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The new Tiny Tadani thread starts here!

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  • #61
    Re: The new Tiny Tadani thread starts here!

    Originally posted by Leo Lakio
    Crackers to go with Tiny's cheeez; shouldn't this thread be in KauKau Korner now?
    Nah...not right yet, maybe if the whiz gets added to the cheez it could be considered.... but if the loaves and wine come into play yeah definately!


    • #62
      Re: The new Tiny Tadani thread starts here!

      Originally posted by Peshkwe
      Nah...not right yet, maybe if the whiz gets added to the cheez it could be considered.... but if the loaves and wine come into play yeah definately!
      Ewww...please, no whiz in my cheeez.

      Though there's plenty of "loav"-ing and whining to go around. That's the funny side of my god(s).


      • #63
        Re: The new Tiny Tadani thread starts here!

        Originally posted by Leo Lakio
        Ewww...please, no whiz in my cheeez.

        Though there's plenty of "loav"-ing and whining to go around. That's the funny side of my god(s).
        Ok...but if there's too much wine'n with the loavin' 'round SOMEBODY'S gonna end up doin' the 'pee-pee dance' complaining and whinin' "Cheeez...I gotta whiz" and there you are...

        Stuck with Cheez whiz


        • #64
          Re: The new Tiny Tadani thread starts here!

          Originally posted by Tiny Tadani
          I just like to get the job done. I may not be GPA smart... but I'm street smart.
          Does "street smart" include being too lazy to do your own work?

          This quote from the fluff piece posted earlier seems indicative of your work ethic.

          Originally posted by Tiny Tadani
          Who's been your favorite interview, so far?
          Kenny Loggins. I was able to win him over with knowledge of his music, because I'm a fan – and I asked the cameraman for a quote from his book, because I don't read. I threw the line at Kenny, and he thought I read the book, so I won him over!
          Pulling a fast one on someone is a highlight?


          • #65
            Re: The new Tiny Tadani thread starts here!

            Definitely a hightlight when it comes to getting my job done... which bottom line is to get the "good" interview. I went to every local Kenny Loggins concert, I buy his CD's, and I think he's "Alright... now." (That's a joke... in case you were gonna pick on that one... he sang a song with those words.)

            Palolo Joe, don't turn into a LikaNui and try to pick everything apart to find negativity. Remeber the old adage: If you don't have noghting nice to say... don't say it at all." On the other hand... if I offended you or said sometihg about you... then you should be able to respond... but the mean thing is just not right. Can't you read into all these negative messages? Does anyone else see this... or is it just me? Notice PJ... I've responded to you, but didn't try to find old quotes or call you a name? Peace.

            Yeah, I get lazy once in a while... sorry, I'm only human. I'm not much of a reader... I'm good at some stuff, but reading... not to good. Sorry to disappoint you MadAzza... I know you're into your books... according to your other threads.

            Craig... why are you trying so hard to earn LikaNui's respect? Is this all about the chicklet thing? I respect you way more than him. He should be writing to you and explaining HIMSELF... not the other way around. Who cares if you voted for me or not... can't you see my point that he did a random vote... took a chance... and lost. It's kinda like a politician wanting a debate... chooses the place and time... gets it... then loses. At that point, he makes all kinds of excuses on why it wasn't fair. Was it fair that the guy pulls a poll when he wants... with no warning? And did you read the way he phrased the questions? Both were negative... kinda like: A) would you like to throw away the over-ripe bananas? or B) should we just let the over-ripe bananas stay as they get really old and smelly and soggy? I know I'm not imagining this!

            Craig... I think more important than who voted... how much of a crappy person I am... or if I mispell a word or use it a not-so-perfect way... WE SHOULD DIVULGE WHO WE ARE! IT'S SO EASY TO BE SASSY, PILAU, ARROGANT, BRAVE AND JUST PLAIN OBNOXIOUS WHEN YOU HIDE BEHIND A FAKE NAME WITH SOME LOGO NEXT TO IT. At least you do that. The ones who are positive posters who are just having a good time... stick to your alias'. Scriviner, you told us who you are and others have the bios and stuff... but if you're slamming and swearing and hurting others... SHOW SOME GUTS.

            Yes, LikaNui and followers... if you really have a problem with me... email me personally or publicly here... wherever... give me your real name and let's meet for some coffee and clear the air. Now it's time to put up (your name)... or shut up! It's that simple... no other explanations. If you try to respond any other way... all I can say is that you are a chicken. And I'm not calling you a name... you are placing yourself in that category when you respond any other way. LikaNui, you may want to wait your 24 hours before you respond. The only way you come out smelling good here... is to give your name or be quiet. GOTCHA!!!!!!!!!!

            Important, I'm not calling anyone out to fight... I just want you to meet the real me so you can give me chance. Don't go by what you read about, heard in the news, heard on the radio, saw on tv, or even how I may have treated you in a busy situation in the past. Let's meet. In fact, if you all want to have big get together... I'll host it at one of my sponsor locations and we can all go karaoke or just shoot the breeze (no pun intended) and have some pupus.

            I just love this thread and love talking to you all. I don't want to come off spacey... but I'm a Christian that stuggles like they all do... and I just feel I need to reach out right now and love you as a brothers and sisters right now.

            If the only way this thread goes on... is by negative stories about me or tearing me apart... then Mel/admin., let's end it. But if I can hear good questions... even critisisms (did I spell that right?) aobut me without being nasty... I'll field the questions and/or explain myself. You can still disagree... but be clean and respectful.


            Other than that... hope everyones having a good day/night... I'll work on being even more positive too. I'm human and fall too. So I apologize for being a punk sometimes.

            God Bless us all.



            • #66
              Re: The new Tiny Tadani thread starts here!

              "and I just feel I need to reach out right now and love you as a brothers and sisters right now."
              you stay right there dude. don't come any closer.
              " But if I can hear good questions... even critisisms (did I spell that right?) aobut me without being nasty..."
              after all this, who cares by now?

              God Bless us every one....

              tiny tim


              • #67
                Re: The new Tiny Tadani thread starts here!

                I have to agree with earlier post from SCRIVENER that "on-air" he sounds fun but on the threads is something different.

                The more Tiny posts, the less respect I have for him for his apparent poor choice of words and exuberant success by "playing others" and admitting it..... And if I, who is a silent partner in an add agency in Hawaii and LA, can be this turned off by his personality being represented by his posts, then I hope that his clients don't EVER see these threads. Then again, if they're "trade" clients they probably don't care.

                It's one thing to be a clown for the audience, but to show ones (_*_) to be shot off and ridiculed by others as if it is a source of image building, advertising and branding is professionally weak. Dude, that's what your doing. So far everybody except your "pals" are attacking you because of how you present yourself on this thread. Yea, you're defending yourself on some of the posts, but some of the stuff that you say in your mega-rants are more telling of you than you think.

                The problem is that you say that you'll meet anyone at a coffee shop to talk story in person to show the real you, but how can you be serious about that by the things you say here on HT? If you can't communicate without drawing fire on a forum, what makes you think you can do the same in person? Boxing gloves or a bible, you drew the line in the sand, not anybody else.

                I'm sure your a cool guy, but you only get one chance at impressions. There are quite a few professional ad people that are on HT. There's an old saying in advertising agencies...."you're only as good as your last gig and your first impression".

                Perhaps since you (Tiny) love to walk with God, you should pray for a better choice of words while representing yourself! God is the ultimate PD at the end of the game and it seems to me from afar that your single "Praise My Promo No Matter Good or Bad" might not make rotation past the pearly gates.

                Yea man, even us Christians have a difference of opinions on one another. If you don't believe me, just ask the Protestants, Mormons, Jehovah Witness, Catholics, Christians, Calvary, Church of England, Old Hope, NEW HOPE and so on.


                • #68
                  Re: The new Tiny Tadani thread starts here!

                  Ty... you're only half the man I am. Get it? It's a joke... Ty is half of "Ti-ny." If that's your real name... awesome. Agencies, sponsors, friends... anyone can read my emails. I'm proud of the way I represent myself. The reason why my sponsors and businesses support me (mostly cash sponsors by the way... and thanks for caring), is because I strike a true trusting friendship with me. They totally trust me and like me for what I am... knowing I'd go to bat for them... or even in a alley if they were in trouble. I mean that. When I consult other producers and/or salespeople... I tell them my secret. It's not easy. I take it as far as to become family. I emcee private company parties... private private family parties for them, I've even gone to court to support friends in the entertainment field who've gotten in trouble with the law.

                  As laid back as I am on TV or even i person... I am intense when it comes to backing those who back me. So your concern about ad agencies who read this thread does not scare me. I'm highly confident and somewhat arrogant on my relationships with them. And to be honest, if someone ever didn't want to do business with me from what I do or say here in HT... I don't want to do business with them.

                  Even more that arrogant... I am confident when I do use Jesus as my main sponsor. Ridicule me if you'd like, but I think if there is a reason for me and some others who live the "good life" here on the thread... it is to keep God alive in the posts. Little or "tiny" reminders of our Lord and Savior can't hurt. Maybe a meanie poster won't get it tonight... but maybe tomorrow... or next month... or maybe before he dies. If so... we can say we saved one... and He will celebrate!

                  Lots of people who have either heard rumors about me or even knew some bad things I've done... can maybe realize that we all deserve a chance at redemption. Haven't we all done horrible things in our past? Let's all be honest and admit that we all fall... but we can change and improve. My best friend just reminded me of this whole paragraph today.

                  So Ty... hope you can understand me a little better now. I'm sure you're a cool guy too. Just hard to really get to know each other like this. Maybe one day we'll meet up in the business world.

                  Glad to hear you love God too!



                  • #69
                    Re: The new Tiny Tadani thread starts here!

                    Originally posted by Tiny Tadani
                    The reason why my sponsors and businesses support me is because I strike a true trusting friendship with me.
                    Well. That's a Freudian slide of even greater magnitude than my "I wish someone would ate me" slip a couple of weeks ago!

                    Just playin', Tiny. But that is pretty dang funny.
                    But I'm disturbed! I'm depressed! I'm inadequate! I GOT IT ALL! (George Costanza)


                    • #70
                      Re: The new Tiny Tadani thread starts here!

                      To me Tiny will always be "Nitro" from the KIKI Brownbags album covers. Nuff Said!
                      Listen to KEITH AND THE GIRLsigpic

                      Stupid people come in all flavors-buzz1941


                      • #71
                        Re: The new Tiny Tadani thread starts here!

                        Hey "Ty-Nee".....

                        Man I know it's tuff to get to "know" somebody via forums. This type of communications can be very sterile! Yea, I'm sure that we'll bump into each other soon enough. The passion within yourself to promote is a great thing and for that I know that you work hard.

                        But what I was really getting to in my post reads more like something my mentor use to say....."It's the silence between the notes that makes the music". I hope my post didn't offend you, I just wanted to share through my misfortunes of my past by being over-zealous in defending critics and in the heat of it all putting my foot in my mouth.

                        "Breath young Grass-Hopper.....then you can snatch the "peace" from my hand".


                        • #72
                          Re: The new Tiny Tadani thread starts here!

                          Originally posted by Ty Lee
                          Hey "Ty-Nee".....

                          Man I know it's tuff to get to "know" somebody via forums. This type of communications can be very sterile! Yea, I'm sure that we'll bump into each other soon enough. The passion within yourself to promote is a great thing and for that I know that you work hard.

                          But what I was really getting to in my post reads more like something my mentor use to say....."It's the silence between the notes that makes the music". I hope my post didn't offend you, I just wanted to share through my misfortunes of my past by being over-zealous in defending critics and in the heat of it all putting my foot in my mouth.

                          "Breath young Grass-Hopper.....then you can snatch the "peace" from my hand".
                          Hmmmmmm...I have this feeling that TyLee is an Elite and Very much a pro in the field of the MEDIA and ADS vs a still wet behind the ears of "tiny!" Take the advice if I was you...wise words. Then again, did you understand it, Pee Brain. (I'm sorry, Admin, honest I am. I couldn't help myself.)

                          You may deduct one chicklet

                          Auntie Lynn
                          Last edited by 1stwahine; September 16, 2005, 10:01 AM.
                          Be AKAMAI ~ KOKUA Hawai`i!
                          Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


                          • #73
                            Re: The new Tiny Tadani thread starts here!

                            Have a blessed weekend Auntie Lynn.



                            • #74
                              Re: The new Tiny Tadani thread starts here!

                              Originally posted by Tiny Tadani
                              Have a blessed weekend Auntie Lynn.

                              You too Tiny!
                              Be AKAMAI ~ KOKUA Hawai`i!
                              Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


                              • #75
                                Re: The new Tiny Tadani thread starts here!

                                Originally posted by Tiny Tadani
                                Craig... why are you trying so hard to earn LikaNui's respect? Is this all about the chicklet thing? I respect you way more than him. He should be writing to you and explaining HIMSELF... not the other way around. Who cares if you voted for me or not... can't you see my point that he did a random vote... took a chance... and lost. It's kinda like a politician wanting a debate... chooses the place and time... gets it... then loses. At that point, he makes all kinds of excuses on why it wasn't fair. Was it fair that the guy pulls a poll when he wants... with no warning? And did you read the way he phrased the questions? Both were negative... kinda like: A) would you like to throw away the over-ripe bananas? or B) should we just let the over-ripe bananas stay as they get really old and smelly and soggy? I know I'm not imagining this!

                                Craig... I think more important than who voted... how much of a crappy person I am... or if I mispell a word or use it a not-so-perfect way... WE SHOULD DIVULGE WHO WE ARE! IT'S SO EASY TO BE SASSY, PILAU, ARROGANT, BRAVE AND JUST PLAIN OBNOXIOUS WHEN YOU HIDE BEHIND A FAKE NAME WITH SOME LOGO NEXT TO IT. At least you do that. The ones who are positive posters who are just having a good time... stick to your alias'. Scriviner, you told us who you are and others have the bios and stuff... but if you're slamming and swearing and hurting others... SHOW SOME GUTS.

                                God Bless us all.

                                Hi Tiny,

                                I saw the negativity in that poll too the way it was worded, however like you, the respondant has to read between the lines to see the humor in it or lack of it.

                                I see a lot of humor in your writing (a bit sarcastic at times but...) and some of the criticism shouldn't be taken personally from you but some are pure literalists and take every utterance you speak of very...well literally.

                                Because I work with many personality types I wade thru the attitude and look soley at the substance when I try to respond to a person. So with the poll's wording, it's not the choice of words that I respond to (negative aspect of it) but the value of it...which is to let you do your show.

                                I'm not trying to earn Likanui's respect as we both have a general understanding of each other (I think we both speak mutually of each other having responded before on other threads). But I'm trying to put a little diplomacy into this mix as it can get pretty lopsided at times (mostly against you). You don't get any balance or valued dialog until both sides come to some sort of rapport with each other.

                                If the thread becomes a bashing event, then I feel it's time to put a little balance into it and integrate some objectivity into the equation so posters here can see some kind of valid counter criticism. Otherwise we all become maniacal witch hunters fueled on emotion instead of reasonable human beings.

                                If there's anyone reading this post that knows me and disagrees with this statement, please let me know. One thing about being diplomatic is that you have to remain objective in your observations of events such as on this thread. Sometimes it takes a bit of off balance to put things back into perspective, it's called a counter weight. It's always dynamic and always off center because attitudes flare up and cause an imbalance, diplomacy tries to counter it for the betterment of humanity.

                                Agree? Disagree? Full of Sh*t? Well someone put some balance into this statement then.
                                Life is what you make of please read the instructions carefully.

