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work wardrobes

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  • work wardrobes

    at this risk of starting a potentially insipid thread, how do you dress for work? What sort of budget do you give yourself? Are you a binge shopper, or a methodical one?

    this is grounded in more thought than my opening paragraph suggests. It is my guess that because our weather is pretty consistent year-round, Hawaii residents go through our clothes faster (we don't have our woolens sitting in a cedar chest for 1/2 the year while we break out our linen blends, and vice versa).

    I am interested in hearing all perspectives; both genders, and from those who work in blue collar/white collar/business casual/conservative dress codes. How do you do it?

    I try to get as close to classic/conservative-on-a-budget as possible. Macy's Charter Club line includes decent mix/match silk-blend cardigans ($30) and shells ($20). STILL, that's $50 each! (And yes, I am aware that many stores sell twinsets for an easy 3-5x that price, but not like I am gonna buy those). And I do shop o/l (ebay, but it can be a hit or miss) and hunt for promotional codes, etc.

    And while I can go into the whole Ross/Nordstrom Rack prowling that I do, the bottom line is that I feel as if I am saving money, but I am not ((really)) saving.

    I want to shop smarter, and I am open to your great suggestions and tips.


  • #2
    Re: work wardrobes

    I'm lucky, Being a security officer, the shirts are provided and I really don't have to put much thought into this matter. A funny thing I discovered lately though is that my $12 payless shoes just outlasted a co-workers $65 shoes. HaHa!
    Life is either an adventure... or you're not doing it right!!!


    • #3
      Re: work wardrobes

      I usually wear jeans and a t-shirt; if it's rainy or if I need to walk around the grounds, I wear crocs. Sometimes, if "company" is coming, I wear fancy pants--like nicely cut tailored pants from the Gap or Macy's. Then I also pull out the higher heels and wobble around like a dork. Oh I hate dressing up, which is probably the reason I washed out of PR. I can also wear shorts or skorts and no problem. My budget? If I find something that can go from super casual to fancy with a jacket thrown on top, I go for it. It also has to be very comfortable. I have a great olive green courdory jacket that comes right below my waist that I got at Costco of all places. I get compliments for it all the time. I think it's because I am confortable. I really think being at ease in your clothes is half the battle. I have to say I envy the pretty pulled together PR types, but I have to be pulled in a different direction. Jeans, T-shirts and reading glasses. That's me.
      Aloha from Lavagal


      • #4
        Re: work wardrobes

        I work in an extremely casual industry and I loathe shopping! I have a bunch of long, casual dresses (not muu muus) because they're so comfy. I have a couple of pair of jeans and one pair each of casual tan, black and white long pants. Ditto for knee length shorts. I absolutely love aloha shirts and collect them so those are worn with the pants and shorts. Comfy sandals are a pair each in black, white and tan! I'll splurge on those and usually find them, new, for a great price on eBay. For dressier occasions I have a black long skirt, black pants and yellow pants with a few interchangable tops. And, for dressy type pair each of low sandal heels in black, white and tan! It sounds like I have a closet full of uniforms, doesn't it!!! I also have several bathing suits, nylon shorts and rubber slippers that are my at home uniform.

        My most favorite wardrobe items are my high heel rubber black, white and pair each! From the 99cent store, no less! I wear 'em out to dinner a lot!

        I don't have any jackets or sweaters. Most of my clothes come from Costco (name brands at great prices) and a little hole-in-the-wall clothing store in Makaha. I'm always on the prowl for old silkie type aloha shirts...esp. when I'm at the Salvation Army or Goodwill stores buying props. They have to be rayon or silk. The shirts...not the props! The shirts I like at Bailey's are way out of my league. Ross' is hit or miss for me but I always find my grandsons and nephew really cute rayon aloha shirts for ridiculously low prices. I also have decent luck at Sears.

        That's my story and I'm stickin' to it!


        • #5
          Re: work wardrobes

          T-shirt and shorts. Barefoot.

          I work at home.

          Otherwise it's cotton polo shirts, jeans and sneakers.

          If I have to go to a meeting then it's slacks, aloha shirt and dress shoes. But that's not a common event.


          • #6
            Re: work wardrobes

            you guys are freaking me out! NOBODY gotta make spiffy in the morning?!?



            • #7
              Re: work wardrobes

              Originally posted by Pua'i Mana'o
              you guys are freaking me out! NOBODY gotta make spiffy in the morning?!?
              Sorry, but add me to the list of non-spiffy too. Polo shirts and shorts, and my Croc slippahs (which have been the only things on my feet since the day I bought 'em a couple of months ago!).
              Back in the day, when I was in advertising and then publishing, it was aloha shirts, shorts and slippahs but I kept "spiffy" clothes in the office for the rare occasion when I needed 'em.

              That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


              • #8
                Re: work wardrobes

                Sorry, me too. I do silkcreen printing and wear corduroy shorts and black t-shirts. Why black? I do manual printing so the front of my torso comes in contact with the screen frames. Ink residue from previous cleanings don't show on black. Shorts are from Walmart and the t-shirts I can get wholesale or Walmart.

                On my feet, ankle high socks and New Balance walking shoes. Can't scrimp on good shoes as I have a bad back and have to be on my feet for several hours at a time. It also keeps ink off my feet. Shoes from Sports Authority when they have the 1/2 price off the second pair when you buy 2 pair sale.

                On my head, a bandana to keep the sweat from dripping on the water soluble emulsion used on the screens.

                Haven't bought new clothes in a couple years, now.


                • #9
                  Re: work wardrobes

                  I'm another one who doesn't have to worry about work clothes. I am required to wear the hospital's scrubs. For the rare times I don't wear scrubs, I'll wear pants/khakis with a simple long-sleeve shirt (with a white medical coat), or for a business dinner I'm usually wearing a skirt and top with sandals, or pants with heels and a simple shirt. My "dress up attire" for work is years old--I'm currently looking to update my wardrobe with new pants. I'm a big fan of hunting through the racks at Ross/Nordstrom Rack/the thift store on Beretania. I'll look occasionally on Ebay for items that are more "wintery" and not as available here. Every once in a while I'll splurge on a big-ticket item that I just fall in love with. In general, though, I'm of the opinion that spending lots of money on "trendy" items that are probably only fashionable for one season is a waste, but I'll definitely spend more on those "classic" basic pieces so that I get something high-quality that also fits well and last for years. I love shopping, and I especially enjoy emerging from a rack with a real deal. It makes all the time hunting worth it.
                  Last edited by AbsolutChaos; March 26, 2006, 09:59 AM.

