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Tax recommendation?

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  • Tax recommendation?

    Tax time is here. Do you prepare your own taxes, or have them done by a service? I usually use a CPA because of my commission income (sales), but I'm thinking that TurboTax might work for me. It is questions about things like "home office" that keep me from doing my own taxes nowadays.

    What/how do you do your's? Any recommendations on computer programs for the average person? (I need something appropriate for a 2 income household - one employee and one self-employed in sales with a home office and travel).
    Now run along and play, but don’t get into trouble.

  • #2
    Re: Tax recommendation?

    Sorry, I can't help you, Amati. My taxes are way too complicated to attempt myself. That...and I have absolutely no interest in it!


    • #3
      Re: Tax recommendation?

      My brother and his wife both work out of the home and he uses Turbo Tax. I'm self employed but provide services at a customer's place of business. I was concerned about Social Security payments and Turbo Tax figures all that out, but I opted to stick with my Blockhead this year. Maybe next year. I'm pretty sure it'll work for your situation. He even told me the cost of Turbo Tax is deductible.


      • #4
        Re: Tax recommendation?

        I just e-filed my Federal taxes via H&R Block here :

        Very easy and very intuitive site to file your taxes.
        Check out my blog on Kona issues :
        The Kona Blog


        • #5
          Re: Tax recommendation?

          Originally posted by Konaguy View Post
          I just e-filed my Federal taxes via H&R Block here :
          Wow, here I am undecided on how to approach my taxes this year, and you've already completed your's! It is only the first week of February isn't it? (.... not April yet?)

          Thanks all for the advice so far.
          Now run along and play, but don’t get into trouble.


          • #6
            Re: Tax recommendation?

            In the past I've done my own (1040, with a Schedule A), but it's starting to get complex.


            • #7
              Re: Tax recommendation?

              Originally posted by Amati View Post
              Wow, here I am undecided on how to approach my taxes this year, and you've already completed your's! It is only the first week of February isn't it? (.... not April yet?)
              Well I need my tax refund badly (I need to get my truck serviced ASAP). Hence
              why I filed my taxes now.
              Check out my blog on Kona issues :
              The Kona Blog


              • #8
                Re: Tax recommendation?

                last year I used Turbo Tax. The federal side went smoothly,but the state side had some issues. I ended up getting $200.00 less because of this problem.

                My wife's friend said that she used,,and was totally happy with the results. She went on to say that she got her federal returns from them in less than two weeks time too!

                http://I'm curious if any of you If so, how was your experience with this new tax software?

