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That daring young man in the flying machine

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  • That daring young man in the flying machine

    Did any of you see the little plane over Bellows/Waimanalo beaches today from about 1-1:45pm doing all kinds of summersaults, hangs, flips, tumbles, loop-de-loops and nose dives today? What a thrill to see something like that, and so close to the beach!

    I have three theories: The guy in the back seat was being interrogated: "TALK! TALK! SPILL THE BEANS or it's ANOTHER TAILSPIN FOR YOU!"

    He was really pissed off at his wife: "I'll show you. You think I'm some kind of gutless asshole? Well, watch my flyby!"

    He was burning off LOTS of testosterone.

    It was quite a show. I could be wrong. It could be he got passed over for a promotion in the military, but sheesh, if he was such a hotdogger, then he should have gotten it! Maybe it was joyful. Whatever was going on, it was quite an amazing show.
    Aloha from Lavagal

  • #2
    Re: That daring young man in the flying machine

    It's called aerobatics. Or, a bee in your shorts.

    Could also have been a woman at the controls.
    Burl Burlingame
    "Art is never finished, only abandoned." -- Leonardo Da Vinci


    • #3
      Re: That daring young man in the flying machine

      Originally posted by lavagal
      Did any of you see the little plane over Bellows/Waimanalo beaches today from about 1-1:45pm doing all kinds of summersaults, hangs, flips, tumbles, loop-de-loops and nose dives today? What a thrill to see something like that, and so close to the beach!.
      He's out there quite often.
      Incidentally, the top aerobat for many years was a woman (Patty Wagstaff).
      My ex flies/teaches aerobatics. We used to go up and do that stuff all the time. He still does, up at Dillingham on the North Shore. He said he'd take me one day soon -- can't wait! I love flying aerobatics. I do a pretty good snap roll, myself. God, it's so much fun!


      • #4
        Re: That daring young man in the flying machine

        Originally posted by MadAzza
        He's out there quite often.
        Incidentally, the top aerobat for many years was a woman (Patty Wagstaff).
        My ex flies/teaches aerobatics. We used to go up and do that stuff all the time. He still does, up at Dillingham on the North Shore. He said he'd take me one day soon -- can't wait! I love flying aerobatics. I do a pretty good snap roll, myself. God, it's so much fun!
        I used to be in the USAF and before I was stationed at Hickam, I was stationed at Edwards AFB in California, and helped with monitoring the first shuttle flights. But out there over the California dry lake beds, they'd fly the funkiest stuff. It was a kick. I've always had a soft spot for jets and when I was first pregnant, used to walk Lagoon Drive and hope for a chance to see some fighters or bombers or something take off. It's still a thrill. I got to fly with the Hurricane Hunters for Hurricane Iniki years ago, and wow that was fantastic. I always wanted to get a flight in a jet fighter. But now that I'm a mom, I guess I gotta let that one go. sigh. Motherhood rules and I wouldn't trade it in, even for a thrilling nose dive, LOL!
        Aloha from Lavagal


        • #5
          Re: That daring young man in the flying machine

          I've done some aerobatics as a guest in a Pitts Special over Kailua Beach -- yeah, love the snap rolls! -- and it's a primo place to do such, being out of approach zones for HNL and military fields.
          Burl Burlingame
          "Art is never finished, only abandoned." -- Leonardo Da Vinci


          • #6
            Re: That daring young man in the flying machine

            Originally posted by MadAzza
            He's out there quite often.
            Incidentally, the top aerobat for many years was a woman (Patty Wagstaff).
            My ex flies/teaches aerobatics. We used to go up and do that stuff all the time. He still does, up at Dillingham on the North Shore. He said he'd take me one day soon -- can't wait! I love flying aerobatics. I do a pretty good snap roll, myself. God, it's so much fun!
            Wow you're lucky! I wish I had a chance to fly one of those things.
            Patty Wagstaff rules! You can catch her doing some stuff on Discovery Wings once in a while. I got her autograph at an international aerobatic RC competition in Vegas a few years back. I used to fly RC a lot. In fact I still have an Extra 300 kit still in the box and got all the material to make it look like Patty Wagstaff's plane.
            Your ex teaches that stuff? That might have been him over Lanikai. Not too many aerobatic pilots here in Hawaii.


            • #7
              Re: That daring young man in the flying machine

              Originally posted by cezanne
              Wow you're lucky! I wish I had a chance to fly one of those things.
              Patty Wagstaff rules! You can catch her doing some stuff on Discovery Wings once in a while. I got her autograph at an international aerobatic RC competition in Vegas a few years back. I used to fly RC a lot. In fact I still have an Extra 300 kit still in the box and got all the material to make it look like Patty Wagstaff's plane.
              Your ex teaches that stuff? That might have been him over Lanikai. Not too many aerobatic pilots here in Hawaii.
              It wasn't him. There's one guy who's out there all the time, though.
              My ex was flying in an air show when I first met him, on a break from his airline job. Oops, some people probably don't want to know that their airline pilots are aerobats!
              You've got an Extra 300 RC? Coooool!!! That would be a LOT of fun to play with!

