will do double-duty as a duster
                    *Back-up singer follows with>>> Don't miss the air vents
                    So crack open an ice cold Bud Light, oh Masked Mirror Man
                    There's a sale at the swap meet for these cool little Hawaiian Helmets
                    So get one for your other car
                    and for sistah, braddah, uncle and aunty's car, too
                    Mr. Ikaika Rear-View Mirror Accessoriser
                    Last edited by Pomai; November 10, 2007, 08:18 AM.
                    sigpic The Tasty Island


                    • #25
                      Re: Real Men of Genius

                      Mr. Oahu Traffic Radio Reporter
                      lyrics by Pomai

                      Bud Light Presents Real Men of Genius
                      Mr. Oahu Traffic Radio Reporter!
                      This morning we salute you, oh "Reporter of Many, Master of None"
                      It doesn't take a genius to remind us that too many cars are on the road
                      but you just reminded us
                      Back-up singer follows with>>> get me an aspirin
                      Sure there's a back-up at the Middle street merge
                      Buddy, isn't that the same case, EVERY SINGLE DAY?
                      Back-up singer follows with>>> I need to to hear it again
                      So crack open an ice cold Bud Light, Mr. Obvious
                      An accident just happened 10 cars in front of me
                      and you'll report it on the radio 1 hour later
                      Mr. Oahu Traffic Radio Reporter
                      sigpic The Tasty Island


                      • #26
                        Re: Real Men of Genius

                        Mr. Bishop Street Aloha Shirt Office Worker
                        lyrics by Pomai

                        Bud Light presents Real Men of Genius
                        Mr. Bishop Street Aloha Shirt Office Worker!
                        Today we salute you, Mr. Pimp of Floral Patterns
                        Yesterday it was canoes
                        The day before it was Ukuleles
                        Today... it's Hibiscus
                        *Back-up singer follows with>>> That's the state flower
                        As long as the Aloha shirt YOU'RE wearing
                        ISN'T the same shirt I'M wearing, it's cool
                        *Back-up singer follows with>>> I bought it at ROSS
                        So crack open an ice cold Bud Light, Mr. Plumeria Bank Man
                        There's still 3 days left in the work week
                        and you only have 2 clean Aloha Shirts hanging in the closet
                        Mr. Bishop Street Aloha Shirt Office Worker
                        sigpic The Tasty Island


                        • #27
                          Re: Real Men of Genius

                          Mr. & Mrs. Tantalus Lookout Make-Out in the Car Couple
                          lyrics by Pomai

                          Bud Light presents Real Men & Women of Genius
                          Mr. & Mrs. Tantalus Lookout Make-Out in the Car Couple!
                          Tonight, make that REAL late, we salute you oh smoochers of the city lights
                          Your windows are foggy and we know what you're doing
                          but you two really don't give a damn
                          *Back-up singer follow with>>> Put on a love song
                          Hey, buddy, you better check your shock absorbers
                          because tonight, they're not working
                          *Back-up singer follow with>>> I better call Midas
                          So crack open an ice cold Bud Light, Romeo and Juliet of the high hills
                          Another love song just started playing on the car radio
                          and this is going to be a long and hot, steamy night
                          Mr. & Mrs. Tantalus Lookout Make-Out in the Car Couple
                          sigpic The Tasty Island


                          • #28
                            Re: Real Men of Genius

                            Mr. Box-of-Malasadas Office Gift Donator
                            lyrics by Pomai

                            Bud Light presents Real Men of Genius
                            Mr. Box-of-Malasadas Office Gift Donator!
                            This morning we salute you, Mr. Good Will of the Deep-Fried
                            That's just what we need, sitting in this office chair with zero exercise
                            That's just what SHE resents about working in this office
                            *Back-up singer follows with>>> Somebody call Jenny Craig
                            Here I was enjoying this fruit
                            when you tempt me - and we all can't resist -
                            A Malasada
                            *Back-up singer follows with>>> Give me some refined sugar!
                            So crack open an ice cold Bud Light, oh donor of a heart attack in a bun
                            My waist is bulging
                            thanks to you
                            Mr. Box-of-Malasadas Office Gift Donator
                            Last edited by Pomai; November 10, 2007, 08:24 PM.
                            sigpic The Tasty Island


                            • #29
                              Re: Real Men of Genius

                              Mr. Stand-Behind-the-News-Reporter Shaka Person
                              lyrics by Pomai

                              Bud Light presents Real Men of Genius
                              Mr. Stand-Behind-the-News-Reporter Shaka Person!
                              Today we salute you, Mr. Ambassador of Manual Aloha
                              We were watching BAD news
                              but your shaka made it GOOD news
                              *Back-up singer follows with >>> that's a cut
                              You're lucky we're live, buddy
                              because if we weren't, you'd be edited out
                              *Back-up singer follows with >>> what the hell?
                              So crack open an ice cold Bud Light, Mr. Ham of the Shaky Hand
                              We're taping another segment, and we'd rather you not be there
                              yet we know you'll be there anyway
                              Mr. Stand-Behind-the-News-Reporter Shaka Person
                              Last edited by Pomai; November 11, 2007, 06:26 AM.
                              sigpic The Tasty Island


                              • #30
                                Re: Real Men of Genius

                                I'm flat out of ideas (without going political). Any takers?

                                Real Men of Genius
                                sigpic The Tasty Island

