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Non-Hawaiians seek entry into Kau Inoa registry

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  • #61
    Re: Non-Hawaiians seek entry into Kau Inoa registry

    I agree, as I almost often do with Lee Cataluna.

    I accepted a long time ago that there are those in the world who find their purpose by engaging in behavior as does BURGESS. I disagree with him and his irritating affect.

    What can I do? Continue as I've been raised: perserverence, acceptance, open-mindedness, to work hard, read, read, read...and guide my own children accordingly with hopes that their future will be better than the one I have provided. But, I also hope that they will experience a unified time for Hawaiian people...unfortunately, that may be too idealistic right now.
    "Be god to each other."


    • #62
      Re: Non-Hawaiians seek entry into Kau Inoa registry

      But isn't Kau Inoa about more then just T-shirts? Isn't that kind of a back handed comment on the group? (Perhaps accurate, but back handed just the same.)


      • #63
        Re: Non-Hawaiians seek entry into Kau Inoa registry

        Ok: can I put my 0.02 in?

        As someone who was born and raised in Hawai'i, but CANNOT PROVE his lineage, I say "DAS OK" Cuz I dont need a SHIRT to show my PRIDE!

        I wont mention what "Nationalities" I am, but sufficed to say I Was NEVER close to either one, I've always been CLOSE to HAWAI'I.

        Yes, there may be a difference in being "HAWAI'IAN" and being "FROM HAWAI'I", I respect that.

        My feelings, however, will NEVER change. I LOVE MY LAND, 'cuz fo' ALL my LIFE, my land LOVED ME!

        sorry if this is off-topic, just wanted to put my 0.02, das all!


