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Ko Olina: cat haters?

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  • Ko Olina: cat haters?

    Jerrilyn Rosenkranz opine's today in the SA op-eds that she and her husband are no longer allowed on Ko Olina hotel property due to their feeding of feral cats on the premises. Another writer claims feral cats are better than the feral rats, and I'd have to agree.

  • #2
    Re: Ko Olina: cat haters?

    I back up Tom rather than Jerry.


    • #3
      Re: Ko Olina: cat haters?

      I've had a LOT of cats over the years (Never less than one, never more than 6). Some were good ratters, and some were clueless.

      I caught a rat in a havahart trap and brought it to He`eia parking lot last year. I released it when the hundreds of cats were nearby, but it walked away slowly. The cats followed it but didn't attack it, and finally it crawled into a crevice in a stone wall. Gone, free.

      Earlier that year I brought a rat and released it there and it RAN! The cats chased it with afterdrive engaged, but it got away, I'm sure.

      We have had numerous dead rats in the yard when we had certain cats, but not all cats are ratters. Our latest addition hunts lizards and birds, and brings them inside to torture and kill. Haven't had a rat in awhile, though....
      Be Yourself. Everyone Else Is Taken!
      ~ ~
      Spreading the virus of ALOHA.
      Oh Chu. If only you could have seen what I've seen, with your eyes.


      • #4
        Re: Ko Olina: cat haters?

        Do cats show off to us when they catch a mouse? Our cats seemed to bring their catch of mice to the porch or front lawn. They don't do that when they catch a bird.

