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The Next Race for Ed Case?

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  • #16
    Re: The Next Race for Ed Case?

    Originally posted by Karen View Post
    LeoLakio, same here!

    Do we, at the federal level, even vote FOR anyone anymore, or "just against the other guy?" I can't help but feel that to get to the "very top" in these modern times that they have to just about sell their souls. They are all puppets for something bigger, is how I feel, yes, vague and conspiratorial as that sounds..too bad.
    This is a lesson for all discussions here, Karen. Based on our posts on HT, it's safe to assume you and I occupy very different places on the political spectrum, in general - yet we can find points on which we agree, like this. It really has become a case of voting for the "evil of two lessers" much of the time.


    • #17
      Re: The Next Race for Ed Case?

      LeoLakio, LOL I like the way you stated that part in parentheses!

      Yeah, I coulda sworn a couple of years that I actually saw clothespins for our noses offered at the voting precincts.
      Stop being lost in thought where our problems thrive.~


      • #18
        Re: The Next Race for Ed Case?

        Originally posted by oldiebuff View Post
        Ed Case should run against Duke Aiona for Governor in 2010. I'd back him totally, just hope he can find a decent running mate.
        Aiona is not going to win his party's nomination. I'm taking bets on that in some other thread.

        Originally posted by Karen View Post
        LeoLakio, LOL I like the way you stated that part in parentheses!
        What parentheses? >
        But I'm disturbed! I'm depressed! I'm inadequate! I GOT IT ALL! (George Costanza)

