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New smoking ban

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  • Re: New Smoking Ban is a Joke

    Originally posted by Gent View Post
    Your suggestion is ignored. When it comes to smoking I don't give opposing viewpoints the time of day.
    Wow. Even I, as a lifelong non-smoker (even as a former rabid anti-smoker) who lost my father (lifelong smoker) to cancer, can't close my mind that tightly. Good luck in your cause - it's hard to engage your enemy when you remain along the outer fringe of the battlefield.


    • Re: New Smoking Ban is a Joke

      Originally posted by Gent View Post
      2nd hand smoke kills 53,000 a year.
      Ooo, this is what I was looking for. Gent, could you kindly send me the information you have on the 53,000 people who died of 2nd hand smoke for.. let's say, the past 5 years or so, please? Pretty please? I've tried to research libraries, medical books, the internet.. heck, I've even tried encyclopedia's, with no luck. Maybe even a link?

      Thank you in advance!
      Last edited by Mililani; July 1, 2007, 02:03 PM.
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      • Re: New smoking ban

        I know a few people like Gent. One cannot control how deeply others will regard a villain such as tobacco or handguns or alcohol or whatever when they have seen loved ones die because of it. It is one of those "showing tolerance to the suffering intolerant" kinds of things.

        Several years ago when Smackdown was on K5, I used to get an eyeful of commercials from and was positively blown-away by their media. On their website under "facts" it lists:
        • in the US approximately 50,000 people die each year from secondhand smoke-related diseases
        • since 1964 there have been 94,000 tobacco-related fetal and infant deaths in the US
        • nicotine has been found in the breast milk of smokers
        • in the US 3000 people die each year of secondhand-smoke related lung cancer
        • since 1964 there have been 12 million tabacco-related deaths in the US



        • Originally posted by Mililani View Post
          Ooo, this is what I was looking for. Gent, could you kindly send me the information you have on the 53,000 people who died of 2nd hand smoke for.. let's say, the past 5 years or so, please? Pretty please? I've tried to research libraries, medical books, the internet.. heck, I've even tried encyclopedia's, with no luck. Maybe even a link?

          Thank you in advance!
          "We now know that 53,800 people die every year from secondhand smoke exposure."

          Originally posted by Leo Lakio View Post
          Wow. Even I, as a lifelong non-smoker (even as a former rabid anti-smoker) who lost my father (lifelong smoker) to cancer, can't close my mind that tightly. Good luck in your cause - it's hard to engage your enemy when you remain along the outer fringe of the battlefield.
          You don't "engage" smokers in dialog, you simply bitch slap them into submission! They're the biggest selfish bunch out there. The care NOTHING about others, only their cancerous, smelly habit.

          Been to California lately?
          It CAN be done. You hardly see any smokers anywhere.


          • Re: New smoking ban

            oO(bitchslap?? wtf?)

            das ryte! beat 'em til dey grateful, damnit!



            • Re: New smoking ban

              Originally posted by Pua'i Mana'o View Post
              oO(bitchslap?? wtf?)

              das ryte! beat 'em til dey grateful, damnit!
              figuratively speaking, nimrod.


              • Re: New Smoking Ban is a Joke

                Originally posted by Gent
                You don't "engage" smokers in dialog, you simply bitch slap them into submission! They're the biggest selfish bunch out there. The care NOTHING about others, only their cancerous, smelly habit.
                I no tink SO!!! I know plenny SMOKERS who care and do plenny for others. Unfortunately, they smoke. It is their RIGHT!! It is their CHOICE and We should respect it!

                Bitch Slap is a form of Violence. No make sked lil dat. We do things different hea on HT. State your opinions and keep cool.

                Love and ALOHA,

                Auntie Lynn
                Be AKAMAI ~ KOKUA Hawai`i!
                Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


                • Re: New Smoking Ban is a Joke

                  Originally posted by 1stwahine View Post
                  I no tink SO!!! I know plenny SMOKERS who care and do plenny for others. Unfortunately, they smoke. It is their RIGHT!! It is their CHOICE and We should respect it!

                  Bitch Slap is a form of Violence. No make sked lil dat. We do things different hea on HT. State your opinions and keep cool.

                  Love and ALOHA,

                  Auntie Lynn
                  Uh, you're wrong. It's not a "right" it's a privilege. I respect no smoker. All they do is spread their cancerous pollution to others, while not giving a damn about it. Of course, most addicts are self absorbed.


                  • Re: New Smoking Ban is a Joke

                    Originally posted by Gent View Post
                    Uh, you're wrong. It's not a "right" it's a privilege. I respect no smoker. All they do is spread their cancerous pollution to others, while not giving a damn about it. Of course, most addicts are self absorbed.
                    No I'm NOT!! It is "My" Opinion. And I respect yours.

                    Have a nice day.

                    Auntie Lynn
                    Be AKAMAI ~ KOKUA Hawai`i!
                    Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


                    • Re: New Smoking Ban is a Joke

                      Originally posted by Gent View Post
                      I respect no smoker. All they do is spread their cancerous pollution to others, while not giving a damn about it. Of course, most addicts are self absorbed.
                      That's where you and I will have to differ, of course. There are cigarette smokers amongst the people I love, respect and appreciate. Certainly, I would hope that they make a choice not to smoke, but I do not think less of them just because they don't live their lives according to my wishes.
                      Originally posted by Gent View Post
                      I'm suspecting you respect no one who sees the world differently than you. How's that working out? Planning on invading Poland next?


                      • Re: New Smoking Ban is a Joke

                        Originally posted by Leo Lakio View Post
                        I'm suspecting you respect no one who sees the world differently than you. How's that working out?

                        An email from God:
                        To: People of Earth
                        From: God
                        Date: 9/04/2007
                        Subject: stop

                        knock it off, all of you

                        seriously, what the hell



                        • Re: New Smoking Ban is a Joke

                          Originally posted by Gent View Post
                          Originally posted by Leo Lakio View Post
                          I'm suspecting you respect no one who sees the world differently than you. How's that working out? Planning on invading Poland next?
                          Bruddah Leo Lakio, You hit on the nail!heheheh

                          Hmmmm...OMG!!!He's a TROLL!!!


                          Auntie PuPule!!!
                          Last edited by 1stwahine; July 1, 2007, 05:20 PM.
                          Be AKAMAI ~ KOKUA Hawai`i!
                          Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


                          • Re: New Smoking Ban is a Joke

                            Originally posted by 1stwahine View Post
                            Hmmmm...OMG!!!He's a TROLL!!!


                            Auntie PuPule!!!

                            Auntie, you pegged it 100%!

                            I respect opinions, it is one of the gifts of being human. Different opinions can help things change for the better, but constant negative input accomplishes nothing.

                            It is funny to see someone call a group of people selfish while they are trying to pound an opinion into someone else's thoughts. Who is really selfish?

                            An email from God:
                            To: People of Earth
                            From: God
                            Date: 9/04/2007
                            Subject: stop

                            knock it off, all of you

                            seriously, what the hell



                            • Re: New smoking ban

                              I welcomed him from the start and just wanted to be helpful. But he neba like listen.

                              Some people's children...neba mine.

                              Makes me feel like smoking a cigarette! heheheh

                              Auntie Lynn
                              Be AKAMAI ~ KOKUA Hawai`i!
                              Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


                              • Re: New smoking ban

                                Originally posted by Gent View Post
                                figuratively speaking, nimrod.
                                nimrod? How old are you, Mr. Keyboard Courage? I am on your side on this argument, yet between the two of us, I am not letting my big head getting in the way of making my point.


