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New smoking ban

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  • Re: New smoking ban

    Originally posted by Frankie's Market View Post
    Not offensive to me. Just sad.

    Both of them, dead from cancer. Bogie at the age of 57. My Fair Lady at 63.
    I don't smoke because of that PSA I saw as a kid with actor Yul Brenner saying, by the time you see this, I will be dead from lung cancer.


    • Re: New smoking ban

      Originally posted by acousticlady View Post
      Ya know, Tim, as someone who has had more than a few drunken ramblings here on HT - couldn't one say that all drinkers are alcoholics who are destroying their livers and have that gaunt gray alcoholic look to them???? Not to mention that left over alcohol smell that could knock you over. Oh yeah - that's not politically correct. How dare I roll all drinkers into one deathly category?
      I know. Alcoholic bums, going an drunken rages in bars, yelling and throwing things, getting thrown out and beaten up by patrons and bouncers, passing out in the gutter on the way home. Then waking up in a pool of your own vomite, vomite all over your clothes and face, a police mans nightstick poking your ribs to wake you up as you sleep in the gutter. Going jail, not having the money for bail or a lawyer because you are a disfunctional alcoholic with no money because you can't hold a job. And on and on and on.

      Come on, seriously.


      • Originally posted by Walkoff Balk View Post
        I don't smoke because of that PSA I saw as a kid with actor Yul Brenner saying, by the time you see this, I will be dead from lung cancer.
        This was also in the day when smoking multiple packs of non-filters a day was common. Now most smoke no more than a pack a day of filters and often lights. There has also been chemistry improvements that have made cigarettes safer. It is also interesting to note, the the oldest living human a, French Women smoked until age 117 and only quit because her poor eyesight at that age represented a fire danger. She lived on to age 122.

        Also Hepburn's cancer started in her small intestine, not her lungs.
        Last edited by AlohaKine; July 27, 2008, 12:22 PM.


        • Re: New smoking ban

          Hawaii County's no smoking ban at beaches the Muni Golf is NOT working IMO. I still see people smoking on a daily basis while they golf. I live on the fairway and the smoking is NOT even hidden. I guess law enforcement is NOT going to waste their time on a golfer lighting up.
          Listen to KEITH AND THE GIRLsigpic

          Stupid people come in all flavors-buzz1941


          • Ha! 'Black Lunged Faggots', my new mantra!

            Yes..., those new 'safer' cigarettes..., makes me want to start up again...


            • Re: New smoking ban

              Why is it that the most agressive rude and verbal anti smokers are the people who used to be smokers themselves?
              ~ This is the strangest life I've ever known ~


              • Re: New smoking ban

                Those that are still smoking tend to say 'they're the worst' quite often.
                Makes me laff.

                Smokers - what is the great attraction?
                I know why I did it as a stupid kid, but can't understand why an adult would.
                Last edited by Ron Whitfield; July 27, 2008, 05:40 PM.


                • Re: New smoking ban

                  Originally posted by turtlegirl View Post
                  Why is it that the most agressive rude and verbal anti smokers are the people who used to be smokers themselves?
                  In some cases, but not always. There are many former smokers that are understanding. It they can't have it, no one else should. There are also five other types

                  1. There is also the social engineering "perfect society = my way" control freak.

                  2. The purely in it for the money anti.

                  3. The my grandfather / mother died of smoking so nobody should anti.

                  4. the "I'm a leader in the health community so I feel I have no choice but to be an anti" type.

                  5. and the "Other peoples smoke bothers me so much that even the slightest bit for a second enrages me" anti.

                  Of all the types, a professional type 1. is the worst of the worst. After that type 3, then type 5, type 2, type 4. There are people that are either in the legislature or the anti-smoking lobby that fit into all five groups and work to defeat any smoking ban compromise.


                  • Re: New smoking ban

                    Originally posted by AlohaKine View Post
                    The my grandfather / mother died of smoking so nobody should anti.
                    Yeah, damn those people who have seen a loved one die from a disease that was brought on by cigarettes, and then have the nerve to wish that others don't have that same illness strike.
                    Now run along and play, but don’t get into trouble.


                    • Re: New smoking ban

                      Are there examples of #s 1, 2, & 3 ?
                      Never heard of them.

                      I'm deffinitely in the #5 camp. You can't go anywhere outside and enjoy fresh air without some BLF polluting it.
                      I think we can all relate to #3 to some degree, altho I wouldn't say they can't. I just wish they didn't, around me.

                      There are plenty of smokers contributing to this thread, I'd really like to hear what the big attraction to smoking is for them.


                      • Re: New smoking ban

                        Originally posted by alohabear View Post
                        I still see people smoking on a daily basis while they golf.
                        Mmmm, golf and a cigar! I almost forgot how nice that can be. Where did I stash my clubs....?

                        Here's one aspect of enjoying smoking. It can be a social OR antisocial activity. How, you may wonder?

                        Social. I've had some great conversations with others hanging out in the 'smokers quarantine' section. Or caught up with a friend who I noticed going by cuz I was outside smoking. I've chatted with neighbors, shared jokes with strangers, bonded with co-workers, and seen some beautiful sunsets over a smoke, simply because I had to go outside for a few minutes.

                        Anti-social behavior, too. Sometimes I just want an uninterrupted short break. Saying "I'm going out for a smoke, be right back" is much easier in some circumstances. Like when your co-workers are irritating you. When you're sick of the conversation at your table. When you just want to strech your legs, or get a quick change of scenery. Or when you just want a little nondescript peace.

                        Do I know it could hurt my health -yeah. But so can lots of other things. Driving, for instance, but I'm not going around yelling at people driving to give up their cars before its too late. Junk food - terrible for one's health. Still, I don't say rude things to the overweight and unhealthy folks. Nor would I try to ban vending machines, potato chips, or that nutritionless stuff they market as candy.

                        People who rail against smokers are, IMO, intolerant of the choices of others, and their rights and freedom. I wish that they would rember that the smoker that they are being nasty towards is just a person, albeit one who has made different choices for themself.
                        ~ This is the strangest life I've ever known ~


                        • Re: New smoking ban

                          In my case, I used to be a rabid anti-smoker (never was a smoker, either) - but the key phrase is "used to be." Went to elementary schools and did the talks with the lung slices and all that.

                          As society's views on smoking have shifted more and more against it, my tolerance level has gone up, and that's been primarily due to the actions of smokers.

                          Most smokers with whom I'm acquainted are conscientious about their smoking, something that wasn't the case twenty years or so ago. They generally make a concerted effort to keep their smoke away from non-smokers, they ask before lighting up in a situation where it might not be appropriate, they clean up and dispose of their butts afterwards, etc.

                          Sure, not every smoker does that, but I've seen such an increase in accomodation from "that side" of the issue, the least I could do is be more accomodating from "my side," and be less of a jerk about it - to not insist on imposing my values on them, to not berate them with lectures on health, to stop treating smokers as second-class citizens.

                          There's room for us both, smokers and non, on this planet. While I disagree with some of AlohaKine's attitudes, I can see where he's coming from, and how he's decided that he's tired of being pushed into a smaller box - and is willing to fight to hang onto some of what he sees as rights. And I agree with his opinion that individual bar owners should have the right to decide whether their facility will be a haven for smokers or will be smoke-free. Then patrons can choose which businesses they want to support.


                          • Re: New smoking ban

                            Golf and cigars. Well, that about covers it...! I see no point in either, but knock youself out.

                            TG, those are some manini reasoning aspects in support of the love of ciggies debate. Nothing there you couldn't have accomplished without the cancer stick.
                            I don't understand why someone would decide on being a slave to something that's not needed, but is so negative.

                            Do you find employers give smokers extra breaks to do the smoking?
                            I've had it suggested to me by a new super, that I take up smoking because I'd get more breaks! Boy, did I have to restrain myself on that one!

                            LL, I too appreciate when smokers have concern for others.
                            I do find it as another opportunity to shake my head when some show it by standing away, ...directly up-wind..., thank you...

                            I too feel they should have the 'privilege' to smoke, but they aren't doing it with a bubble over their heads, containg that stink, and keeping it from traveling into others space. That's where the problem lies. How about my so-called rights to not smoke their's?
                            Last edited by Ron Whitfield; July 28, 2008, 11:23 AM.


                            • Re: New smoking ban

                              Originally posted by Ron Whitfield View Post
                              I don't understand why someone would decide on being a slave to something that's not needed, but is so negative.
                              We all have addictions to things that are "not needed," some more harmful than others. Nicotine, alcohol, drugs - some of the obvious ones. Overeating, sexual activities, shopping - some of the less-obvious ones. It appears to be human nature to be addicted to something, to overdo it in some capacity, to an unhealthy degree. I'd bet you are a "slave to something that's not needed," too, but I don't know you well enough to guess it.
                              Originally posted by Ron Whitfield View Post
                              I too feel they should have the 'privilege' to smoke, but they aren't doing it with a bubble over their heads, containg that stink, and keeping it from traveling into others space. That's where the problem lies. How about my so-called rights to not smoke their's?
                              Agreed - and I think most smokers would agree that you have the right not to breathe in their smoke, but there will always be some who don't care about you. Can't judge all smokers by the bad behavior of some, can we?


                              • Re: New smoking ban

                                No, we can't, and I don't. But, it is hard to cull out those that are curtious.

                                Yes, I do have addictions that are not needed - the computer and my guitars.
                                Both tend to get me in trouble...

