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New smoking ban

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  • Re: New smoking ban

    Originally posted by dick View Post

    You gotta cut out the Nazi/Jew thing. It's tacky. Hell, it's more than tacky. How about incredibly offensive and grossly insensitive? Let's just say I was more than pissed off when I saw those posters. You obviously don't have a clue, do you?

    Don't go down that road. There's no comparison. You end up looking like someone who doesn't quite have a grip on reality, and your arguement begins to lose any and all credibility.

    I smoke like a chimney, but I can't even fathom likening my cigarette plight to that of the Jews and the Nazis. That you could blows my mind.

    We smokers don't need you making us look like idiots.
    If it isn't at that level yet, it will get closer. The " Hawaii Smoke Free Law" is not their final act. No, they ain't going to kill us, but they will do even more mean sprited things. Trouble is that all their propaganda makes smokers feel guilty and adopt the beaten dog attitude. I'm not going to lick these big money special interest haters boots. They are funded with money they steal from you through the master settlement agreement and taxes just to turn around and hate smokers with it. If you haven't joined those fighting the ban then you accept what ever is put out by those who are by lack of action and input. Did you even bother go to the hearings? If it shocked you, that was the intent.

    Smokers can enjoy life once more if we have the courage to work together and fight back. We can win, but it takes a lot of heart, passion, and courage.


    • Re: New smoking ban

      Originally posted by AlohaKine View Post
      If it isn't at that level yet, it will get closer. The " Hawaii Smoke Free Law" is not their final act. No, they ain't going to kill us, but they will do even more mean sprited things.
      Something more mean spirited than "killing?" Gee! What specifically did you have in mind?

      As far as taking offense to posters that portray smokers as monstrous caricatures, I have to say that using actual pictures would be even more gruesome and hard-hitting. Take your pick.

      Last edited by Frankie's Market; August 24, 2007, 12:22 PM.
      This post may contain an opinion that may conflict with your opinion. Do not take it personal. Polite discussion of difference of opinion is welcome.


      • Re: New smoking ban

        [QUOTE=Frankie's Market;161201]Something more mean spirited than "killing?" Gee! What specifically did you have in mind?

        As far as taking offense to posters that portray smokers as monstrous caricatures, I have to say that using actual pictures would be even more gruesome and hard-hitting. Take your pick.

        It's my body. With almost every pleasure there comes risk. The risk of the above is very small. You have a 460% greater chance of dying in a motorcycle accident vs. a car accident but people still love ride. Morbidly obese folks lose 20 years average off their lives but still love to eat. Gays have a much higher chance of getting AIDS in the U.S. but still want to be gay. Space Shuttle astronauts have a 2% chance of dying on each flight, yet they still want the thrill of flying in it. As I said, its my body and I don't need a nanny state rubbing it in my face. I'm well aware of smokings risks to my body, but for me the enjoyment is worth it.


        • Re: New smoking ban

          Originally posted by AlohaKine View Post
          As far as taking offense to posters that portray smokers as monstrous caricatures, I have to say that using actual pictures would be even more gruesome and hard-hitting. Take your pick.
          You don't get it, do you?

          A photo of some dude with a tracheotomy is more gruesome than a Jew persecuted for nothing more than having been a Jew?

          Are you high?

          I get the feeling you might either be incredibly ignorant, or merely a jerk.


          And don't even get me started on your idiotic gay thing...

          Don't screw around with this...

          You're looking more foolish by the post.


          • Re: New smoking ban

            Originally posted by Frankie's Market View Post
            It's my body. With almost every pleasure there comes risk. The risk of the above is very small. You have a 460% greater chance of dying in a motorcycle accident vs. a car accident but people still love ride. Morbidly obese folks lose 20 years average off their lives but still love to eat. Gays have a much higher chance of getting AIDS in the U.S. but still want to be gay. Space Shuttle astronauts have a 2% chance of dying on each flight, yet they still want the thrill of flying in it. As I said, its my body and I don't need a nanny state rubbing it in my face. I'm well aware of smokings risks to my body, but for me the enjoyment is worth it.
            You have every right to do what you want with your body. Not that I ever argued against that in the first place.

            But in all of that long-winded verbosity, you still didn't answer my question. When you said, "No, they ain't going to kill us, but they will do even more mean sprited things," exactly what "mean spirited things" are talking about?
            This post may contain an opinion that may conflict with your opinion. Do not take it personal. Polite discussion of difference of opinion is welcome.


            • Re: New smoking ban

              And don't even get me started on your idiotic gay thing...
              Thank you Dick. This statement has to be one of the most offensive statements I have come across recently:
              Gays have a much higher chance of getting AIDS in the U.S. but still want to be gay.
              That statement directly above, shows me either bigotry or extreme ignorance about human sexuality.

              Alohakine, as an admitted smoker myself, I was on your side 100% until I read that statement. I'm an oriental gay man, some of the statements and/or analogies you make in regards to jews and gays are not helping your cause.

              Here is a reply to my post from greentara which demonstrates that the aids plague is more prevalent among another minority group than gay men. Sheesh!

              Aloha Beau,

              You story is very moving and my heart goes out to people that for what ever reason can not be who they are.

              Most of the gays I know in Hawaii are asian american just like me. It seems after the "aids plague," most of them have elected to stay in the closet, and won't even tell their parents, thus perpetuating the stereotype that there isn't many gay asians! (sigh)

              It's so funny that you mentioned the "aids plague" because most new cases are among black heterosexual women and according to recent studies one reason why is the homophobic attitude among black Americans. Interesting findings....this is one of many articless on the subject.


              The fact that your friends have moved back says a lot about their courage and fortitude to come back to the place that they love and try to hopefully change the attitudes that condemn them. I wish you all the best and many thanks for your insight.


              • Re: New smoking ban

                Originally posted by Beau View Post
                Thank you Dick. This statement has to be one of the most offensive statements I have come across recently:

                That statement directly above, shows me either bigotry or extreme ignorance about human sexuality.

                Alohakine, as an admitted smoker myself, I was on your side 100% until I read that statement. I'm an oriental gay man, some of the statements and/or analogies you make in regards to jews and gays are not helping your cause.

                Here is a reply to my post from greentara which demonstrates that the aids plague is more prevalent among another minority group than gay men. Sheesh!
                Let's clear up any misunderstanding, I AM NOT AGAINST ANY OF THE SAID GROUPS! How come society thinks that only my group is fair game for any and all statements.

                Beau, I am sorry that you felt offended, perhaps the words didn't come out right. It is true however that HIV is a major concern in the gay community. You are also correct that it is a major concern for other groups.

                By the way, I do have gay friends and it was a gay bartender that told me the HIV continues to be a major concern for him. If we can't be candid about issues then they can't be addressed. By the way, my words are my own, and I like to speak colorfully. Colorful as it my be, there is also a trickly balancing act between color or passion and that which may offend people.
                The kid eating the cigarette butts hangs in a similar position. It does however get peoples attention as an earlier post mentioned. Silence or long boring papers of research by in large gets ignored.


                • Re: New smoking ban

                  Originally posted by dick View Post
                  You don't get it, do you?

                  A photo of some dude with a tracheotomy is more gruesome than a Jew persecuted for nothing more than having been a Jew?

                  Are you high?

                  I get the feeling you might either be incredibly ignorant, or merely a jerk.


                  And don't even get me started on your idiotic gay thing...

                  Don't screw around with this...

                  You're looking more foolish by the post.
                  The idea was to show that why should one minority group get bashed and it is politically correct and when others are unfairly attacked by certain groups it brings offense. Not that those other groups deserve it or that it is true.

                  I can see that my analogy is poorly received so I'm discontinuing talking about it.


                  • Re: New smoking ban

                    Beau, I am sorry that you felt offended, perhaps the words didn't come out right. It is true however that HIV is a major concern in the gay community. You are also correct that it is a major concern for other groups.
                    Thanks Alohakine, apology accepted. I also have more than just a few straight male friends.


                    • Re: New smoking ban

                      Interesting story from the SB today about a marketing campaign designed to assure Japanese tourists that they can smoke in Hawaii. Evidently, the group was willing to spend $40K to get the message out via ashtrays. The goal is to prop up the slumping numbers of Japanese tourists said to be staying away, at least in part, due to the new smoking laws. The antis have a predictable response and Ms. Tenn of the Hawaii Smokers Alliance had a good comment when she remarked that an ashtray isn't going to solve the problem. Aloha Ashtrays


                      • Re: New smoking ban

                        Was interesting to see a small, locally owned restaurant ignore the smoking ban! Out of town friends and I decided to have dinner within walking distance of my condo last night. I'd not yet tried this particular restaurant so we gave it a go! As the proprietor cleaned an ash tray and placed it on our table, he said "Hawaii is a no smoking state."...then added a wink. One of my friends asked him why every table had at least one smoker. Proprietor said, "Guess they decided to ignore my warning."...then added another wink!!! This was the first time I've seen the law so flagrantly ignored.

                        My friends and I are non-smokers and I'm extremely allergic to ciggie smoke but, dang, that proprietor was so full of personality and such a nice guy we decided to stay and try the food! It was, after all, our choice. The guy obviously caters to smokers so, in the future, I'll probably order food to go.

                        Last night became a major Benadryl night!


                        • Re: New smoking ban

                          Originally posted by tutusue View Post
                          Was interesting to see a small, locally owned restaurant ignore the smoking ban! Out of town friends and I decided to have dinner within walking distance of my condo last night. I'd not yet tried this particular restaurant so we gave it a go! As the proprietor cleaned an ash tray and placed it on our table, he said "Hawaii is a no smoking state."...then added a wink. One of my friends asked him why every table had at least one smoker. Proprietor said, "Guess they decided to ignore my warning."...then added another wink!!! This was the first time I've seen the law so flagrantly ignored.

                          My friends and I are non-smokers and I'm extremely allergic to ciggie smoke but, dang, that proprietor was so full of personality and such a nice guy we decided to stay and try the food! It was, after all, our choice. The guy obviously caters to smokers so, in the future, I'll probably order food to go.

                          Last night became a major Benadryl night!
                          Ah, the freedom of choice! My apologies for bolding your words, but I trust you'll forgive me as I make my point. It sounds like the food was good since you express a willingness to order out from there in the future. I won't ask where you went.


                          • Re: New smoking ban

                            Originally posted by glossyp View Post
                            I won't ask where you went.
                            Well I will. Tutu, could you please pretty pretty please PM me the name of the restaurant so I can defintiely give them my business?
                            I'll trade you that info (which I swear to keep secret) in exchange for a lunch at Bob's Big Boy!

                            That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


                            • Re: New smoking ban

                              Originally posted by glossyp View Post
                              [...]I won't ask where you went.
                              Thank you. To be honest, if the proprietor was a jerk I'd probably blast the name into the universe! But, he was a delight and I know that he's just a small business working stiff like I am. He gets a lot of his business from the neighborhood.
                              Originally posted by LikaNui View Post
                              Well I will. Tutu, could you please pretty pretty please PM me the name of the restaurant so I can defintiely give them my business?
                              I'll trade you that info (which I swear to keep secret) in exchange for a lunch at Bob's Big Boy!
                              Check your PM! Guess I can be bought, huh?


                              • Re: New smoking ban

                                Originally posted by tutusue View Post
                                Check your PM! Guess I can be bought, huh?
                                Ah, you're a cheap date, birthday girl. I'll even add a piece of Big Boy's world-class strawberry pie to the deal.
                                Thank you VERY much for the info!
                                Without giving away too much info on the place, what kind of grindz they serve there?
                                Thanks again, and Happy Birthday again too!

                                That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.

