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New smoking ban

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  • Re: New smoking ban

    Yeah... what he just said.

    The law needs to be repealed.


    • Re: New smoking ban

      Yes! I agree that the smoking ban goes too far. I respect that many people want to avoid second hand smoke in public spaces, and I support the law to the extent that it bans smoking *public* areas.

      But, the law goes too far in that it does not give private business owners (such as bars) the right to declare their establishments as a smoking area. Signs can be displayed prominently at entrances so that non-smokers can choose to avoid entering.


      • Re: New smoking ban

        When you go out, ask the bar for the repeal the ban petition. Many have it. Let your voice be heard.

        Let's get rid of this unjust and unfair law. Small businesses ( bars ) shouldn't have to suffer or close because of this ban ( at least 2 already have closed ) - that's with a strong local economy and a growing population - WOW.
        Last edited by AlohaKine; December 20, 2006, 07:20 PM.


        • Re: New smoking ban

          Hawai'i's smoking ban has made the national news. Hawai'i tourism authorities are concerned that the smoking ban will deter Japanese tourists from flying to Hawai'i. But even in Japan, smoking bans are being imposed in some office buildings and in the streets. But the main reason the Japanese government is issuing bans is not for health reasons but to keep the streets clean!

          "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain


          • Re: New smoking ban

            Originally posted by Miulang View Post
            Hawai'i's smoking ban has made the national news. Hawai'i tourism authorities are concerned that the smoking ban will deter Japanese tourists from flying to Hawai'i. But even in Japan, smoking bans are being imposed in some office buildings and in the streets. But the main reason the Japanese government is issuing bans is not for health reasons but to keep the streets clean!

            Wait a few months and see what happens to tourism, people book in advance and tickets are often non-refundable. You have to walk down the streets of your own town, you pay money to choose to come here.


            • Re: New smoking ban

              Originally posted by Palolo Joe View Post
              Not if you blow upward...

              There are a lot of people out there who are non-smokers that get stink breath. Wonder how that would go over... "Hey do you smoke? Because your breath really stinks." *POW*

              The tables are turned? Last I checked, it was still legal to smoke tobacco. If a business decides they're going to allow smoking, that's their perogative. Your beef is with the business, not the smokers.

              The no-smoking law on Oahu needs to be repealed.

              PS - And hey Brad... can't you do any better than cut-and-pasting someone else's letter to the editor?
              What goes up...well you know that one

              The tables are turned because now there is a law that gives non smokers the backing of a law to force smokers to deter from that act in certain areas.

              And yes it's bad enough that a few people have bad breath, but to couple that with smoke takes it to another level of irritation everybody doesn't need.

              And's the state not just Oahu so make sure your appeals include all islands
              Life is what you make of please read the instructions carefully.


              • Re: New smoking ban

                Originally posted by craigwatanabe View Post
                The tables are turned because now there is a law that gives non smokers the backing of a law to force smokers to deter from that act in certain areas.
                It gives non-smokers the backing of a law? What a joke. The only way the law is currently enforceable is due to societal norms changing and the general public going along with it. The state has nobody to go out and write tickets... hell, the rules for enforcing the new law haven't even been finalized yet!

                It's the clubs and bars are scared of getting fined, so they chase their customers outside. But what if that bar decided they were going to allow smoking?

                If it were cool with the owner, I would have no problem lighting up. And if another customer were to walk up and say, "there's this law now so you have to put that out," I would smile and keep smoking.

                Good luck if you think you're gonna physically remove that cigarette from my mouth.

                But that's if I was a smoker. I'm not.

                My problem with the law is that it doesn't allow businesses to decide whether or not they want to allow smoking.

                I'll admit, I'm all for banning it in offices, elevators, hospitals, shopping malls and other places the general public can gather. But bars and nightclubs (and even some restaurants IMO) should have the right to decide how they want to run their business.

                Doesn't matter if it's Oahu or Niihau. The new law needs to be repealed.


                • Re: New smoking ban

                  Originally posted by Palolo Joe View Post
                  It gives non-smokers the backing of a law? What a joke. The only way the law is currently enforceable is due to societal norms changing and the general public going along with it. The state has nobody to go out and write tickets... hell, the rules for enforcing the new law haven't even been finalized yet!

                  It's the clubs and bars are scared of getting fined, so they chase their customers outside. But what if that bar decided they were going to allow smoking?

                  If it were cool with the owner, I would have no problem lighting up. And if another customer were to walk up and say, "there's this law now so you have to put that out," I would smile and keep smoking.

                  Good luck if you think you're gonna physically remove that cigarette from my mouth.

                  But that's if I was a smoker. I'm not.

                  My problem with the law is that it doesn't allow businesses to decide whether or not they want to allow smoking.

                  I'll admit, I'm all for banning it in offices, elevators, hospitals, shopping malls and other places the general public can gather. But bars and nightclubs (and even some restaurants IMO) should have the right to decide how they want to run their business.

                  Doesn't matter if it's Oahu or Niihau. The new law needs to be repealed.
                  Niihau?, It would be tough to enforce it there. Do they even have a bar? As for enforcement, it will come, the antis won't allow the little bit a cheating that goes on in the future, same like California. It may be a couple months, it may be a year, who knows, but it will happen. The only long term hope is repeal of the law. Do what is right and sign the petition at the bars and don't support bars that favor the law, O-lounge is the worst offender and is the antis little b*tch.
                  Last edited by AlohaKine; December 22, 2006, 06:45 PM.


                  • Re: New smoking ban

                    There is another reason they haven't fined anyone yet, a more powerful reason that save for a few people that are highly into the subject of this law know. But I'm not saying yet, you'll have to come back later to learn the real secret.

                    For us, this law "means war".
                    Last edited by AlohaKine; December 23, 2006, 05:33 PM.


                    • Re: New smoking ban

                      Originally posted by AlohaKine View Post
                      There is another reason they haven't fined anyone yet, a more powerful reason that save for a few people that are highly into the subject of this law know. But I'm not saying yet, you'll have to come back later to learn the real secret.

                      For us, this law "means war".
                      The Martians are on their way, and the only way to save the planet is not to spread germs to them... but to smoke at them!

                      Remember, you heard it first here!


                      • Re: New smoking ban

                        I'm thinking that the smoking ban might pay off for me at my gig at O'Toole's on New Year's Eve. What with the ban and all, being in a bar will probably offer the best way to be free of fireworks fumes. Come on in, the air is fine!
                        Don't be mean,
                        try to help.


                        • Re: New smoking ban

                          This law needs a restraining order to block its enforcement just like Vegas. There was a rumor floating around that this was already happening, well it ain't true -not yet anyways.


                          • Re: New smoking ban

                            Originally posted by Bard View Post
                            The Martians are on their way, and the only way to save the planet is not to spread germs to them... but to smoke at them!

                            Remember, you heard it first here!

                            :::Passing out the aluminum foil hats:::


                            • Re: New smoking ban

                              Originally posted by WindwardOahuRN View Post
                              :::Passing out the aluminum foil hats:::
                              Weirdest thing is that I actually saw someone wearing one on the way to work the other day. A real, bonafide, hat-shaped mass of aluminum foil. That's Portland for you though.


                              • Re: New smoking ban

                                What I wonder is how come the smokers on the Neighbor Islands do not seem to be making a loud stink about the new smoking ban? Surely there are lots of smokers out there... Haven't seen any Letters to the Editor in the Maui News about the new law yet...

                                "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain

