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Non-Hawaiians seek entry into Kau Inoa registry

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  • Non-Hawaiians seek entry into Kau Inoa registry

    William Burgess says if the 5 non-hawaiians are not allowed to register with Kau Inoa there will likely be a lawsuit. He says the U.S. Constitution forbids race discrimination in public voting.

    Good grief!
    A proud sponsor of

  • #2
    Re: Non-Hawaiians seek entry into Kau Inoa registry

    Ah...Mr. Burgess does seem to have found his calling in life, doesn't he? Wonder what his wife's kanaka ancestors would say of his activities, were they still around today?


    • #3
      Re: Non-Hawaiians seek entry into Kau Inoa registry

      Burgess is just a bitter old bag. I truely believe in karma;I wouldn't be suprised to see Burgess and his criminal cabal get their just comeuppance for their consistent attack on Hawaiian programs.


      • #4
        Re: Non-Hawaiians seek entry into Kau Inoa registry

        Hasn't anyone learned from Rice vs Cayetano? Race based voting isn't legal. Not until the Akaka Bill or something like it gets passed.

        Say what you like about Burgess motives, but he may be doing everyone a favor. Because the first time these elected officials do something that gores someone's sacred cow, they'll run to the courts and the whole thing is likely to be ruled invalid due to illegal voting. He's preventing people from wasting a lot of time and energy only to get shot out of the water when things get rough.


        • #5
          Re: Non-Hawaiians seek entry into Kau Inoa registry

          Originally posted by GeckoGeek View Post
          Hasn't anyone learned from Rice vs Cayetano? Race based voting isn't legal. Not until the Akaka Bill or something like it gets passed.

          Say what you like about Burgess motives, but he may be doing everyone a favor. Because the first time these elected officials do something that gores someone's sacred cow, they'll run to the courts and the whole thing is likely to be ruled invalid due to illegal voting. He's preventing people from wasting a lot of time and energy only to get shot out of the water when things get rough.
          Kau Inoa is Hawaiian-community initiative, nothing more than a registry at this point.

          I for one am sick of hearing about the "Illegality" of these issues. If you want to talk about Illegal acts, let's start with the the annexation of Hawai'i and move on to Hawaii's plebiscite vote.


          • #6
            Re: Non-Hawaiians seek entry into Kau Inoa registry

            It is good to have pride in one's culture, race, ethnicity, etc.

            But there is simply nothing special about being Hawaiian. Or American. Or Nigerian. Or Chinese. Or any other specific identity. It does not matter who your parents were. Or what your genes are made of. Or where you came from. Brown people mate with white people mate with red people mate with yellow people mate with mixed folks. Your sister looks hot. And she will love who she chooses, regardless of the colors. Does that anger you? Do you hate your nieces and nephews? Or do you hate your own children because your mate is a different race than you? See what I mean?

            Racism, and racial ethnocentrism, is stupid. I bet the mixing of 3 more generations will water down any ethnocentrism to the point where it will no longer be a concern to anybody. So that means the racists have about 100 years left.

            The caterwalling over Kau Inoa vs. Burgess reminds me of things I read about America right after the Civil War, and during the Jim Crow South era, when Modern Americans were singing the same tune as Hawaiians are today. Einstein can't run the clock backwards, and neither can you.

            Humans are Humans. Welcome to Planet Earth.

            PS - Wasn't there a story about how racism, and racial ethnocentrism, was eliminated from Earth when an Alien species attacked us.
            Energy answers are already here.


            • #7
              Re: Non-Hawaiians seek entry into Kau Inoa registry

              Originally posted by Keanu View Post
              I for one am sick of hearing about the "Illegality" of these issues. If you want to talk about Illegal acts, let's start with the the annexation of Hawai'i and move on to Hawaii's plebiscite vote.
              Two wrongs don't make a right. Multiple wrongs lead to a path of anarchy.

              I'm not against what they are trying to do, but they need to get something though so that Hawaiians can legally receive preferential treatment. That's not going to be easy, but that's the only way it will work. And what has happened is the key to getting that act though congress.


              • #8
                Re: Non-Hawaiians seek entry into Kau Inoa registry

                Originally posted by timkona View Post
                I bet the mixing of 3 more generations will water down any ethnocentrism to the point where it will no longer be a concern to anybody. So that means the racists have about 100 years left.
                I'm not taking that bet. Yes, there will be mixing. But by in large people stick to their own kind. Not necessarily in a racial sense, but in a cultural sense.

                I asked the question about dilution of blood to someone knowledgeable about the situation. The response was that is has greatly slowed. The existing blood quantum will be around for some time.

                Maybe in a 1000 years it will be a non-issue. But not in 100.


                • #9
                  Re: Non-Hawaiians seek entry into Kau Inoa registry

                  MY DH had an interesting idea (and he's haole but feels strongly about the plight of the kanaka maoli): the only things Westerners seem to understand are laws and copyrights and trademarks. Everytime someone thinks something is unfair, they head for the courts, right?

                  So there are some things that the kanaka maoli can "legally" prove belong to their culture: hula for one and ku (tiki) for another. If OHA or some akamai kanaka maoli group wanted to use the Western system to their own advantage, they could license "hula" and "ku or tiki". Anytime someone who was not kanaka maoli performed hula (or used the word "hula" in any way) or displayed a tiki, they would have to pay a licensing fee to the kanaka maoli. Then for sure the kanaka maoli would get rich.

                  If Westerners want to get petty, then the kanaka maoli could get petty, too. One of the main reasons why the kanaka maoli ended up in the situation that they have today is because they are so generous, kind and open about sharing what they have, be it their music, their dance, their language or virtually everything else about their culture.

                  "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain


                  • #10
                    Re: Non-Hawaiians seek entry into Kau Inoa registry

                    Originally posted by Miulang View Post
                    the only things Westerners seem to understand are laws and copyrights and trademarks.
                    Oh puhLEEEEZE. What a massive generalization! Not to mention sheer and utter bullshift. You didn't really think that nonsense would go unchallenged, did you?

                    So there are some things that the kanaka maoli can "legally" prove belong to their culture: hula for one and ku (tiki) for another.
                    Yeah right. I'll hold my breath waiting for a judge to make that ruling.

                    If OHA or some akamai kanaka maoli group wanted to use the Western system to their own advantage, they could license "hula" and "ku or tiki". Anytime someone who was not kanaka maoli performed hula (or used the word "hula" in any way) or displayed a tiki, they would have to pay a licensing fee to the kanaka maoli. Then for sure the kanaka maoli would get rich.
                    But then your so-called "Westerners" could do the exact same thing in reverse and charge the kanaka maoli for everything they use that the "Westerners" created. Wanna guess who'd come out ahead on that deal?

                    If Westerners want to get petty, then the kanaka maoli could get petty, too.
                    Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.

                    The next time you have an idea... just let it go.

                    That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


                    • #11
                      Re: Non-Hawaiians seek entry into Kau Inoa registry

                      Originally posted by Miulang View Post
                      If Westerners want to get petty, then the kanaka maoli could get petty, too.
                      Let's hope not, however. As already stated:
                      Originally posted by GeckoGeek View Post
                      Two wrongs don't make a right. Multiple wrongs lead to a path of anarchy.


                      • #12
                        Re: Non-Hawaiians seek entry into Kau Inoa registry

                        I'm going to have to agree with Muilang here. Point one: "Get off my property". Prima Facie.

                        That would be hilarious if the Kanaka Maoli did get some type of exclusive right to those two words. It would be interesting to see what the general public came up to replace them.

                        Lika Nui are you from Hawai'i? Just a point of curiousity, totally unrelated to anything in this thread. I just know the backgrounds of most of the folk here on HT (to a very vague degree, of course) but every time I come across your avatar I can't remember anything about you. Again no hostility here, just curious.
                        "Hey fool, we gots yo leada!"
                        "But I can't even read good."
                        "Whatever that means, you ____ peasant."
                        "That (stuff) is the MOST BALLER THING EVAAA!!!!"


                        • #13
                          Re: Non-Hawaiians seek entry into Kau Inoa registry

                          Since when is being petty a wrong?
                          "Hey fool, we gots yo leada!"
                          "But I can't even read good."
                          "Whatever that means, you ____ peasant."
                          "That (stuff) is the MOST BALLER THING EVAAA!!!!"


                          • #14
                            Re: Non-Hawaiians seek entry into Kau Inoa registry

                            Eh...easy way to shut em up...incorporate

                            Become a non-profit Mutual Benefit Corporation.



                            • #15
                              Re: Non-Hawaiians seek entry into Kau Inoa registry

                              It's actually simple to resolve. Kau Inoa should have another register for those who would like to be part of the new hawaiian nation but have no hawaiian lineage.

                              Burgess and his goons want to be on the Kau Inoa list, they can sign up on that one! He is not hawaiian! His ancestors were not here, dey was down south making any kind to da popolo's. He's just bringing that same mentality to Hawaii.

                              It's amazing to see people defend Burgess and his kind. When they win suits they make megabucks off the people, but word things so smoothly that people believe the government will end up paying. WE, the taxpayers, are the government from whom he screws over!
                              A proud sponsor of

