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Jack's Real Estate Questions

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  • #31
    Re: Jack's Real Estate Questions

    Average home prices statewide are above $600,000. But there is huge variation by island, and by community. The average price of a single-family home on Maui in 2006 topped $1 million (though obviously that was caused by a few pricey outliers).

    On O'ahu, the average price is $843,750.

    Median prices may be more realistic: $645,000 for homes and $325,000 for condos. Median price for homes on the Big Island is $386,000. On Kauai, $650,000.


    • #32
      Re: Jack's Real Estate Questions

      Originally posted by pzarquon View Post
      Average home prices statewide are above $600,000. But there is huge variation by island, and by community. The average price of a single-family home on Maui in 2006 topped $1 million (though obviously that was caused by a few pricey outliers).

      On O'ahu, the average price is $843,750.

      Median prices may be more realistic: $645,000 for homes and $325,000 for condos. Median price for homes on the Big Island is $386,000. On Kauai, $650,000.

      Is there a department i can go to personally and ask for facts in a more official format, printed of course? Doesn't the city have like a futuristic map of Oahu with little Monopoly Tokens and average estimate price labels?


      • #33
        Re: Jack's Real Estate Questions


        Try these links for some related data on Hawaii housing and income. In fact, poke around the Census site. These's a lot of interesting stuff there.

        Hope this helps a little to understand the very general picture. The labor force profile is especially interesting - From the point of view of a generally healthy economy, is rather distorted. Note the precentage of people employed in trade versus manufacturing. Also, military employment is omited, as it is from Non-farm Wage and Salary estimates as collected by the Dept. of Labor. It would be interesting to know what economic impact that has on the Hawaiian and Oahu economy. In that respect, you might want to contact Naomoi Harada at the Research and Statistics Office
        over on Punchbowl. Her email is



        • #34
          Re: Jack's Real Estate Questions

          You can find the most recent Real Estate sales stats here:

          One of my clients sends the more detialed Statistical Summary of Resales to me regularly. It's a PDF doc & I don't know how to link you to it, but it's got some good, solid stuff in it. Median & actual sales prices, units sold, etc, by neighborhood. Hmmm! Looks like I'm still in the cheapest housing on the island.
          Bloggin my way to the big time


          • #35
            Re: Jack's Real Estate Questions

            Thank you all, for your help.

            But now i have a very important question:

            Does our state, have a book or reference on Real Estate law that i can get for myself?

            How much do you think an attorney would cost for handling Real Estate forms?


            • #36
              Re: Jack's Real Estate Questions

              Originally posted by Jack Hawksmoor View Post
              Thank you all, for your help.

              But now i have a very important question:

              Does our state, have a book or reference on Real Estate law that i can get for myself?

              How much do you think an attorney would cost for handling Real Estate forms?
              answer to question one: go to and then type in "hawaii real estate laws.' the answer will reveal itself to you there.

              answer to question two: depends on the caliber of the attorney (is he an $85 an hour kinda atty; is she a $250 an hour kinda atty?), depends on what "forms" you want handled & what exactly you mean by "handling," depends on how many hours the work will take, depends on so many things that i doubt anyone can give you a useful answer without you providing more detail as to what you're trying to accomplish.
              superbia (pride), avaritia (greed), luxuria (lust), invidia (envy), gula (gluttony), ira (wrath) & acedia (sloth)--the seven deadly sins.

              "when you wake up in the morning, tell yourself: the people i deal with today will be meddling, ungrateful, arrogant, dishonest, jealous, and surly..."--meditations, marcus aurelius (make sure you read the rest of the passage, ya lazy wankers!)

              nothing humiliates like the truth.--me, in conversation w/mixedplatebroker re 3rd party, 2009-11-11, 1213


              • #37
                Re: Jack's Real Estate Questions

                Originally posted by ericncyn View Post
                answer to question one: go to and then type in "hawaii real estate laws.' the answer will reveal itself to you there.

                answer to question two: depends on the caliber of the attorney (is he an $85 an hour kinda atty; is she a $250 an hour kinda atty?), depends on what "forms" you want handled & what exactly you mean by "handling," depends on how many hours the work will take, depends on so many things that i doubt anyone can give you a useful answer without you providing more detail as to what you're trying to accomplish.
                Thank you for answering so soon.

                See, that's the thing, this is why i asked here.

                For the past month i have been searching for a realiable source of information regarding our hawaii real estate laws. I have found article after article, people's opinions, and nothing aggravates me more than using Google.

                I want to go to like City Hall or something and demand this great book of knowledge!


                • #38
                  Re: Jack's Real Estate Questions

                  funny. i was able to find a link to a book that would probably fit your needs on google using those exact same first terms. *shrug*
                  superbia (pride), avaritia (greed), luxuria (lust), invidia (envy), gula (gluttony), ira (wrath) & acedia (sloth)--the seven deadly sins.

                  "when you wake up in the morning, tell yourself: the people i deal with today will be meddling, ungrateful, arrogant, dishonest, jealous, and surly..."--meditations, marcus aurelius (make sure you read the rest of the passage, ya lazy wankers!)

                  nothing humiliates like the truth.--me, in conversation w/mixedplatebroker re 3rd party, 2009-11-11, 1213


                  • #39
                    Re: Jack's Real Estate Questions

                    Originally posted by ericncyn View Post
                    funny. i was able to find a link to a book that would probably fit your needs on google using those exact same first terms. *shrug*
                    A few clicks later...? At first i thought it was just another scam website so i blew it off.


                    Eh, $15 not too much to pay for the email download.

                    I am going down to the library to find out more.

