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Buying gifts for your...

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  • Buying gifts for your...

    A question to both guys & gals...

    How are you at buying gifts for your significant other?

    In my opinion... I get an "A" for effort and creativity,
    but usually they're met with a "C" if I'm lucky from my lady.

    I'm thinking of doing it differently from now on. Since I want to spend time with her and don't do well at picking things out, I'll just surprise her when we're out and go shopping (shiver). Take her into a place I know she'd like 'something' and just say "You can pick out whatever you wish, under X amount of dollars."

    What'cha think. I'm really not a "Gift Certificate" kind of guy.
    Life is either an adventure... or you're not doing it right!!!

  • #2
    Re: Buying gifts for your...

    I'd get her something you two could do together (i.e. a Wii or 360) or make it a regular thing where you go out for ice cream on a Wednesday night (or another night that is not Friday or Saturday; I like it better when not everyone else is going out with their s/o).

    It may not be a material thing, but spending time (and about 10 bucks) together is better than anything--it something that you should never run out of, and what's sweeter than spending some of that with your s/o?
    Twitter: LookMaICanWrite



    • #3
      Re: Buying gifts for your...

      Thanks Mike!

      Neither of us are into electronic games.
      We occasionally get to hang out in a StarBucks for a bit and enjoy that.

      It's the actual gifts for the various occasions that I fall short on.
      Life is either an adventure... or you're not doing it right!!!


      • #4
        Re: Buying gifts for your...

        This is a great book, MM. It'll give you lots of ideas and most not of a material nature. Still, it'll give you ideas for tangible gifts, too.

        I much prefer unique, imaginative gifts that really don't have a monetary value. Yep! Homemade!!!

        Do you and Mrs. Menehune have a special song or 2 that's been a memorable part of your relationship? If so, do you have iTunes? Maybe you could purchase enough different versions of that song to fill a CD then custom make a label for it.

        How about a gift certificate for a photo album depicting a day in the life of the 2 of you. Plan a fun day for her birthday then be sure to take lots of pictures remembering to hand the camera off to strangers several times throughout the day to snap photos of the 2 of you. If you use a Mac and have iPhoto you can make a very cool picture book. I believe that can also be done thru sites like Youngest spawn did this for eldest spawn's 40th birthday last year. She pulled together photos from 40 years and letters from family and friends and had it made into a picture book. Loved it! I'm in the process of making a picture book for friends who visited last fall. They spent one week with me on Oahu then we went to the Big Island for a week. The entire book is about how we ate and drank our way thru Hawaii and the beautiful scenery in which we did both!

        Find a photo that Mrs. M. loves, maybe of a special place in Fiji, and make that the cover of a calendar. When she opens it, each month is represented with a different, comical picture of you! Then, give it to her for Christmas.

        If your marriage survives those gifts it'll survive anything!


        • #5
          Re: Buying gifts for your...

          Something that has always worked for me in the past...

          --When shopping with my boyfriend/friends, if they stop to admire something or casually mention in a conversation how it'd be great to have "X" item, I take note of it, preferably jot it down when they aren't looking. Then later I add it to a list I keep on my computer all year round. That way when it's time for whatever occasion, I can go thru my list and use it for inspiration to find the perfect gift.

          --I also agree with Mike about picking gifts that double as a way to spend more quality time together, whether it's dinner at a fave restaurant or a place you've both been wanting to try, wine/dessert somewhere, or even renting a flick you've both (or just your sig other--after all the gift IS for him/her) been wanting to see and arranging a meal related to that film to serve during/after/before (aka an Italian film, prepare an Italian meal, etc).

          --Picnics can be nice (watch out for those mosquitos/ants, though!), whether it's your building's rooftop or a nearby park.


          • #6
            Re: Buying gifts for your...

            Over time, my observational skills have improved - mostly because the AF is so good at doing that for others. I've noted how well she recalls some little comment or reaction that a friend or family member makes, regarding something they like, and she stores that away for gift ideas.

            So now, I might see her be fascinated by a news story about a new author or musician, or anything - and I've learned to make a mental (or often, physical) note about it. Then, months later, when it is a gift-giving opportunity, she is pleasantly surprised by an item that she had forgotten caught her interest many months back.

            In addition, if I get a great idea and it's nowhere near her birthday, our anniversary, a holiday, whatever - I still buy it while I'm thinking about it (and hide it away). That way, I'm less likely to forget when I need a creative idea for a gift. On a few occasions, I've had a gift stored away that I was able to bring out when she's gone through a particularly rough stretch, and it picks up her spirits.

