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The "Real" Middle Eastern War

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  • #61
    Re: no conscience, no forgiveness , Re: The "Real" Middle Eastern War...

    How hypocritical of Bush or any U.S. leader to condemn other countries with "...their government is not transparent."! But the U.S. government is? Over sixty years since the U.S. WMD bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the U.S. Government still prohibits release of information regarding those bombings.' A story that the U.S. government hoped would never see the light of day finally has been published, 60 years after it was spiked by military censors. The discovery of reporter George Weller's firsthand account of conditions in post-nuclear Nagasaki sheds light on one of the great journalistic betrayals of the last century: the cover-up of the effects of the atomic bombing on Japan.

    On Aug. 6, 1945, the U.S. dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima; three days later, Nagasaki was hit. Gen. Douglas MacArthur promptly declared southern Japan off-limits, barring the news media. More than 200,000 people died in the atomic bombings of the cities, but no Western journalist witnessed the aftermath and told the story. Instead, the world's media obediently crowded onto the battleship USS Missouri off the coast of Japan to cover the Japanese surrender.

    A month after the bombings, two reporters defied General MacArthur and struck out on their own. Mr. Weller, of the Chicago Daily News, took row boats and trains to reach devastated Nagasaki. Independent journalist Wilfred Burchett rode a train for 30 hours and walked into the charred remains of Hiroshima. Both men encountered nightmare worlds. ... ...

    ...Mr. Laurence (N.Y.Times employee on U.S.War Dept. payroll) won a Pulitzer Prize for his reporting on the atomic bomb, and his faithful parroting of the government line was crucial in launching a half-century of silence about the deadly lingering effects of the bomb. It is time for the Pulitzer board to strip Hiroshima's apologist and his newspaper of this undeserved prize.

    Sixty years late, Mr. Weller's censored account stands as a searing indictment not only of the inhumanity of the atomic bomb but also of the danger of journalists embedding with the government to deceive the world. ' by Amy Goodman and David Goodman , printed in Baltimore Sun

    A government's transparency should be determined not by the volume of information it makes public but by the amount and quality of the information it releases relative to the amount of such information it secrets. It would be surprising if the U.S. did not still have information from the Civil War, or even Revolutionary War, period that it secrets for fear of revealed facts tarnishing the faux image of the Union.

    There is one certainty when it comes to U.S. executive branch pronouncements regarding their prior knowledge of Israel's aerial assaults and invasion plans for Gaza and Lebanon: the U.S. public will not find out the truth through either their government or Israel's government. Another question: Are enough U.S. Military and NSA satellite and ground intelligence assets effectively at the disposal of Zionazi War Machine targetting and battle planners that this war should be called an USraeli war along the same reasoning as USWar:Iraq is an USraeli war?
    Last edited by waioli kai; July 18, 2006, 11:03 AM.


    • #62
      USS Liberty Attacked 1967 Re: The "Real" Middle Eastern War...

      With all the U.S. citizens and military assets in Ersatzion Israel's present war zone it could be helpful to rememberTHE ATTACK ON THE USS LIBERTY in June 1967.

      U.S. Vice Adm. Patrick Walsh was probably barely out of preschool when Israeli war planes attacked USS Liberty, so he probably felt no irony a few hours ago when concluding a Defense Department briefing where he was asked about whether or not he was concerned about Hizbollah possibly attacking a U.S. vessel in the current USraeli war zone.

      At the same time Israeli warplanes were attacking USS Liberty, Israeli ground forces were in nearby Sinai summarily executing scores of their captured Egyptian soldiers, murdering their battlefield prisoners in direct contravention of the Geneva Convention and all international laws pertaining to prisoners of warfare.
      Last edited by waioli kai; July 18, 2006, 10:57 AM.


      • #63
        "Where are the Christians?"

        This article was written by Patrick J. Buchanan, of all people!

        "...The Lebanon that Israel, with Bush's blessing, is smashing up has a pro-American government, heretofore considered a shining example of his democracy crusade. Yet, asked in St. Petersburg if he would urge Israel to use restraint in its airstrikes, Bush sounded less like the leader of the Free World than some bellicose city councilman from Brooklyn Heights.

        "...Let it be said: Israel has a right to defend herself, a right to counter-attack against Hezbollah and Hamas, a right to clean out bases from which Katyusha or Qassam rockets are being fired and a right to occupy land from which attacks are mounted on her people.

        But what Israel is doing is imposing deliberate suffering on civilians, collective punishment on innocent people, to force them to do something they are powerless to do: disarm the gunmen among them. Such a policy violates international law and comports neither with our values nor our interests. It is un-American and un-Christian.

        But where are the Christians? Why is Pope Benedict virtually alone among Christian leaders to have spoken out against what is being done to Lebanese Christians and Muslims?

        "...That Tel Aviv is maneuvering us to fight its wars is understandable. That Americans are ignorant of, or complicit in this, is deplorable.

        Already, Bush is ranting about Syria being behind the Hezbollah capture of the Israeli soldiers. But where is the proof?

        Who is whispering in his ear? The same people who told him Iraq was maybe months away from an atom bomb, that an invasion would be a "cakewalk," that he would be Churchill, that U.S. troops would be greeted with candy and flowers, that democracy would break out across the region, that Palestinians and Israelis would then sit down and make peace?

        How much must America pay for the education of this man?"
        Last edited by Miulang; July 18, 2006, 02:57 PM.
        "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain


        • #64
          The plight of American citizens in Lebanon

          It's confusing and frustrating enough to be an American citizen caught in Beirut, but Americans who are trapped outside the city are suffering an even worse fate:

          I saw a really sad interview this morning from a Lebanese American family (the husband is a Lebanese American who works for CNN and his wife and 4 sons went to visit relatives in one of the small towns in Lebanon). He said the Embassy had told his wife and sons that they would be "rescued" earlier today. The Embassy wanted his family to make their way to Beirut. But his wife told the Embassy that all the roads were bombed out and impassable. So I guess the Marines were supposed to come by and "rescue" his wife and kids this morning. They waited and waited and no help arrived. His wife's sister was carrying a French passport, and she and her family were moved out of the village this morning, and the French offered to move his family too, but he told his wife, "no, wait for the Americans. We are Americans and we should wait for them to rescue us". So his sister-in-law and her family are now probably safe, while this poor guy, who was on the verge of tears, doesn't know when the US government will come to pick up his family. His wife reported they have no electricity, no water, and their food supply was almost gone...this is really really distressing to me.

          "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain


          • #65
            Re: The "Real" Middle Eastern War...

            This lady deserves serious whacks.



            • #66
              State Dept backs down

              Ha! It MUST be an election year...the State Department this afternoon has decided to waive the transportation fee it was going to charge Americans who were being evacuated from Lebanon.

              I think Congress and the White House will continue to be bombarded by angry emails and phone calls from concerned Americans until every last American who wants to flee Lebanon is safe back in America.

              The approximately $5 million (at an estimated cost of $250/evacuee) that we have to eat if all 25,000 Americans wanted to come home (and only about 8,000 at this point signed up to be evacuated, so the amount would be far less) is chump change compared to the $1.5 billion we spend every week in Iraq.

              "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain


              • #67
                War Window of Opporitunity Hallelujah jesUS , re: The Real War...

                What does it say about a people who call themselves 'civilized' when they can say they are grateful for war because it gives them a 'window of opporitunity'.
                " We should be grateful to Hezbollah for giving us this 'window of opportunity' to launch an offensive that will change the rules of the game and break down the 'balance of fear' created by Hezbollah's menacing presence along our northern border. Take a deep breath Haaretz July 18, 2006

                What does it say about such people who see war as a window of opporitunity? Well, if your an American or even not an American, judging from the moment's near 200 point gain in the NY Stock Exchange, it says
                " Invest, Invest, Invest! The Israeli offense forces are saying they're go for weeks if not, hopefully, longer. This could a most profitable war for US! Hallelujah jesUS !! "


                • #68
                  Re: War Window of Opporitunity Hallelujah jesUS , re: The Real War...

                  Here's the beginning of "Take a deep breath and be grateful for this war":
                  ' When the attack on Hezbollah first began, there was a sneaking suspicion we were looking at an Olmert-Peretz ego trip orchestrated by Dan Halutz. Two of these guys have never led a military campaign in their lives, and the third is a chief of staff who is out to become the greatest general in the history of the state, and in due time, prime minister. These suspicions hark back to our bitter experience in the Lebanon War, with its 18 years of bloodshed and deception. But the aggressive language of these leaders was also a contributing factor, if not the main one.

                  Based on statements made by Olmert "behind closed doors," Yedioth Ahronoth reported that Olmert was intent on "crushing Hezbollah," and Condoleezza Rice's (it's ShowTime folks! Rice sugar-coated Death-speak lies-of-good-intentions) pleas for restraint fell on deaf ears. "We will demolish them," he declared, "and nothing is going to hold us back."

                  After him came Peretz with a "personal pledge" that when he was done, "Nasrallah will remember the name 'Amir Peretz' for the rest of his life." ...'

                  Old militant zionizt warrior Ariel Sharon in his late-in-life consciousness futilely sought some semblance of peace and wisdom to be his legacy. Whatever actionable humanitarian conscience and master-of-brutality acquired wisdom Sharon had left to put into practice is no longer available to Israel or Israel's enemies and Israel is left to be led by men of no conscience, no wisdom, ubridaled hates and pathologically murderous delusions. As a result, the United States and Israel are unquestionably joined as one, under their singularly misguided, irresponsible terrorUSt$ warfare conceived and driven purpose for which goals U.S. zionUSts can no longer avail themselves of the propagation of illusions that U.S. zionUSt$ were ever, could ever be an honest broker for peace in the Middle East.

                  .................................................. .
                  More USraeli warrior wisdom from Zionazirael 19JulyO6 :
                  America's deadly messenger in the Middle East:Israel

                  WASHINGTON - Across from UN headquarters in New York, Senator Hillary Clinton (Democrat, New York) stood at a small podium adorned with the symbol of the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations to give a speech in praise of Israel. Behind her and at her sides - a group of men in gray: Israel's Ambassador to the UN, Danny Gillerman, the chairman of the Conference of Presidents, Malcolm Hoenlein, the Israeli Consul General in New York, Arye Mekel. Mummified in their neckties in the sweltering heat of the east coast, serious of mien, nodding. "We will stand with Israel, because Israel is standing for American values as well as Israeli ones," Clinton said. Here you have it - the whole foreign relations Torah on one slightly perspiring foot.

                  Much was said here on Monday about the American secretary of state's forthcoming trip to the Middle East, a trip that her spokesman promised in the daily briefing to journalists. However, it isn't the trip that is the story, but rather its absence, its postponement to an unknown date. And when it comes, the spokesman said, the secretary will deal with the causes of the crisis - the violent actions of the Hezbollah in the area of the border and beyond it. President George W. Bush, who with his typical Texan charm was caught cussing into an open microphone, also did not leave much of an opening for interpretation: Not only is America not opposed to the Israeli attack, but also it is encouraging it. And for a reason that connects well to the one that Clinton mentioned: It represents a clear American interest. ...

                  " The cause of the crisis ..." ??
                  from the world's zionUSt perspective is the refusal of anti-Israel in Palestine peoples to roll over and die, or else accept, and indeed support, Zionazirael as their saviour from the barbarities of Islam and other non-zionUSt ideologies of Humanity.

                  Zionazi Israel is "freeing Lebanon" (a recurrent zionUSt claim) as fascUSt$ America is pushing "freedom in Iraq", like fascUSt$ America tried "to free" Vietnam and "free" all the African and Latin American peoples who fail to, are reluctant to share in and presumably benefit from the "free market" militarUSism of fascUSt$, zionUSt America.
                  Last edited by waioli kai; July 19, 2006, 10:08 AM.


                  • #69
                    Re: The "Real" Middle Eastern War...

                    Yeah, I think the main reason why the IDF is so intent on squashing Hezbollah at the expense of innocent Lebanese is because they feel they have been humiliated and need to flex their muscle. We have "cowboy" foreign policies in this country; would the equivalent in Israel be "camel" foreign policy? (you know, camels are stubborn, ornery and spit in your face).

                    I cannot understand why the people of Israel are allowing their military to kill innocent people while also understanding that this escalation in the conflict is also imperiling their own safety.

                    Given what Bush apparently has told Israel, that the US would give Israel another week to "soften" Hezbollah before it sends Condoleeeeeeezza riding in on a white horse to save the day, it appears we are in collusion with Israel and are using them as a proxy in our "war on terrorism".

                    Last edited by Miulang; July 19, 2006, 08:30 AM.
                    "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain


                    • #70
                      hypocrIsrael conflictions, non-Semitic Jews vs. Arab Semites

                      Israel's path to total war
                      "Sure, Hezbollah conducted a raid across the border and kidnapped two Israeli soldiers, and that as a show of solidarity with the much-repressed Palestinians, but the rocket attacks on Israel were in response to Israel's massive bombardment clearly pre-planned to attain the dual objective of defanging Hezbollah and creating a regime change in Lebanon, perhaps as a prelude to a wider war on Syria and Iran. Gideon Levy in the liberal Israeli paper Haaretz has put it cogently:

                      "In Gaza, a soldier is abducted from the army of a state (Israel)that frequently abducts civilians from their homes and locks them up for years with or without a trial - but only we (Israel) are allowed to do that. And only we're allowed to bomb civilian population centers."

                      "anti-semitism" is a promotion of a defintion originally concocted by a bigot and now promoted by Jews themselves to create a shield to thwart criticism of any Jew or Israel.

                      The more accurate definition should read, "a defense mechanism used by Jews to silence and censor anyone who says anything negative, even if truthful, about Jews or Israel"
                      Jews are a minority amongst Semites.
                      The term "anti-semitism" is insulting to the majority of Semites since it is being used to indicate only Jewish Semites.

                      -- -- -- - -

                      $210m of aviation fuel to help Israel "keep peace and security in the region"
                      "This situation will persist as long as the west remains in denial about the reasons for the ongoing conflict and until the Israeli political establishment is forced to pay a price for its obstinacy. Yet the US remains entirely complicit in its role as Israel's main strategic ally. In the midst of last Friday's onslaught, in which Israeli bombers killed dozens of Lebanese civilians, the Pentagon announced the export of $210m of aviation fuel to help Israel "keep peace and security in the region". Even Britain and other European countries indulge in a form of diplomatic misdirection by focusing one-sidedly on the roles played by Syria and Iran.",,1822143,00.html
                      Last edited by waioli kai; July 19, 2006, 02:46 PM.


                      • #71
                        Re: The "Real" Middle Eastern War...

                        Originally posted by timkona
                        There will never be peace in the Muddled East until the Koran is edited or discredited.
                        This is the definition of intolerance.

                        We can’t be so fixated on our desire to preserve the rights of ordinary Americans.

                        — U.S. President Bill Clinton
                        USA TODAY, page 2A
                        11 March 1993


                        • #72
                          specious wealth, another "Holocaust"? , Re: hypocrIsrael conflictions,

                          When the entire edifice of IsrealHell in Palestine is based upon the results of the Nazi-style (and content if you switch "Arab" for "Jew") success of Zionizt America's pro-Zionazirael propaganda targeted on a non-Zionizt, increasingly war weary**, self-absorbed when not otherwise worked-to-death (a majority by far) American populace;

                          when the entire edifice of IsrealHell in Palestine is based upon a one-way valveless connection IsrealHell has to the faux wealth of the U.S. Treasury, a treasury that to U.S. citizens is a wealth***, to which they heavily contribute but scarcely benefit;

                          when the entire edifice of Zionazirael in Palestine is based upon an ideology (Zionism) that is [URL=>contrary</a>, [SIZE=1](see )[/SIZE] to the ideology, the theology of Judaism;

                          when the entire edifice (the Zionizt faction of leaders of the U.S., conspirators with and enablers of IsrealHell, does not such an edifice of the peoples and lands of the United States make for Israel) of IsrealHell in Palestine is little more in land surface than the Greek island Kriti/Crete, about a third the size of Latvia, not twice the size of the Bahamas, not habitable on more than the land area of either Hawaii Island or three times the area of urban Los Angeles;

                          when the entire edifice of IsrealHell in Palestine, Ersatz Zion in the Middle East is called "a Jewish State", such a state is most certainly not the Israel of G-d's will anymore than the catastrophe wrought by German Nazi upon Russians, Jews, Gypsies, communists and others was G-d's holocaust, The Holocaust.

                          Could that holocaust have been "The Holocaust" when so many adherents to, perpetuators (twelve hours ago, Netanyahu to cnn Lou Dobbs) of such a Zionizt created appellation as "The Holocaust" make reference to "another holocaust"? It's either The Holocaust or it isn't,,,it's not "The Holocaust I", "The Holocaust II", "III", and so on! How can the Netanyahus of Zionazirael put doubt into people's minds as to the authenticity of the Zionizt claim of "The Holocaust" having already occured for Jews in the 20thCE Century unless those Netanyahus are themselves not entirely convinced it was indeed The Holocaust.

                          No, Islam is not threatened by the presence of a Jewish state on Earth, but Islam is threatened by the super-militarized, WMD-armed, Christian-Zionizt crusading, terrorist, rogue, delusional state of Zionazirael in Palestine., which is not representative of Herzlian Zionist Jews, Christian or secularist, non-Zionist Jews or anti-Zionist Jews, all of whom are from around the world and homegrown, represented in IsrealHell but refuse to kill for, to worship IsrealHell in Palestine.

                          ** good planning? now, Ersatz Israel, is all fired up to continue U.S./isrealHell's Wars on all who resist U.S./israelzHell's destruction, killing and investments to make their version of Zion on Earth.

                          ***the oddest, most outrageously specious wealth of any wealth in the history of wealth. "A wealth" of exponentially spiraling debt founded on seeming unlimited obsequiousness and ignorance (engendered and nurtured by U.S. Elitedom) of U.S. citizens from whose real-work, payroll earnings (money never really earns anything) is taken the monies to maintain the pretense that the U.S. Treasury is solvent, that the U.S. Treasury has any financial underpinnings that keep Treasury from collapsing into the black hole which it is, were it not for the fact that it is the U.S. Treasury-bound (via U.S.debt bonds) US$-representative wealth of other nations, and whose wealth of transferrable natural resources sustains the Corporate America-driven consumerist gluttony, waste and warfare.
                          Last edited by waioli kai; July 20, 2006, 02:33 AM.


                          • #73
                            Killing at random? Re: hypocrIsrael confliction
                            "...for every Qassam rocket that hits an Israeli locale, an artillery barrage should be fired at a Palestinian locale – not into empty areas. This is a basic rule in war." --Ze’ev Schiff
                            A basic rule in war? No, it's only a basic rule in war for terrorist warfare, a Zionazi specialty that militant enemies of Zionaziism emulate.
                            "Every time the enemy fires artillery into residential Jewish communities with the intent of killing Jews at random, Israel must respond with its own artillery also aimed into residential Arabs areas with the same goal of killing at random."
                            Somehow in the Zionazi mind it is not considered random killing when Zionazi attempting to assassinate one man also murder his whole family and neighbors, and, that's just if a Zionazi smart rocket/missile hits its intended target area with "minimal collateral damage". Killing at random? Zionazirael is no more ethical than its enemies while, given this second Zionazi destruction of Lebanon in as many decades, most non-Zionazi would say Zionazirael is much less ethical.


                            • #74
                              The Palestinian point of view...

                              The author of this piece was the Minister for Planning for the Palestinian Authority. What he describes are reasons why Palestinians are fighting against Israel's occupation today.

                              "...Gazans were always active in refusing and resisting the occupation and have had very extensive experience with collective economic punishment. Economic sanctions are directly responsible for the Gaza Strip's current dire economic straits. For example, in order to prevent Gazans from benefiting from the Israeli withdrawal from the illegal Jewish settlements there, Israel imposed different punitive measures, including the near-total restriction on the movement of Gazan products from Gaza.

                              "...The recent escalation, which included the capture of an Israeli soldier, predictably led Israel to tighten the economic sanctions and other collective punishment measures even further.

                              These measures include further restrictions on allowing supplies of basic necessities into Gaza, necessities such as food, medicine and fuel; on allowing people in or out of the Strip; and on access to the sea for fishermen. Not content with that, Israel has also targeted civilian infrastructure including roads and bridges, the water supply network and the sewage system as well as the Gaza Strip's only electric power plant.

                              "...All this has been happening with minimal reaction from the relevant international actors, especially the United States. It is ironic to register that the US, which originally financed the building of the power plant, also financed its destruction at the hands of the US-subsidized Israeli military. Now Washington has expressed a willingness to finance the rebuilding of the power plant. The American taxpayer is paying three times over for this plant: its establishment, destruction and re-establishment. Who says the US is not getting involved?

                              In spite of all these Israeli sanctions--likely because of them-- public support for the continuation of the resistance to the occupation is growing. The latest poll from the Jerusalem Media and Communications Center show that even though a majority believe that the capture of the Israeli soldier will lead to greater losses on the Palestinian side, a vast majority, over 77 percent, support the capture of Israeli soldiers and other such measures of rejecting and resisting the occupation.

                              "The lesson that Israel hasn't been willing to learn from its long experience as a belligerent occupying power is that the more pressure it puts on the Palestinians, the more the Palestinians will push back...."


                              P.S. what no one seems to know is the real precipitating cause for Hamas' capturing of the Israeli soldier was that Israel, on June 24, allegedly kidnapped a civilian doctor and his brother and have them imprisoned somewhere in Israel.
                              "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain


                              • #75
                                An Israeli viewpoint

                                The author of this piece (from the same website) is executive director of B'Tselem: the Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories.

                                "...Israel has also intentionally destroyed civilian infrastructure, such as the bridges linking the southern and northern portions of the Gaza Strip, and even more devastating, the central electricity relay station bombed on June 28. It is estimated that it will take months to repair the damage, and in the meantime Gazans have electricity for only some six hours each day. This increases the need for fuel and spare parts to power generators (particularly for hospitals and water pumping stations), as well as dependence on the daily import of perishables like milk that can no longer be refrigerated. All of these goods must come through Israel, primarily through the Karni crossing, which Israel closed for most of the recent period.

                                Reports from Gaza are dire. Stores have stopped selling meat and dairy products. Trucks of food and medicine have been stuck at Karni. Several water wells are no longer functioning. Hospitals have reduced their activities to life-saving procedures. The water utility has been dumping raw sewage into the sea for lack of power and equipment to run the sewage treatment plants. There is concern that untreated sewage will pollute the aquifer or spill into the streets causing a public health disaster.

                                From the perspective of the Israeli government and Israeli society as a whole, punishing the entire Palestinian population in order to exert pressure on the PA and the armed groups has become part of "legitimate" policy. This is clearly indicated by Olmert's unapologetic justification for the sonic booms. Such an approach--using the civilian population to advance political or military goals--is not unique to Israel, of course. The firing of Qassam rockets at towns in southern Israel, and the firing of Katyushas in the north explicitly target Israeli civilians as a way to achieve such goals. I would hope, however, that Israel would not stoop to the level of a terrorist organization. In any case, a basic principle of the laws of war is that one side's violation of the law does not give the other party license to do the same."

                                Last edited by Miulang; July 20, 2006, 03:47 PM.
                                "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain

