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Get to know Each Other.... Even more!

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  • Get to know Each Other.... Even more!

    I have been getting this as a chain email and it was kind of fun to see my friends responses. Just copy the questions, delete the persons answers before you and insert your own. Have fun with this....

    1. What time is it? 7:25 pm EST

    2. Night owl or Morning Glory? Night Owl

    3. Candles or insence? Both

    4. Piercings: Just ears!

    5. What is the most recent movie you've seen in the theatre? The Family Stone

    6. Your favorite politician: ????

    7. Place of Birth: Sherman, TX

    8. Favorite food? Cake

    9. Ever been to Africa? Nope

    10. Ever toilet papered someone's place? Uhhhh NO.

    11. Love someone so much it made you cry? Too many times.

    12. Been in a car accident? Yes

    13. Favorite pizza topper: pineapple

    14. Favorite day of the week: Sunday

    15. Favorite restaurant: La Caretta

    16. Favorite flower: I LOVE most all flowers!!

    17. Favorite sport to watch: Baseball and surfing

    18. Person you miss most: Grandmother

    19. Favorite ice cream: Cherry Garcia

    20. What color is your bedroom carpet: wheat colored

    21. How many times did you fail your driver's test: none

    22. What would you choose to max out your credit card on: Travel

    23. What do you do most often when you are bored? Read, Surf the net

    24. What time do you go to bed? 2am

    25. Who are you most curious about their responses to this questionnaire? I'm more curious to see who responds, he he

    26. Favorite TV shows: Grey's Anatomy, Lost, The Crumbs

    27. What are you listening to right now? KINE webcast

    28. What is your favorite color? Pink

    29. Lake, Ocean or River: Not a choice, Ocean

    30. How many tattoos do you have? One

    31. Worst Food You've Tasted? Liver

    32. Favorite Alcoholic Beverage: Sangria

    33. Most recent book read: Red Lily by Nora Roberts

    34. What do you feel guilty you're not doing right now? Exercising

    35. Time you finished this e-mail: 7:31pm
    Last edited by honumel; February 8, 2006, 01:37 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Get to know Each Other.... Even more!

    NO CHAIN MAIL here.


    • #3
      Re: Get to know Each Other.... Even more!

      Originally posted by kimo55
      NO CHAIN MAIL here.
      Definitely NOT. This is not a chain mail, this is just a topic that you can choose to read or respond to if you want. I simply based my topic off of a chain mail I got. Thought it would be fun.


      • #4
        Re: Get to know Each Other.... Even more!

        Place of Birth: Hawaii

        Favorite food? anything I can eat

        Been in a car accident? define "accident"

        Favorite day of the week: Anyday that begins with a "Q"

        Favorite sport to watch: flamwars on the internet

        What color is your bedroom carpet: no carpet

        How many times did you fail your driver's permit test: 1 (surprisingly, I got the questions that I didn't study for current and vice versa)

        What do you do most often when you are bored? run around naked while singing country

        Favorite TV shows: Monster Garage, It Takes a Thief, Good Eats, Dirty Jobs

        What are you listening to right now? the sounds of keyboards making noise in the computer room

        What is your favorite color? blue

        Lake, Ocean or River: Depends, what is it filled with.

        Time you finished this: now

        *some of these questions I answered sarcastically. You decide which is real*
        How'd I get so white and nerdy?


        • #5
          Re: Get to know Each Other.... Even more!

          These random pointless surveys are probably better suited to being answered and posted to your own blog. I'd rather read responses to topics that were of specific interest to this community, rather than something randomly forwarded around between near strangers.

