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New smoking ban

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  • Re: New smoking ban

    Originally posted by DiverDown808 View Post
    Just have him use the excuse I've been practicing on:

    "But Mr. Park Ranger sir, it's not a cigarette, it's a small campfire"

    That should work, ya think ?

    Inotinkso, at least not in the Polipoli Springs area on Maui, where earlier this month, there was a forest fire started by a carelessly tossed cigarette butt that took almost a week to extinguish. Now I know most smokers are responsible and do dispose of their butts carefully and don't litter, but the smokers who throw their butts anywhere and everywhere are giving all smokers a bad name, which is a shame.

    Last edited by Miulang; February 17, 2007, 03:36 PM.
    "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain


    • Re: New smoking ban

      Oh I totally agree with you on this.

      Not so much that it was a careless smoker that caused this, but someone with a complete disrespect to the natural environment. No punishment would be to great for that bone head.



      • Re: New smoking ban

        Originally posted by DiverDown808 View Post
        Just have him use the excuse I've been practicing on:

        "But Mr. Park Ranger sir, it's not a cigarette, it's a small campfire"

        That should work, ya think ?
        I would wonder if the park ranger would even have the authority to issue a ticket.

        Besides, you'd have to get caught in the act.

        Why not just ban all types of fire, then there won't be any problems. No cigarettes, no campfires, no hibachis, nothing.


        • Re: New smoking ban

          geez this is sounding more and more like a Maddie vs Kimo55 thread
          Life is what you make of please read the instructions carefully.


          • Re: New smoking ban

            Some knucklehead called the cops again last night. If you walk into a bar and, with your sanctimonious, paternalistic moralizing clearly in the minority as more people are smoking than not, isn't it more rude to call the cops than to let folks be folks in their holiest of holy watering holes?

            I mean, really, there was a group of upwardly mobile women having cigars in celebration of some personal or professional triumph. The dejection on their faces when the stogies were temporarily confiscated by an alert bartender was quickly replaced by intent stares at everyone who wasn't smoking to see if they could pick out the rat. Their parade had been rained on, and they were pissed.

            The cop didn't even come in, and judging from his body language (I wasn't privy to the conversation with the bartenders as it went down), he was bemused by the call. No ticket. No warning. No sense.
            Don't be mean,
            try to help.


            • Re: New smoking ban

              The law needs to be repealed. In the meantime, maybe it's time to infiltrate the anti-tobacco camp. Apparently, they are targetting the bars fighting the ban and it's always a good idea to cozy up to the enemy. A good camera phone would provide images of those likely to drop in on bars and let the ban fighters know when they are being targetted by the finks. Stay one step ahead of the opposition.


              • Re: New smoking ban

                Originally posted by DiverDown808 View Post
                Just have him use the excuse I've been practicing on:

                "But Mr. Park Ranger sir, it's not a cigarette, it's a small campfire"

                That should work, ya think ?

                Then they'll get him for illegal open fires.
                Life is what you make of please read the instructions carefully.


                • Re: New smoking ban

                  Originally posted by Keanu View Post
                  I don't want the bill to become law...that would mean that my dad wouldn't go camping with us anymore.
                  Hawaii Smokers Alliance killed the beach ban bill. It got shot down hard. We have teeth and will not stand for this type of discrimination as that bill advocated or let tourism be further damaged. I wish your dad the best next time he camps out.


                  • Re: New smoking ban

                    Originally posted by Keanu View Post
                    There is new anti smoking legislation that would ban smoking in Public beaches and parks. Meanwhile, the pro smoking legislation fizzled in the senate...say it ain't so, Joe.
                    The bill is not dead, just deferred. They want to wait and see how much more damage the bars can take. Ige, Baker, Fukunaga, and Menor are willing to keep the hurt on owners and employees of these bars. Very sad. Whalen is a good man and spoke out strongly for the little people getting picked on.


                    • Re: New smoking ban

                      Originally posted by AlohaKine View Post
                      Hawaii Smokers Alliance killed the beach ban bill. It got shot down hard. We have teeth and will not stand for this type of discrimination as that bill advocated or let tourism be further damaged. I wish your dad the best next time he camps out.

                      I don't care tourism but as much as seeing a cigarette butt on the beach pisses me off, I wouldn't like to see that bill become dad smokes, he's hard headed and would smoke on the beach anyway but I wouldn't want him to have to worry about getting caught smoking. Fwiw, my dad doesn't throw his cigarette butts on the ground amyway.


                      • Re: New smoking ban

                        smoking in public places is a thing of the past! sorry to say but get used to it. its been a law in CA for years now an while it still has its ppl that complain ppl have gotten used to it. public venues are a NO smoking area too. now that I live in MO where there is still smoking an I can tell you its disgusting restaurants smell nasty an bars worse.... but hope is coming many cities are starting to impose Bans too an its WONDERFUL

                        PPL can learn new habits its not that much harder to think of others before thinking of yourself once you try
                        Support Lung Cancer Research


                        • Re: New smoking ban

                          Like I said before, if they make cigarette smoke smell like a good barbecue I wouldn't have any issues cuz smoke is smoke.

                          It's the smell that I can't handle. Hey we breathe in carcenogens from everything including a good broiled steak, so if a cigarette manufacturer can make a tobacco that smells like good cooking then why not.

                          This way the only people we'll piss off are vegetarians

                          BTW is there such a thing as a vegetarian smoker? Serious about their health until they light em up?
                          Life is what you make of please read the instructions carefully.


                          • Re: New smoking ban

                            Originally posted by craigwatanabe View Post
                            Like I said before, if they make cigarette smoke smell like a good barbecue I wouldn't have any issues cuz smoke is smoke.
                            Are you sure about that? Smoke coming out of a tailpipe will probably have a different chemical makeup compared to smoke from a cig or smoke from a BBQ.


                            • Re: New smoking ban

                              Originally posted by craigwatanabe View Post
                              BTW is there such a thing as a vegetarian smoker? Serious about their health until they light em up?
                              I have known many, my friend.


                              • Re: New smoking ban

                                Originally posted by joshuatree View Post
                                Are you sure about that? Smoke coming out of a tailpipe will probably have a different chemical makeup compared to smoke from a cig or smoke from a BBQ.
                                Different but the smoke from a broiled BK Burger is just as carcenogenic as a pack of smokes.

                                I've even heard the aroma of baking bread is carcenogenic.
                                Life is what you make of please read the instructions carefully.

