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Karma... Good and Bad

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  • Karma... Good and Bad

    I really hate to post any negativity here...

    However, when a 20 year old is Pregnant... a) SHE SHOULD NOT BE DRINKING!
    FOR HER BABIES SAKE b) shes not of age in the first place c) she gets behind a wheel legally drunk. d) ....and on the karma side....dies in a car wreck.

    Happened last night on our highways....

    When will people learn?

    On the good side...(if there is)

    While the baby did not survive... it will not have to be raised by a mother that would have taken those risks in the first place.

  • #2
    Re: Karma... Good and Bad

    Originally posted by manoasurfer123
    When will people learn?
    manoa, i am afraid... never.

    it's the:

    it can't happen to me
    i am invincible.
    i can do what i want.

    kinda mentality...


    • #3
      Re: Karma... Good and Bad

      Hey, I better watch my step. I drove that route from downtown to Halawa exit last night about 10 minutes before that crash. I didn't see anyone. It was deserted. She must have turned onto the freeway right behind me when I got off at the Stadium exit. *shudder*...

      Make trouble, have fun, do good stuffs.


      • #4
        Re: Karma... Good and Bad

        I'm just thankful that I survived my late teen to mid-twentys. I pulled some stupid things back then and Kimo's right. It's the invincible (not me) attitude.
        Life is either an adventure... or you're not doing it right!!!


        • #5
          Re: Karma... Good and Bad

          I'm sure she had recently attacked some school children in a charter school, tagged the overpass, and stole a car at the lookout.

          If you ask her parents, you might find out that ragged animals breed ragged animals. But I personally don't know them, so ask yourself.

          Energy answers are already here.


          • #6
            Re: Karma... Good and Bad

            Originally posted by timkona
            I'm sure she had recently attacked some school children in a charter school, tagged the overpass, and stole a car at the lookout.

            If you ask her parents, you might find out that ragged animals breed ragged animals. But I personally don't know them, so ask yourself.
            Tim, that's cold. She may have done a stupid and dangerous thing, and caused the death of another person, but the girl is dead now. Show at least a little respect for another human being.

            Based on the name and description given in the KITV report, I went and found her MySpace page. Go ahead and leave your snide comments there, where her friends and family will see them, why don't you.


            • #7
              Re: Karma... Good and Bad

              Nowdays, with the plethora of info on drinking and driving, proper prenatal care, etc., etc., being young and stupid is no longer an excuse. Back in the "good'ol days", early 50's for me, we never heard accident reports where the driver was drunk. Never had all the in-your-face warnings for pregnant mothers to stop smoking or drinking. And of course, we never did some of the hairbrained stunts kids do nowdays. When I think about it, not even close.

              With the prevailing attitudes of our young, these days, to be "cool" is to be stupid. Of course, they see this as being invincible. They don't seem to care or have a clue of the financial hardships and heartache "modern" parents go through when the kids get hurt or cause another to get hurt or cause property damage or die because of their own stupidity. Yeah, you could say we didn't either, but the key word nowdays is "extreme". We never got hurt nearly as bad as some of these kids do nowdays and most of us certainly didn't die from them.

              Also, most of us didn't think about sex as much as they do today,or as young, with MTV, crap and hip hop with suggestive "lyrics" and some of the sexually explicit dancing. Geez, I think our most "risque" dance was the Twist. I also most certainly don't remember song lyrics naming our sexual "appendages" or "receptacles" or condoning certain sexual acts and sex crimes and calling women "b-----s".

              How many of you fell out of a tree small kid time? Answers would run, "Yeah, I wan gong my head." "I wan sprain mah wrist." "My fingah broke."

              50 years from now, they'll be asking, "Dudes, anyone ever skateboard off a second floor roof onto a trampoline and did a 720 into a pool?"
              To this, "Yo, broke 4 ribs and fractured a couple of vertabrae, got laid up for 6 weeks. Was a bummer, but I got to stay home from school." "I knew a couple of dudes tried it. They missed the pool and both hammered their heads on the pool edge. I think they died. Made a big deal about it at school." "Yeah, my 16 year old bruddah wen die, but I pulled it off da week aftah. What a rush. Da babes in school thot I wuz so cool. Gee, I tink I still get da video disc somewhere."


              • #8
                Re: Karma... Good and Bad

                The suggestion that Renee's death was deserved is just apalling to me. Or that it's good her unborn child was lost because he/she wouldn't have to suffer the indignity of a stupid mother. Egads. (Though I think, Link, that Tim was being sarcastic.) Especially since the accident also took the life of someone else who simply had the terrible misfortune of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. How does karma explain that?

                That's not to say that there wasn't severely poor judgement demonstrated here... nor that, most certainly, there'll be an excessive amount of hand-wringing and attempts to assign blame elsewhere ("That wrong-way sign wasn't big enough!")... But to so quickly saddle one -- sorry, two -- victims as Exhibit A in some condemnation of "kids these days" just rubs me the wrong way.

                This is a tragedy. A huge loss for two families. At least wait until the bodies are cold to start throwing them around as evidence of karma or the foolishness of modern youth.

                Originally posted by Glen Miyashiro
                Based on the name and description given in the KITV report, I went and found her MySpace page.
                On a completely different note, the prevalence of MySpace profiles today seems to almost guarantee that many people who turn up in the news, for good or bad reasons, are likely to have sometimes eerie "frozen in time" snapshots of their lives on the web. It's perhaps not the most accurate portrayal, but it's still a surprisingly personal glimse into the life of a person who might otherwise just be a name in a "Police Beat" sidebar on page A-12.

                MyDeathSpace tracks the profiles of members who have died. Some of the post-death comments left by friends is heartwrenching. There's a similar site for LiveJournal deaths. The issue of how to handle someone's web presence after they've passed on is actually an issue lots of people are still grappling with.
                Last edited by pzarquon; March 30, 2006, 07:40 AM.


                • #9
                  Re: Karma... Good and Bad

                  Tim, that's cold.

                  Perhaps. But those with no stomach for the truth often think it unpalatable.

                  I come from a pretty FN strict childhood. Lucky for me. Drunk driving, teen pregnancy, poor school grades - all FLOGGING offenses in my family.

                  There is no such thing as bad children, only bad parents.
                  Energy answers are already here.


                  • #10
                    Re: Karma... Good and Bad

                    I didn't realize there was a site for the deaths of LJers. I was reading the Live Journal of a soldier in Iraq and when he died, news of his death spread through the community and people started posting messages ~ to him, to his family, messages of sorrow over the loss of his life, of gratitude for his service to the US, of politics and disagreements over whether he should have been there in the first place. Messages asking why the heck people were posting to a dead person. But then his family accessed his LJ and his family really appreciated a lot of the posts that were made and replied to posts. But it was odd reading someone's LJ, as they go about their lives, and all of a sudden, they're gone.


                    • #11
                      Re: Karma... Good and Bad

                      Originally posted by timkona
                      There is no such thing as bad children, only bad parents.
                      I do not believe that to be accurate enough to hold any water. My parents were strict and kind, informed me of what bad choices can do, and alternatively good. I still experimented and rebelled and know of other's who got into serious trouble.

                      Are you suggesting that the individual is not responsible for his/her own actions? Just blame it on the parents? I don't agree with that.
                      Life is either an adventure... or you're not doing it right!!!


                      • #12
                        Re: Karma... Good and Bad

                        Menehune Man, you give me pause to think.....hmmmmm ??

                        Perhaps it is true that children are NOT a product of their parents. Or does that sound crazy?
                        Energy answers are already here.


                        • #13
                          Re: Karma... Good and Bad

                          Originally posted by timkona
                          There is no such thing as bad children, only bad parents.
                          I have been of the mind for many decades that there hopefully is, innate within most every human, a tendency toward decency and some degree of natural politeness, general niceness, if you will, notwithstanding the growing trend of the populace telling us it is fully their own damn fault their lil demon is a rude lil worthless cockaroach and their kid is goin ta hell in a handbasket from, among many other things, listening to c-rap music, and living on video games.


                          • #14
                            Re: Karma... Good and Bad

                            Originally posted by timkona
                            There is no such thing as bad children, only bad parents.
                            ...who themselves had bad parents, preceeded by their bad parents, and so on, and so on...
                            Where does the finger-pointing of blame end? (I suppose some would offer "Adam & Eve" --- but then, could you blame THEIR "parent"?)

                            Parents certainly bear much responsibility for the attitudes and behaviors of their offspring, but there comes a point in most people's lives where you have to accept responsibility for your own actions, and take steps to correct certain behavior. It was unfortunate that the deceased was done in by her own actions before she had reached that point, and that she took others with her when it happened. My sympathies go to the families involved.


                            • #15
                              Re: Karma... Good and Bad

                              Originally posted by pzarquon
                              The suggestion that Renee's death was deserved is just apalling to me. Or that it's good her unborn child was lost because he/she wouldn't have to suffer the indignity of a stupid mother. Egads. (Though I think, Link, that Tim was being sarcastic.) Especially since the accident also took the life of someone else who simply had the terrible misfortune of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. How does karma explain that?

                              That's not to say that there wasn't severely poor judgement demonstrated here... nor that, most certainly, there'll be an excessive amount of hand-wringing and attempts to assign blame elsewhere ("That wrong-way sign wasn't big enough!")... But to so quickly saddle one -- sorry, two -- victims as Exhibit A in some condemnation of "kids these days" just rubs me the wrong way.
                              Sorry you understood my reponse that way. I should have used a quote from the other individual to who's "observation" I was responding to.
                              It is a big, sad loss for both families. I never said otherwise.
                              How does karma explain that?
                              Karma can't explain it. Karma is simply what it is. We are "outsiders". We didn't know these people on an intimate basis, nor did we know how they lived their lives from birth, so we can't even speculate as to why karma would play a role in these untimely deaths. Fate? Predestiny?

