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Prices of onaga and opakapaka set to rise

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  • Prices of onaga and opakapaka set to rise

    Due to a federally imposed ban on bottom fishing within a 200-nautical mile radius of Hawai'i that's set to start on May 1, the prices you pay for bottom fish like onaga and opakapaka will rise significantly, or you will have to eat imported fish this summer.

    The ban is necessary to replenish depleted stocks of bottom fish and will run from May through September, which is the prime breeding period for the fish.

    "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain

  • #2
    Re: Prices of onaga and opakapaka set to rise

    I guess I don't understand the point of your posting. Are you for this ban? against it? what are you asking of HT by your posting or is just purely information you're sharing with us about the ban - which by the way, has been in the local papers & on TV in the last couple of days.

    "Democracy is the only system that persists in asking the powers that be whether they are the powers that ought to be."
    – Sydney J. Harris


    • #3
      Re: Prices of onaga and opakapaka set to rise

      Originally posted by anapuni808 View Post
      I guess I don't understand the point of your posting. Are you for this ban? against it? what are you asking of HT by your posting or is just purely information you're sharing with us about the ban - which by the way, has been in the local papers & on TV in the last couple of days.

      Merely to tell you that when you go out to eat between May and Sept and order opakapaka or onaga, it won't be fresh out of Hawai'i waters. The ban is necessary in order to sustain the fish stocks, but plenty of old timers will tell you "it wasn't like this before in the old days..." and it will put most of the Westpac fleet out of commission for the 5 months of the ban, unless they start fishing for other types of fish.

      "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain


      • #4
        Re: Prices of onaga and opakapaka set to rise

        well, this won't personally affect me since I don't order fish of this type precisely because of the depletion of resources. If more Hawaiians were involved with these issues, these types of bans wouldn't be necessary because fish resources would be managed properly, like in the old days. The old Hawaiians knew that at certain times, you just didn't catch certain types of fish. Modern day Hawai`i has changed to a place for instant gratification whether of onaga or limu or whatevers. It's time folks finally start realizing that we don't have endless resources and that conservation is a necessity, not an inconvenience. This fishing ban is a positive step in that direction.

        Thanks for posting this reminder for everyone - there are many who don't pay attention and would definitely get "sticker shock" when they read their menus!

        as for WestPac - there are many differing opinions here lately about them. There is also the gill-net fishing ban coming up, which they are partly responsible for. It is one thing to ban commercial fishing - but, subsistence fishing to feed one's family is a whole other matter. and subsistence fishermen/women know when, where & what they should be catching - and what to throw back.
        "Democracy is the only system that persists in asking the powers that be whether they are the powers that ought to be."
        – Sydney J. Harris


        • #5
          Re: Prices of onaga and opakapaka set to rise

          The globalization of the food chain is very worrisome. Much of the fish that's not local is caught off the waters of Chile. Another fish to avoid buying/consuming is what they call "Chilean sea bass". Farmed Atlantic salmon could also be a health risk.

          There are many seafood restaurants in Hawai'i. Please do not order dishes made from the following 4 fish: Chilean sea bass, swordfish, orange roughy or containing caviar (unless it's "American" caviar which basically is roe from salmon or fish other than wild sturgeon).

          I really think the ancient people had it right: they ate whatever was plentiful during a season...and they were able to keep themselves healthy and usually had whatever they needed because they did practice conservation.

          "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain


          • #6
            Re: Prices of onaga and opakapaka set to rise

            Other bottomfish impacted by the ban: ehu, gindai, kalekale, lehi and hapuupuu. The closure impacts both commercial and recreational fishermen, with fines up to $130,000 if caught with one of the fish in your possession.

            "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain


            • #7
              Re: Prices of onaga and opakapaka set to rise

              imported fish has been around..just because its says local doesn't necessarily mean it is....if any one so desires, ask for the country of origin.


              • #8
                Re: Prices of onaga and opakapaka set to rise

                I say Good

                It's about time this state took another step about the over-fishing here. Everyone is educated enough to understand the concept of 'catch only what you'll eat', but I've personally seen way too many people literally raping Hawaiian waters for the thrill of showing off a large catch of fish.

                There are just way too many inconsiderate idiots on this island when it comes to smart fishing, so the more control there is on fishing, the better. And I'm not talking about controlling the fishing to get a lower price of a fish dinner at wherever, we really need to work on preserving this state's natural recources.

                Last edited by DiverDown808; April 14, 2007, 10:32 PM.


                • #9
                  Re: Prices of onaga and opakapaka set to rise

                  Originally posted by anapuni808 View Post
                  I guess I don't understand the point of your posting. Are you for this ban? against it? what are you asking of HT by your posting or is just purely information you're sharing with us about the ban - which by the way, has been in the local papers & on TV in the last couple of days.

                  Miulang is the official HT news correspondent.

                  I say good too. Our waters are way over-fished. DLNR officers are quite aggressive enforcing Maunalua Bay (Hawaii Kai), sometimes setting up telescopes at the shoreline parks to monitor who's bringing in what.

                  The public is also in favor of the Opihi sales ban.

                  Marukai stocks red snapper imported from the south pacific that's just as great as the local catch, except that it's frozen, and much cheaper! Thaw, then pan fry with ginger, garlic, Lup Cheong, peanuts and Chinese Parsley.. killahz. A $30 restaurant dish for just $5.00 made at home.
                  sigpic The Tasty Island

