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Memoirs Catering?

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  • Memoirs Catering?

    Has anyone heard of this company? A friend emailed and asked about them as she wants to have a romantic dinner at the beach and these guys are supposed to take care of all the arrangements from food, driving you there and serving the meal. I can't find anything online or in the phone book. Maybe I need googlemeister PJ to help!

  • #2
    Re: Memoirs Catering?

    Never heard of 'em. My google-fu comes up short. No listings or similar listings I can find at the DCCA, or Hawaii BBB. Then again, the catering business is so crowded, no doubt folks change companies and jump in (and drop out) at a dizzying rate.

    How'd your friend hear about them? Can't imagine them advertising or anything if they have no other business footprint whatsoever.

    Sounds like an interesting concept. Like a personal chef with a limo or something.


    • #3
      Re: Memoirs Catering?

      Now that's what I call ROMANTIC.
      Last edited by Pomai; August 10, 2006, 09:40 AM. Reason: You already checked what I checked. He he.
      sigpic The Tasty Island

