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Company & Product Mascots

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  • #16
    Re: Company & Product Mascots

    Originally posted by Pomai View Post
    Did you notice the Energizer Bunny wears rubber slippers (or "rubbah slippahz" or "flip flops")? Someone told me a guy from Hawaii designed it, although this Wikipedia article claims "The creative team at DDB Chicago who conceived and designed Bunny was Peter Bex (art director), Bob Konold (writer) and Lorra Rudman (creative director)". Not sure if any of them have Hawaii roots. Anyone know more about this?
    Local ad agency, Milici Valenti Ng Pack Adv. Inc., is an affiliate of DDB Needham Worldwide. That said, I don't know if DDB and MVNP were affiliated when the Energizer Bunny campaign was conceptualized.
    Originally posted by oceanpacific View Post
    Name of the parrot for WESTERN AIRLINES ("the only way to fly")?
    Wally, iirc.


    • #17
      Re: Company & Product Mascots

      Tutu, is it "Wally-bird," or something along that line?


      • #18
        Re: Company & Product Mascots

        Originally posted by oceanpacific View Post
        Tutu, is it "Wally-bird," or something along that line?
        Ya know, that sounds familiar!


        • #19
          Re: Company & Product Mascots

          How about Bucky Beaver for Ipana toothpaste. Remember him? Might have been in the 60s, probably the 50s.

          "Brusha brusha brusha ... "


          • #20
            Re: Company & Product Mascots

            Originally posted by Honoruru View Post
            How about Bucky Beaver for Ipana toothpaste. Remember him? Might have been in the 60s, probably the 50s.

            "Brusha brusha brusha ... "
            I remember it during the late '50s. My, how time flies ...............


            • #21
              Re: Company & Product Mascots

              Originally posted by oceanpacific View Post
              I remember it during the late '50s. My, how time flies ...............
              I'm remembering the '50s, too. Crest took over in the 60s..."Look ma, no cavities."


              • #22
                Re: Company & Product Mascots

                NBC peacock
                Pillsbury doughboy
                2 fingers walking along the Yellow Pages
                The MGM Lion
                Ronald McDonald
                the Aflac duck
                Marlboro man
                Aunt Jemima
                Spuds McKenzie
                Buster Brown & Tige
                RCA dog
                McGruff dog
                Smokey the Bear
                Doublemint twins
                Frito Bandito
                Life cereal's Mikey
                Mr. Clean
                those gawd-awful rats (Quiznos?)
                Ernest P. Worrall!!!

                Now you all know why I have a 30 second mentality!


                • #23
                  Re: Company & Product Mascots

                  Any nominations for most politically incorrect company mascots? Here are mine:

                  Aunt Jemima
                  Rastus (Cream of Wheat)
                  Uncle Ben

                  How about the most prolific TV commercial spokesperson? My guess: Jim Varney.
                  This post may contain an opinion that may conflict with your opinion. Do not take it personal. Polite discussion of difference of opinion is welcome.


                  • #24
                    Re: Company & Product Mascots

                    "Our Kal Bi Plates are GRRRRREAT!"...

                    sigpic The Tasty Island


                    • #25
                      Re: Company & Product Mascots

                      I always thought the Yummy Korean BBQ tiger was a rip-off of the mascot from the Korean Olympics:

                      Or maybe they actually licensed the character.


                      • #26
                        Re: Company & Product Mascots

                        "Hi. I'm Joe Isuzu."
                        Make trouble, have fun, do good stuffs.


                        • #27
                          Re: Company & Product Mascots

                          "Hey, Vern!"
                          Make trouble, have fun, do good stuffs.


                          • #28
                            Re: Company & Product Mascots

                            Originally posted by Frankie's Market View Post
                            Any nominations for most politically incorrect company mascots? Here are mine:

                            Aunt Jemima
                            Rastus (Cream of Wheat)
                            Uncle Ben
                            The Taco Bell chihuahua was deemed politically incorrect a few years ago. Adios, perrito---siempre en nuestros corazones.

