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The 2008 Presidential Elections

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  • Re: The 2008 Presidential Elections

    Originally posted by Mililani View Post
    [...]Hillary...may have not had enough votes to beat Obama. I've also heard reports say that her emotional outbreak was a plan that worked! But, I dunno.[...]
    This was actually my first thought. She's needed to ramp up her soft side and I saw the misty eyes as pre-planned. JMNSHO...


    • Re: The 2008 Presidential Elections

      There's not a lot to say about the NH results because except for Obama's strong second-place showing, nothing happened that everyone didn't expect. What would surprise me is if Clinton doesn't win every primary in New England. On the Republican side, I think everyone knows that the evangelical get-out-the-vote effort worked in Huckabee's favor, but that's not going to be a factor in the New England states. I'd expect the midwest to be evenly divided between McCain and Huckabee and most of the northeast to be divided between McCain and Romney, 'though I'm a little worried that NH was really McCain's last hurrah.
      But I'm disturbed! I'm depressed! I'm inadequate! I GOT IT ALL! (George Costanza)


      • Re: The 2008 Presidential Elections

        Originally posted by tutusue View Post
        This was actually my first thought. She's needed to ramp up her soft side and I saw the misty eyes as pre-planned. JMNSHO...
        I agree completely, it was pre-planned. I've heard people say that she can only use this Who-Wants-To-Be-A-Millionaire-esque lifeline once; if she uses it even one more time, everyone's going to be able to see through it. One can only hope!

        I really don't trust any of the candidates, but I'd rather have Obama for President than Hillary.


        • Re: The 2008 Presidential Elections

          I found Hillary's tears cynical if they were indeed pre-planned and completely self-indulgent if they were natural. It was funny the way one reporter put it, as quoted by Maureen Dowd: “That crying really seemed genuine. I’ll bet she spent hours thinking about it beforehand.” And another reporter at NYT who covers security issues cringed and said: “We are at war. Is this how she’ll talk to Kim Jong-il?” Both reporters, though, were men. It seems like the Oprah audience, ironically, gave Hillary the win yesterday.
          * I would be most content if my children grew up to be the kind of people who think decorating consists mostly of building enough bookshelves. *
          - Anna Quindlen


          • Re: The 2008 Presidential Elections

            A different take from the San Francisco Chronicle..

            Garry South, a California Democratic political consultant, said that women - who proved crucial to Clinton's big win in New Hampshire - might simply have said "enough is enough" as they watched a parade of cable TV pundits, mostly male, all but pronounce Clinton's White House bid over in the final 48 hours of the campaign.

            After the New York senator delivered a rare, emotional statement at a weekend campaign event, her voice nearly breaking, commentators began virtually nonstop analysis, suggesting that Clinton either was in the throes of a near-nervous breakdown or was making a shrewd bid for sympathy, he said.

            "I think this not totally a sisterhood kind of campaign, but women - whether they vill vote for her or not - know (her campaign) is a very historic thing," South said. "And to have her treated in that kind of dismissive way by a bunch of white male buffoon talking heads had women ticked off. My gut feeling is ... they stormed to the polls. Something happened here."
            full article:


            • Re: The 2008 Presidential Elections

              Originally posted by U'ilani View Post
              It's unfortunate that solid, moderate, experienced candidates like Richardson and Biden never had a chance. And regarding Hillary, will her loss in IA really have an impact? She was projected to lose for a while now, so no surprise. Meanwhile she's 7 points ahead in New Hampshire and 21 nationally. Her folks will use this IA loss to claim she's the comeback kid when she wins in NH.
              OK, that prediction came true. I predict, next, that Huckabee will beat Romney in Michigan--his economic populist message will play really well there. I don't heart Huckabee (AT ALL!), but I love this ad he's got for Michigan:
              We're losing manufacturing jobs, homeowners face a credit crisis, high fuel costs are spiraling, and families are hurting. I cut taxes, built highways, reformed health care and education, and achieved record job growth. I'm Mike Huckabee and I approved this message because I believe most Americans want their next president to remind them of the guy they work with, not the guy who laid them off.
              The emphasis is mine. Brilliant stuff. It'll drive the populists to him with that kind of message, and with the social conservatives/Christian right already on his side, he will overtake Romney (which will be quite a sting for Romney since he's from Michigan, originally).

              This is all good spectator sport for me because I don't like any of the remaining candidates, but I especially cannot stomach Huckabee.
              * I would be most content if my children grew up to be the kind of people who think decorating consists mostly of building enough bookshelves. *
              - Anna Quindlen


              • Re: The 2008 Presidential Elections

                So much for the "Law & Order" candidate.
                Fred Thompson is done.
                "If it's brown, it's cooked. If it's black, it's f***ed" - G. Ramsey


                • Re: The 2008 Presidential Elections

                  Mitt Romney asks, "Who let the dogs out?" [video] on MLK Day.

                  Can someone please give him a clue?
                  "If it's brown, it's cooked. If it's black, it's f***ed" - G. Ramsey


                  • Re: The 2008 Presidential Elections

                    It would be really nice if the candidates would stop cracking Muslim jokes and fighting with each other and simply get down to the business of stating their goals so that we could watch them and evaluate them.


                    • Re: The 2008 Presidential Elections

                      Originally posted by SusieMisajon View Post
                      It would be really nice if the candidates would stop cracking Muslim jokes and fighting with each other and simply get down to the business of stating their goals so that we could watch them and evaluate them.
                      Bwah-hah-haaaah! Susie, have you really been out of the country that long? "Naive" is not a word I would use to describe you; I love your perspective, you crazy dreamer!


                      • Re: The 2008 Presidential Elections

                        An interesting view


                        • Re: The 2008 Presidential Elections

                          huckabee wants to change the constitution so it fitss "god's standards." youtube video here.

                          "I have opponents in this race who do not want to change the Constitution," Huckabee told a Michigan audience on Monday. "But I believe it's a lot easier to change the Constitution than it would be to change the word of the living god. And that's what we need to do -- to amend the Constitution so it's in God's standards rather than try to change God's standards so it lines up with some contemporary view."
                          (quote copied from huffington post)

                          he might be folksy, he might be funny, but he's also downright scary.
                          superbia (pride), avaritia (greed), luxuria (lust), invidia (envy), gula (gluttony), ira (wrath) & acedia (sloth)--the seven deadly sins.

                          "when you wake up in the morning, tell yourself: the people i deal with today will be meddling, ungrateful, arrogant, dishonest, jealous, and surly..."--meditations, marcus aurelius (make sure you read the rest of the passage, ya lazy wankers!)

                          nothing humiliates like the truth.--me, in conversation w/mixedplatebroker re 3rd party, 2009-11-11, 1213


                          • Re: The 2008 Presidential Elections

                            It looks like Huckabee's days are numbered. {crosses fingers}
                            * I would be most content if my children grew up to be the kind of people who think decorating consists mostly of building enough bookshelves. *
                            - Anna Quindlen


                            • Re: The 2008 Presidential Elections

                              Originally posted by MixedPlateBroker View Post
                              So much for the "Law & Order" candidate.
                              Fred Thompson is done.
                              So much for any possibility of Sam Waterson being US Attorney General.


                              • Re: The 2008 Presidential Elections

                                So much for the possibility of a fiscal conservative running for president.
                                * I would be most content if my children grew up to be the kind of people who think decorating consists mostly of building enough bookshelves. *
                                - Anna Quindlen

