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New smoking ban

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  • Re: New smoking ban

    As if things weren't bad enough already the bigots at "clearthesmoke" are now running a TV ad that implies that smokers force small children to eat cigarette butts and ashes for breakfast. Almost a bad as the ad the American Lung Association ran that compared violent beatings and child abuse to smoking a cigarette in the same room as your kids. The ad mocked child abuse as equal to smoking a cigarette while watching TV with your kids. The ALA was later forced to pull the ad and publically apologize to victims of real child abuse which their ad trivialized.

    It's no wonder these anti-groups have no problem recking people's livelihood's when they put out ads like this.

    In 2006, the coalition for a tobacco free hawaii said that they "weren't talking about parks, beaches, cars, or homes." Since then their story changed once again and they are now attacking 3 of the 4. I can't believe anything those pathalogical liars say.


    • Re: New smoking ban

      I'm still here. Are you?


      • Re: New smoking ban

        Originally posted by AlohaKine View Post
        As if things weren't bad enough already the bigots at "clearthesmoke" are now running a TV ad that implies that smokers force small children to eat cigarette butts and ashes for breakfast. [...]
        Just goes to show ya that different people have different interpretations! My take on it is based on the dialogue contained in the dad's voice over talking about how his parents smoking affected his asthma. I saw the spot as implying that smoking around one's child (2nd hand smoke) is the equivalent of feeding one's child cigarette butts...not that smokers force small children to eat cigarette butts. The butts on the spoon headed towards the child's mouth do morph into cereal! Regardless, the bowl of milk dredged butts is disgusting enough that I won't watch that spot again.


        • Re: New smoking ban

          Originally posted by mel View Post

          Sen. Baker in the dog house with smokers and the small business community again? Say it's not so. It's my understanding that this is one of a few prototypes floating around several bars and the state capital. LOL

          What's bad for kids to eat may be yummy to Roz.


          • Re: New smoking ban

            Originally posted by tutusue View Post
            Just goes to show ya that different people have different interpretations! My take on it is based on the dialogue contained in the dad's voice over talking about how his parents smoking affected his asthma. I saw the spot as implying that smoking around one's child (2nd hand smoke) is the equivalent of feeding one's child cigarette butts...not that smokers force small children to eat cigarette butts. The butts on the spoon headed towards the child's mouth do morph into cereal! Regardless, the bowl of milk dredged butts is disgusting enough that I won't watch that spot again.
            Let's see. One person felt "disgusted" with an image in the commercial. Another feels "offended." I guees that's proof that particular anti-smoking commercial WORKED!

            Whether you folks realize it or not, that's the goal of those anti-smoking commercials. To elicit a strong response from the public, whether it be positive or negative. If you feel like the commerical message is putting a "guilt trip" on smokers,.... well, duh! Do you think an anti-smoking commercial is designed to make smokers feel better about themselves? And even if you never plan to watch the commercial again,.... nevertheless, the image has been planted in your mind.

            In fact, you know an anti-smoking commercial/ad is a failure if people (smokers and non-smokers alike) are indifferent to its message. But as I said, since people here have expressed strong feeling about this particular commercial, the ad did its job. Period.
            This post may contain an opinion that may conflict with your opinion. Do not take it personal. Polite discussion of difference of opinion is welcome.


            • Re: New smoking ban

              Originally posted by Frankie's Market View Post
              Let's see. One person felt "disgusted" with an image in the commercial. Another feels "offended." I guees that's proof that particular anti-smoking commercial WORKED!

              Whether you folks realize it or not, that's the goal of those anti-smoking commercials. To elicit a strong response from the public, whether it be positive or negative. If you feel like the commerical message is putting a "guilt trip" on smokers,.... well, duh! Do you think an anti-smoking commercial is designed to make smokers feel better about themselves? And even if you never plan to watch the commercial again,.... nevertheless, the image has been planted in your mind.

              In fact, you know an anti-smoking commercial/ad is a failure if people (smokers and non-smokers alike) are indifferent to its message. But as I said, since people here have expressed strong feeling about this particular commercial, the ad did its job. Period.
              What if it turned someone who was generally anti-smoking against the anti-smoking brigade and made them disgusted with the movement and its propaganda?


              • Re: New smoking ban

                Originally posted by glossyp View Post
                What if it turned someone who was generally anti-smoking against the anti-smoking brigade and made them disgusted with the movement and its propaganda?
                Somehow, I don't think there's much chance of that becoming a major issue anytime soon. IOW, I'm not gonna lose any sleep over that one.
                This post may contain an opinion that may conflict with your opinion. Do not take it personal. Polite discussion of difference of opinion is welcome.


                • Re: New smoking ban

                  Originally posted by glossyp View Post
                  What if it turned someone who was generally anti-smoking against the anti-smoking brigade and made them disgusted with the movement and its propaganda?
                  That's an intriguing question, glossyp. I'm not sure that the creators of the spot would much care, as someone who is already generally anti-smoking is "converted," as far as they are concerned, and thus not their target audience. If they gain more supporters than they lose, overall, that's a successful campaign.

                  And I really doubt that anyone who was already leaning against smoking would, in response to a campaign they disliked, choose to BEGIN smoking as a result.


                  • Re: New smoking ban

                    Originally posted by Leo Lakio View Post
                    That's an intriguing question, glossyp. I'm not sure that the creators of the spot would much care, as someone who is already generally anti-smoking is "converted," as far as they are concerned, and thus not their target audience. If they gain more supporters than they lose, overall, that's a successful campaign.

                    And I really doubt that anyone who was already leaning against smoking would, in response to a campaign they disliked, choose to BEGIN smoking as a result.
                    My first reaction to the commercial was how stupid is that? People who smoke feed their children cigarette butts. (Very literal, I know.) My second thought was how similar it was to the Just Say No anti-drug campaign. The goal, I presume, of the anti-smoking brigade is to stop people from smoking. I don't know if it works on that level. Maybe the purpose though is to revile smokers and create a more hostile attitude towards smokers.


                    • Re: New smoking ban

                      What Smoking Ban? What Smoking Ban?

                      Go into Teru's, Sam's, or the old Office, and you will find smoke filled paradise, and happy old folks smoking away. In fact, you can also find a variety of other things being smoked now in these bars, because the patrons and the bartenders are too chicken to call the police, knowing that they themselves are breaking the law also.

                      The gloves are off. All the smoking ban did was make it okay to burn a joint, or some tweakers glass pipe in any of these bars. Some of you don't get the joke. That's okay too.
                      Energy answers are already here.


                      • Re: New smoking ban

                        Originally posted by glossyp View Post
                        Maybe the purpose though is to revile smokers and create a more hostile attitude towards smokers.
                        Perhaps. I am sure AlohaKine will agree with that.

                        I've not seen the spot being discussed, but yes, anti-smoking campaigns often do seem to portray smokers as inconsiderate/evil/ignorant/sub-human. Not sure who first decided that was an acceptable way to address the issue.


                        • Re: New smoking ban

                          Originally posted by Frankie's Market View Post
                          [...]I guees that's proof that particular anti-smoking commercial WORKED!
                          And even if you never plan to watch the commercial again,.... nevertheless, the image has been planted in your mind.
                          But as I said, since people here have expressed strong feeling about this particular commercial, the ad did its job. Period.
                          Since I'm involved in advertising I'll have to agree with you...on all points! Advertisers want viewers to remember the name of the product...or the campaign. Period. But, in the case of this current spot, I already don't smoke (never have!) so I understand it's not geared to me. From a conceptual POV the spot has some shock value and is memorable. Kudos to the creative team...regardless of how one feels about smoking.


                          • Re: New smoking ban

                            As a smoker who knows it's not good for me, all these ads do for me is to want to light up a cigarette. Even if I didn't really want one, somehow I always feel compelled to light one up when any of these ads come on. The campaign to make us smokers seem somehow evil also makes me not want to quit - just because.


                            • Re: New smoking ban

                              Originally posted by Leo Lakio View Post
                              Perhaps. I am sure AlohaKine will agree with that.

                              I've not seen the spot being discussed, but yes, anti-smoking campaigns often do seem to portray smokers as inconsiderate/evil/ignorant/sub-human. Not sure who first decided that was an acceptable way to address the issue.
                              I think I know who was the first to do something like this in modern society.

                              Painting the picture that smokers are ugly, dangerous, and unacceptable sub-humans. If they can't be coerced to quit, then they should be taxed, hounded, and excluded. Note the top two posters from the past regarding a damned belief system, alledged harm to society, and demonization of a class of people. Let's stop the hate and love all hard working honest folks despite their lifestyle differences. Everyone needs their own space.
                              Last edited by AlohaKine; August 23, 2007, 06:21 PM.


                              • Re: New smoking ban


                                You gotta cut out the Nazi/Jew thing. It's tacky. Hell, it's more than tacky. How about incredibly offensive and grossly insensitive? Let's just say I was more than pissed off when I saw those posters. You obviously don't have a clue, do you?

                                Don't go down that road. There's no comparison. You end up looking like someone who doesn't quite have a grip on reality, and your arguement begins to lose any and all credibility.

                                I smoke like a chimney, but I can't even fathom likening my cigarette plight to that of the Jews and the Nazis. That you could blows my mind.

                                We smokers don't need you making us look like idiots.

