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Malama Hawai'i

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  • #16
    Re: Malama Hawai'i

    It's on Primary Election Day.... otherwise I'd totally come, very interested in geocaching. I've participated in a number of beach cleanups on East Oahu and as a hiker my backpack always comes out with other peoples' trash in it. It's amazing what people just drop on the side of the trail. Pack it in, pack it out. With all its warts, the bottle bill was worth every ounce of effort it took to get it passed. So many different groups came together to make it clear to the Legislature how important it is to take meaningful steps toward waste-stream reduction/elimination. Hopefully it will be possible to be good stewards in the future and prevent the land from being carelessly plundered.



    • #17
      Re: Malama Hawai'i

      Originally posted by Menehune Man
      The "Clean up of Lili'uokalani's Playground" was held at the Lili'uokalani Botanical Garden on Saturday Sept. 23rd between 10am. and 2pm-ish.
      Since it's after midnight, it was yesterday. What a terrific time 30+ people came out to clean up the park and spend time together. I started a Geocacher "Storyteller of the year" contest. That was fun too! We created two large piles of trash and new friendships for our efforts. A wonderful day!
      Life is either an adventure... or you're not doing it right!!!


      • #18
        Re: Malama Hawai'i

        Originally posted by Menehune Man
        Since it's after midnight, it was yesterday. What a terrific time 30+ people came out to clean up the park and spend time together. I started a Geocacher "Storyteller of the year" contest. That was fun too! We created two large piles of trash and new friendships for our efforts. A wonderful day!
        I must be hopelessly out of the loop.

        What is "geocaching"? I could google it, I guess, but I haven't finished my first cup of coffee yet.


        • #19
          Re: Malama Hawai'i

          Originally posted by WindwardOahuRN
          What is "geocaching"?
          It's a modern version of a "Treasure Hunt" I started a thread in Mixed Plate. Here's a LINK to just the first post on there. Then you can click on those links also.
          Here's a LINK to the Midweek article. There's a great group of local 'cachers to make friends with too!
          Last edited by Menehune Man; September 24, 2006, 10:50 AM. Reason: Add info, of course.
          Life is either an adventure... or you're not doing it right!!!


          • #20
            Re: Malama Hawai'i

            Originally posted by Menehune Man
            I hosted a CITO (Cache In Trash Out) Event.
            It's called the "Clean up of Lili'uokalani's Playground"
            the Cache Page and click the View them all on one page spot at the bottom in order to see everyone's log who attended.
            Please click the link above to see the online page about this event. There's even photos!
            Life is either an adventure... or you're not doing it right!!!


            • #21
              Re: Malama Hawai'i

              Yup, FAN of the bottle bill thingy ~ now cuz I stay in Waikiki, I see all the homeless running around collecting bottles & cans, I think thats great they get some money & malama ka aina... .

              Personal Oberservation: I think they have a specific route ~ like the whole operation is organized, cuz I see the same ones going down the same streeet at the same time...its amazing ~ they just might start a union...LOL , nah,nah, jus kidding...still scratiching my head over what I heard last night on the news about Pizza delivery drivers forming a Union, ANYWAAAY....

              My HubBy & I put cans & bottles out for the same homeless guy to pick it up..was ssooo funny one day another guy came along and my huBby ran out to stand by it until the normal guy came & gave it to him...<I told him "watchout he might file grievance


              • #22
                Re: Malama Hawai'i

                There's a bottle bill in Oregon too, and I think it's great. We have curbside recycling here so we just put our refundable bottles out with the rest of the recycling, and if homeless people come by (they usually do) then they can have 'em and add to their food fund. A lot of organizations also collect bottles specifically for homeless shelters, like the county courthouse (that is to say... the courthouse collects the bottles, not that it is a homeless shelter ).

                You still sometimes see trash out in parks and such but almost never bottles.


                • #23
                  Re: Malama Hawai'i

                  About 2 times a month the local neighborhood kids come through and we give them all our bottles and cans. I never thought of it until one day a boy came up and he asked for some so I said "whatcha need em for bud?" He said " I'll work around the yard for them its for my dinner" So now I just save em.

                  Our recycling in Eugene in great...No sorting nothing just throw all recycles except glass in a big trash can and they sort it out. Garbage in the other one!
                  Since when is psycho a bad thing??
                  Sharing withother survivors...


                  • #24
                    Re: Malama Hawai'i

                    Originally posted by blueyecicle
                    Our recycling in Eugene in great...No sorting nothing just throw all recycles except glass in a big trash can and they sort it out. Garbage in the other one!
                    Wow, that is awesome.. ours, you have to separate out about 3 different bins of stuff... and they are still pretty picky. No styrofoam, and a lot of plastics have to go to individual grocery stores that take them.


                    • #25
                      Re: Malama Hawai'i

                      Our city finally started to accept pizza boxes. Can you believe that? Maybe about 2 years ago. I wonder if the old pizza boxes contained a different Recycle code or something. Before, the "waste specialist" would toss the box in the trash can, or chuck it on the ground.

