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New smoking ban

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  • It's all in the head

    Anybody here think smoking/nicotine is actually physically addictive?

    I smoked for 10 years, and finally threw them in the trash can, never to smoke again. Or want to.
    But my ciggy loving friend said, "that's not long enough to get addicted!" Incredible.
    It's a head trip. Get over it, it's easy.

    Another long time smoking friend used to tell me, "I like smoking". Now he's dying from it.


    • Re: New smoking ban

      I don't know if it is addictive or it is just a bad habit. I smoked, actually inhaling, since I was 13 years old and worked up to a habit of a little over two packs a day. When I was fifty years I had an angioplasty done and haven't had a drag since that day; next month will be eleven years of not smoking. I never craved for it and until this day I have no desire to smoke cigarettes again. Whether or not I could have quit cod turkey if I hadn't had a heart attack I cannot say. So I would think for me it was a bad habit.


      • Re: New smoking ban

        September 1st, I make one year ~ Smoke Free!

        I started out with da patch for one week. Den I realized it was just another crutch. An expensive one too. If I was going to quit I needed to QUIT. So I did. The 1-800 number was a farce. It wasn't in Hawai`i. It's in Seattle.


        Call me.

        Auntie Lynn 24/7


        Honestly, I don't miss smoking. I can taste my kaukau and drinks better. So much, I gained weight....and so wat! ha ha ha I'm obese, happy and BEAUTIFUL. heheheh

        It's up to the individual. What I don't like is adults knowingly smoking near and around children. My grandson suffers from asthma. Nuff said.
        Be AKAMAI ~ KOKUA Hawai`i!
        Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


        • Re: New smoking ban

          Who doesn't like to do extra laundry to get the smoke smell out of your clothes?


          • Re: New smoking ban

            My clothes smell like the Marlboro country. I love it.

            That's why special private bars are needed for our sub-culture.


            • Re: New smoking ban

              I hate that its been raining so much the past few days, cuz that means that I'm having my morning smoke in the house, which I NEVER do, so I'm all scrunched up against the window, behind the fan. Can't have a smoky smelling home!
              ~ This is the strangest life I've ever known ~


              • Re: New smoking ban

                Are movies going to ban any character from smoking in a scene? Will the cigarette smoking man be in the new X-Files movie?


                • Re: New smoking ban

                  Originally posted by Walkoff Balk View Post
                  Will the cigarette smoking man be in the new X-Files movie?
                  Yes - but the last name will be changed from "Man" to "Ban," to reflect current trends.


                  • Re: New smoking ban

                    How does one politely say, as in to Leo, "That's enough from you today...go to your room!"


                    • Re: New smoking ban

                      The very sight of someone smoking is now offensive to the anti-smoking zealots. This is one of their newer social engineering plans. The goal is to make smokers social outcasts because they can not tolerate diversity.

                      To ban smoking in all movies is unconstitutional because it violates freedom of artistic expression, in particular before an adult audience.

                      Furthermore, classic films such as Casablanca ( 1942 ) and Breakfast at Tiffany's ( 1961 ) would have to either be mutilated of many scenes or put in the adults only section.


                      • Re: New smoking ban

                        Your breath stinks. Your clothes stink. Your car stinks. Your teeth are brown. Your lungs are clogged with a hacking morning cough to prove it. And you got those funny little wrinkles surrounding your mouth, that make it look like a sphincter.

                        But for goodness sake, stand near the window, to save the house.

                        Reminds me of that chick show my wife likes, where the lead character thinks she is the hottest thing since the microwave oven, and then she lights a cig and blows the whole image.
                        Energy answers are already here.


                        • Re: New smoking ban

                          Originally posted by Kimo View Post
                          How does one politely say, as in to Leo, "That's enough from you today...go to your room!"
                          Awww, man...

                          And I even stayed off the board for most of the day, too.
                          (Looks down at feet, kicks some imaginary dirtclod, shuffles off to his room, muttering "just you wait until tomorrow...")


                          • Re: New smoking ban

                            Originally posted by timkona View Post
                            Your breath stinks. Your clothes stink. Your car stinks. Your teeth are brown. Your lungs are clogged with a hacking morning cough to prove it. And you got those funny little wrinkles surrounding your mouth, that make it look like a sphincter.

                            But for goodness sake, stand near the window, to save the house.

                            Reminds me of that chick show my wife likes, where the lead character thinks she is the hottest thing since the microwave oven, and then she lights a cig and blows the whole image.
                            I take it you're a non-smoker. Remember, one man's trash is another man's treasure. Oh yah, my favorite bar would "stink" as well, and that's where I'm headed right now.

                            Hey, you forgot to call me "a black lunged faggot" like some butt nugget did outside a night club when I was helping pass around the petitiion last year. However, about 80% of folks did sign it and I got lots of mahalos.
                            Last edited by AlohaKine; July 26, 2008, 10:12 PM.


                            • Re: New smoking ban

                              Originally posted by AlohaKine View Post

                              Not offensive to me. Just sad.

                              Both of them, dead from cancer. Bogie at the age of 57. My Fair Lady at 63.
                              Last edited by Frankie's Market; July 27, 2008, 12:13 AM.
                              This post may contain an opinion that may conflict with your opinion. Do not take it personal. Polite discussion of difference of opinion is welcome.


                              • Re: New smoking ban

                                Originally posted by timkona View Post
                                Your breath stinks. Your clothes stink. Your car stinks. Your teeth are brown. Your lungs are clogged with a hacking morning cough to prove it. And you got those funny little wrinkles surrounding your mouth, that make it look like a sphincter.
                                Ya know, Tim, as someone who has had more than a few drunken ramblings here on HT - couldn't one say that all drinkers are alcoholics who are destroying their livers and have that gaunt gray alcoholic look to them???? Not to mention that left over alcohol smell that could knock you over. Oh yeah - that's not politically correct. How dare I roll all drinkers into one deathly category?

