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What can we do to help the homeless?

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  • Re: What can we do to help the homeless?
    Applause to Gov. Linda Lingle for remembering what she promised to the people of the Leeward coast. Moa to come for them.

    While the City...
    "Mayor Mufi Hannemann's announcement yesterday that the city would sell its 12 affordable-housing properties shocked residents of Kulana Nani apartments, the first complex being put on the market."

    He's at it again....but this time he had a consulting firm do a study.

    "The city's decision to get rid of its 12 complexes came after a study by consulting firm REH Capital found that available buyers would be able to improve management of the units. Also, Hannemann said taking care of 1,257 rental apartments costs the city about $3.5 million each year, and noted that removing "these financial burdens" would benefit taxpayers.

    "The sale will not proceed with any potential buyer no matter what they're willing to put on the table unless I have some sort of guarantee the units will be made affordable," Hannemann said.

    REH recommended the city sell the units as long as three major restrictions are met:

    » The units must remain rental apartments and cannot be sold as condominiums.

    » Rents should stay at current rates based on federal Housing and Urban Development standards of median income.

    » Annual rent increases will be limited."

    Wat? He has something against the PUA? He wants to be remembered foa the Rail...but the way things are going ~ he will be remembered for creating moa HOMELESS PROBLEMS!

    Just my Opinion.

    Auntie Lynn
    Last edited by 1stwahine; February 9, 2007, 06:32 AM.
    Be AKAMAI ~ KOKUA Hawai`i!
    Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


    • Re: What can we do to help the homeless?

      Auntie is right. We have problems. I would like to outline a few of them.

      Overpopulation - Yup, that's right. More babies born here than folks movin in. One way to check on that is bolt a mirror to the ceiling in your bedroom.

      The Politics of NO - Yup, people saying NO. Enviros, Hawaiians, NIMBY's, all have very good reasons to say NO to just about everything.

      The War on Drugs - Yup, that's right. It's not the drugs that are the problem, it's the war that is the source of the problem. One way to check that is to get familiar with the history of Prohibition. But hey, that's just sense learning from history......right??

      I'm continually astonished at the ignorance level of folks who believe that immigration is a bigger problem than the maternity ward.
      Energy answers are already here.


      • Re: What can we do to help the homeless?

        Originally posted by timkona View Post
        The War on Drugs - Yup, that's right. It's not the drugs that are the problem, it's the war that is the source of the problem. One way to check that is to get familiar with the history of Prohibition. But hey, that's just sense learning from history......right??.
        That's right, Tim. Let's legalize crack and cocaine. Then you pay the bills of those people when they overdose. You suffer when your house or car get broken into by addicts who are looking for stuff to hock to feed their habits. You worry about your daughter being offered a few hits while she's on the school playground. Fine by me.

        "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain


        • Re: What can we do to help the homeless?

          Originally posted by timkona View Post

          Overpopulation - Yup, that's right. More babies born here than folks movin in. One way to check on that is bolt a mirror to the ceiling in your bedroom.

          I'm continually astonished at the ignorance level of folks who believe that immigration is a bigger problem than the maternity ward.
          Geez Timmy...population control? Do you and Deng Xiaoping smoke crack together? His reasons can be justified...yours holds no weight. And your conservative politician friends don't believe in birth control...remember there is no such thing as a "safe sin".

          Good luck Timmy!
          Last edited by PoiBoy; February 9, 2007, 04:10 PM.


          • Re: What can we do to help the homeless?

            The rich NIMBYs of Kapalua strike again! At an affordable housing planning meeting last night, several owners of the multimillion dollar golf villas at the Kapalua Resort stood up and said they were all in favor of affordable long as it wasn't placed in their neighborhoods!

            Now these people all have local people who work for them tending their yards, etc. Some of the prime candidates for the affordable housing units in the proposed development would be people they employ. If they don't want these people to own houses in their neighborhood which they think would degrade their property's value, then why don't they just build servants' quarters in their own homes for these workers? You know that they are hypocrites because they don't have any objection to having more industrial growth within their part of the resort, but they object to 58 apartments?

            I honestly can't believe the mentality of some of those people! They came to Hawai'i from somewhere else, with their suitcases full of cash, bought up prime real estate and hypocritically state that affordable housing is a great idea, just not a great idea in MY neighborhood??? Kick those rich folk off the island, then. The people who were born and raised on Maui deserve houses too. Just because they have to work for the rich people doesn't mean that they shouldn't also have a chance to own a home.

            "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain


            • Re: What can we do to help the homeless?

              Originally posted by timkona View Post
              Overpopulation - Yup, that's right. More babies born here than folks movin in. One way to check on that is bolt a mirror to the ceiling in your bedroom.

              I'm continually astonished at the ignorance level of folks who believe that immigration is a bigger problem than the maternity ward.

              You know Tim, maybe your Social Security check should be based on the number of kids you bring into this world to shore it up.

              Or better yet, maybe all those crying for population control should get themselves fixed just to set the example for the rest of us horny bastards on Valentines Day.

     first...oh that's okay I did the honors already because I'm one of those ignorant folks who don't seem to have a problem with a large family but decided on not making it any larger so I wouldn't piss off the likes of people like you.

              I hope you choke on your first Social Security check cuz it's those children you blame on over population that will be working to pay for your selfishness.
              Life is what you make of please read the instructions carefully.


              • 3 paychecks away from homelessness

                The State just released an economic study that shows that 26% of Hawai'i's adults are within 3 paychecks away from homelessness. 1 out of every 4 residents could be living on the streets or on the beaches if there was a major economic downturn in the State. The rate has jumped by 30% ove the last 3 years, to approximately 54,000 individuals.

                Experts fear that the increase, coupled with the highest rents in the nation and lagging wages and benefits, could lead to more people without a roof over their heads, aggravating what has become one of the state's most pressing social issues.

                "We really don't understand the scope and potential of it," said Joel Fischer, professor with the University of Hawai'i's School of Social Work.

                But the homeless situation could get worse before it gets better, he said.

                "It's a crisis — but it's also a looming crisis," he said.

                Paul Brewbaker, Bank of Hawaii's chief economist, said the new report illustrates Hawai'i's economic boom-and- bust cycles that all too often spell missed opportunities. Residents don't buy homes when the buying is good; policymakers don't accommodate adequate housing production when they can and should.

                "The story is this: Shame on us, it's happened again and we wake up like Rip Van Winkle and find that the number of people at risk has gone up," Brewbaker said.
                "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain


                • Re: What can we do to help the homeless?

                  From the odda thread:

                  Originally posted by doc1456 View Post
                  oh, no wonder when I come in the morning, my front door smells stink.
                  Adrian, imagine how it is for a person to be Homeless and living on the streets. Unable to bathe everyday in Privacy. Imagine what it is like to be hungry, cold or so hot and ill. Imagine being snobbed and looked down upon because you are considered 'one of those!'

                  There are so many categories of the Homeless. Bottom line ~ they exist. Do not think you are all that because you are not. They are Human like we are. So many of us are only a pay check away of becoming like them ourselves.

                  I have seen and know too many who once owned homes and properties become destitute due to poor planning as well as having an illness or an unfortunate accident occur. All assets they have worked for all their life ~ vanished and thus, they become Homeless themselves.

                  Life in our islands as well as across the Nation is hard. We must learn to see with our hearts and not judge...for it could be one of our loved ones or even us who become one of them someday.

                  As for where you work...leave a note upon your door. Simply say "Please Kokua ~ Keep Area Clean"

                  It's not hard to spray Lysol also.

                  Auntie Lynn
                  Be AKAMAI ~ KOKUA Hawai`i!
                  Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


                  • Re: What can we do to help the homeless?

                    Originally posted by 1stwahine View Post
                    They are Human like we are. So many of us are only a pay check away of becoming like them ourselves.
                    This board features people with very liberal and very conservative viewpoints, with a wide range in between. No matter where we stand on the issue, the causes or the solutions, I think most of us would have to agree with your comments above, Lynn.

                    We can not forget this, or we lose our own sense of humanity.


                    • Re: What can we do to help the homeless?

                      Well Craig, my point was that population pressures in Hawaii are created by births more than immigration. Most of the general populace believe it's the opposite. When you see a local, at a meeting, with their children, protesting this project or that project, you can be certain they are guilty of cognitive dissonance, and likely clinging to dogmatic beliefs rather than facts and science. I have one child, and am staunchly PRO-GROWTH because of how much I love your children too.

                      As for Social Security, I have lived my entire life, working 3 jobs and eating bologna, so that I will not need to rely on the government. If reliance on the government is considered a "retirement" plan, then I'd rather go on a cruise.
                      Energy answers are already here.


                      • Re: What can we do to help the homeless?

                        Originally posted by 1stwahine View Post
                        [...]Adrian, imagine how it is for a person to be Homeless and living on the streets. Unable to bathe everyday in Privacy. Imagine what it is like to be hungry, cold or so hot and ill. Imagine being snobbed and looked down upon because you are considered 'one of those!'

                        There are so many categories of the Homeless. Bottom line ~ they exist. Do not think you are all that because you are not.[...]
                        Strictly a guess on my part but I think Adrian's complaining more about the odor of urine than anything else. And with all due respect, Auntie, I don't think he complained with an "all that" attitude. Urine odor outside businesses...even at my building in disgusting and a growing concern. My building's management hires a man who washes down the walkways and parking lot once a week...on Sundays. By Monday, the odor's back. Now, the odor doesn't bother me one bit but only 'cuz I don't have a sense of smell, however my office neighbors are having a tough time with it. What's the answer to the problem? I have absolutely no idea but I do know my neighbors are sympathetic to the plight of the homeless. They're just trying to make livings as small business owners and the smell of urine by one's office door is not inviting. I can understand huddling in a doorway for protection from rain. Urinating in a doorway is a whole, 'nother problem.

                        One day I took my trash to the dumpster in the parking lot. Standing right next to the dumpster, which is next to the sidewalk on South St., was a man urinating in the parking lot. I walked over to the dumpster, opened the lid, dropped the trash, closed the lid...and the man didn't flinch. Yes, I'm aware of the mental disorders that plague many of our homeless population. And, again, I don't know what the answer is to this problem. Regardless, it's still a problem for so many of us.


                        • Re: What can we do to help the homeless?

                          I understand Tutusue. I apologize Adrain. I too, lost my sense of Smell. Don't know wat the cause is yet. However, even with no smell ~ I still hug, touch, honi honi my Homeless and Hungry friends as much as I can every chance I get.

                          Auntie Lynn
                          Be AKAMAI ~ KOKUA Hawai`i!
                          Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


                          • Re: What can we do to help the homeless?

                            A homeless man came up to my friend and asked him for money. He said that he would give him a few bucks as long as he promised to spend it on alcohol. The homeless man said he didn't drink. He responded, then I won't give it to you. - Said the guy needs to brush up on his salesmanship techinques.


                            • Re: What can we do to help the homeless?

                              In the Honolulu Advertiser:

                              Dwellers leave Ma'ili beach

                              By Gordon Y.K. Pang

                              "MA'ILI — With only hours before the city's deadline for them to move out of Ma'ili Beach Park, the remaining 20 or so families left in what was once a tent village got ready to head their separate ways yesterday afternoon.

                              Some were packing up their belongings and going to the new state-sponsored shelter in Wai'anae. Others said they would move to beaches elsewhere. At least one person said she intends to stay beyond the deadline so she can be arrested as a symbolic gesture."

                              A few more minutes till show down.

                              Once again the City will do there eviction on the Homeless...this time in Ma'ili.

                              Last month, I went around the island and saw so much land that could be used to house the homeless in someway. Lots of vacant buildings at Barbers Point. (Scratches my head) How come gotta build? Why don't they use what we have already. Help those who want to be help. Forget those who don't. There are different categories of the Homeless. The have not's, the will nots, the want nots, the nuts nuts, etc. etc. The ones who work but can't afford the outrageous rents and high cost of living yet are part of our aina by blood or by being a part of our State....these are the people who need our HELP! These are the Homeless that call out and ask for assistance.

                              It's time....

                              At 8:00 a.m. The few who remain at Ma'ili will be thrown in jail.

                              Auntie Lynn
                              Be AKAMAI ~ KOKUA Hawai`i!
                              Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


                              • Re: What can we do to help the homeless?

                                How much of the homeless situation is down to plain old GREED?

