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Sticky mess!

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  • Sticky mess!

    You know those sticky mouse and rat traps? Well, I managed to step on one and now I have a bunch of that mess on the sole of my shoe! There are no instructions on the trap on how to remove this type of glue when one stupidly steps in it.

    Any suggestions?

  • #2
    Re: Sticky mess!

    jumpo in da hot tub quick!

    put one on da odda foot, go jogging. you may start a new trend.

    soak feet in alcohol.

    try kerosene or gasoline.

    try vegetable oil.


    • #3
      Re: Sticky mess!

      try paint thinner.
      How'd I get so white and nerdy?


      • #4
        Re: Sticky mess!

        This company say use veggie oil then wash with warm water.


        • #5
          Re: Sticky mess!

          Thanks...I'll try the veggie oil/warm water routine. They're pricy sandals (Mephisto) so I want to go easy on 'em.


          • #6
            Re: Sticky mess!

            Vegie or mineral oil works. My wife used the stuff on a mouse we caught. Said she felt bad for the poor thing. She made me go down to the reservoir boat ramp to let it go. The next one we caught, I dumped it in the trash before she found out. The last one we found, I had to put leather gloves on. I caught the puny ting and "accidently" squeezed to hard and it died. I was wondering why it was opening it's mouth like dat. Da wife got mad and I told her I couldn't feel how hard I was squeezing it. I didn't want to let it go.

