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Tourists Just Can't Drive

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  • Tourists Just Can't Drive

    So I'm comin around the blind curve in Honaunau, shifting down to third, and preparing to negotiate the "S" turn that everyone in South Kona knows about.

    There was this tourist in a mustang coupe,
    Bout 80 years old, I could tell by the stoop,
    Makin a U-turn, slow as can be,
    1 mph, illegally

    I swerved left, and pounded the brakes,
    2 or 3 seconds is all that it takes,
    Cherokee's right front hit his left rear,
    My 4 yo daughter covered her eyes in fear.

    Everyone's fine and he drove it away,
    After the police had their say,
    I was nice to the man and his mexican wife,
    But I just gotta say that the tourists can't drive.

    It just might be a blessing in disguise,
    It's the pressure I needed to convince my wife,
    That we should go shopping on Saturday,
    for a Toyota Tacoma to drive away.
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