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Iraq War Called Illegal by Hawai‘i Army Lieutenant

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  • Re: Iraq War Called Illegal by Hawai‘i Army Lieutenant

    War is Hell, always was and always will be. Lt. Watada has every right to express his opinion and the war may very well be illegal but as GI he doesn't have the right to refuse deployment. So he chose to face the consequence and so be it. Maybe the new Democratic majority can come with a solution to end this war since they're almost all against it or are they all waha. Just my 2cents.


    • Re: Iraq War Called Illegal by Hawai‘i Army Lieutenant

      Originally posted by 1stwahine View Post
      If the Draft will be re-instated, which I also believe is going to happen...people better start looking into it's rules and regulations.
      You have too much faith, Aunty Lynn. The draft should be re-instated if we hope to have any chance of winning in Iraq. Unfortunately, as Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward revealed, President Bush has no intention of implementing such a policy. Even if he did, the U.S. Congress that will be controlled by Democrats in less then two months, would never approve such a proposal.

      The architect of this war, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, will soon face charges of war crimes. If Lt. Watada’s persecution paves the way for Rumsfeld’s prosecution, it was well worth it. You go, boy! Stand proud!!!

      We can’t be so fixated on our desire to preserve the rights of ordinary Americans.

      — U.S. President Bill Clinton
      USA TODAY, page 2A
      11 March 1993


      • Re: Iraq War Called Illegal by Hawai‘i Army Lieutenant

        Originally posted by TuNnL View Post
        You have too much faith, Aunty Lynn. The draft should be re-instated if we hope to have any chance of winning in Iraq.
        Everyone who knows me ~ knows I have strong FAITH!

        I also got pissed when General Shinseki, former Army Chief of Staff, told the Administration that it would take 300-500000 troops to "win the war" in Iraq and they didn't believe him!

        Lastly, I am not surprised that you would be joining those in supporting Lt. Watada. There is a English Idiom Definition which comes to mind this lovely Friday morning meaning:"Birds of a feather flock together!"

        Auntie Lynn
        Be AKAMAI ~ KOKUA Hawai`i!
        Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


        • Re: Iraq War Called Illegal by Hawai‘i Army Lieutenant

          Originally posted by manoasurfer123 View Post
          Here lies the problem... My brother-in-law only enlisted because the economy on the Big Island was so bad at the time... that was his only way of gaining employment. My own brother joined the Marines because he had no other options at the time. I think they should start the draft again and not make it a voluntary thing.

          So in the words of Mr. Kerry, he should have stayed in school so he wouldn't have the option of having to joining the Military to put food in his body.

          The fact is that the US Military offers employment to those who can basically read at the 9th grade level and higher. They make employment that easy for "entry-level" jobs.

          Here is another fact to remember, if the US Military didn't take him in on a volunteer basis who would have?

          It's fantastic that your Brother In Law in his efforts to gain an income decided to work for it instead of simply receiving it thru some government subsidy program.

          In my work ethic you don't struggle to look for a job, then find an employer that will take you in despite being rejected by virtually everyone else, then badmouth them after picking up your paycheck and receiving benefits.

          Like Auntie said, the Military will weed out those unfit for duty. There is a psychological profile test given to all military basic trainees to see if they will serve well overseas. Apparently Watada passed the test but either the screener didn't catch the little nuances of his feelings of the war in Iraq, or he lied. Which ever but somebody messed up.

          Now with Mr. Hoyer being the Majority leader, and him being a moderate democrat, it seems the war in Iraq is becoming an issue between moderates and staunch democrats as to when to begin to retreat from Iraq. And I use that word "retreat" because that's exactly what we will be doing if we don't complete our objective.

          Let's see how Mazie deals with the moderates in her own party now.
          Life is what you make of please read the instructions carefully.


          • Re: Iraq War Called Illegal by Hawai‘i Army Lieutenant

            Originally posted by TuNnL View Post
            The architect of this war, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, will soon face charges of war crimes.
            Oh, stop now --- don't be getting my hopes up like that, TuNnL.


            • Re: Iraq War Called Illegal by Hawai‘i Army Lieutenant

              Originally posted by Leo Lakio View Post
              Oh, stop now --- don't be getting my hopes up like that, TuNnL.
              Rummy may have to face a German court for crimes against humanity. He can't set foot anywhere in Germany for fear that he might get incarcerated. Hey, do you think he could be "extraordinarily renditioned" to some hellhole in Syria and tortured like he ordered the torture of so many people in Gitmo, Abu Ghraib and other prisons?

              "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain


              • Re: Iraq War Called Illegal by Hawai‘i Army Lieutenant

                Originally posted by craigwatanabe View Post
                Now with Mr. Hoyer being the Majority leader, and him being a moderate democrat, it seems the war in Iraq is becoming an issue between moderates and staunch democrats as to when to begin to retreat from Iraq. And I use that word "retreat" because that's exactly what we will be doing if we don't complete our objective.
                What's the diff between a "moderate" and a "staunch Democrat"? You mean a "liberal" Democrat? There certainly are 'moderate" Democrats.

                "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain


                • Re: Iraq War Called Illegal by Hawai‘i Army Lieutenant


                  Posting as an alias gives you NO credibility... matter of fact...
                  Makes you look like a liar and a coward.

                  Nice way to represent buddy!


                  • Re: Iraq War Called Illegal by Hawai‘i Army Lieutenant

                    Originally posted by 1stwahine View Post
                    Yeah right! It took you all this time to answer. I saw you lurking yesterday. Took you this long to think of of an answer?

                    Give me a break?

                    You ain't no MARINE!

                    As for anything else you post...whateva's. Anybody can say wat dey want hiding behind an alias.

                    And...On Nov. 10, 2006 Elections support his move, Watada claims
                    The Army drops one of its three charges against the officer
                    By Gregg K. Kakesako

                    "First Lt. Ehren Watada, who will become the first Army officer to face a court-martial next year for refusing to fight in Iraq, said he believes this week's elections support his contention that the Iraqi war is immoral and illegal.

                    He made his remarks after one of three charges against him was dropped by the Army yesterday.

                    His father, Bob Watada, in another written statement, said, "People come up and tell us that Ehren is a true American hero. Of course, we are concerned about the outcome, but we are very gratified with the enormous support from a broad sector of the American people."

                    Uhhhhh...HELLO???? Broad Sector? I no tink so! For one thing No Military Person can speak out due to Rules and Regulations! However, if they did ~ and I've heard many say what a Fxxxxxx Coward Watada is for bailing out of his duties afta the fact.

                    And as a Military Mom, I also believe there is a larger percentage out there who think Lt. Watada is just being a Scarecrow and using dis as an excuse not to fulfill his obligations. I could go on and on but I won't...I did already. Old news.

                    He'll get his day in Court and he'll serve time. No doubt about dat.

                    His mamas, daddy and supporters going all have to wait a long time to see him again.

                    Wow! I mean dis morning...yeah! Cause I got a son-in-law in Iraq! Who proudly serves our Country! And my two children wuz dea too. My son deploys there again next year.

                    I have a right to be angry juss like the WATADA'S have a right to wimp and say NO!

                    Lucky we live in AMERICA!

                    Lynn Vasquez
                    Yes I am a marine, and I dont really care if you believe me or not. But this is not the issue I am concerned with, but I care about Watada's case. If you want to just see my as Mr. Seaton, or plain Rod, or even better yet, Vipassana meditation guy, that is fine. I do however think you are a male since women dont display that kind of ego. No mom is going to have arrogance of their kids being deployed and reason about obeying superiors in an unquestionable fashion like a dad would. Even as a republican as you are, you wouldnt say such a thing about your own kids, dude! But I wont pursue it further sir. I am into opening chakras and being aware of the nature of reality, reading books on Dalai Lama, Tibetan Book of Living and Dying by Sogyal Rinpoche. This latter book, I recommend you read.

                    I feel Watada is not a coward, but one who served in the front lines of the media facing the greatest danger within the military. I am a dual citizen being Canadian also. I think Canadians embrace the kind of compassion Americans need to embrace. In the North American family, USA is the father, Canada is the Mother.

                    But quite honestly Lynn, wouldnt you want a guy like Lt. Watada to marry one of your daughters (if you have a daughter?). I know I would be happy to offer my daughter to him.

                    Do you regard, personally Watada as a true American or do you see him as a Japanese? (If you can only see him as the latter, you do know that Japanese are last to be cowards, and there has never been Japanese cowards). The British, i gotta say there might have been more cowards than not.
                    Last edited by MSgtRoderickSeatonUSMC; November 17, 2006, 10:45 AM.


                    • Re: Iraq War Called Illegal by Hawai‘i Army Lieutenant

                      Originally posted by 1stwahine View Post
                      You're not a MARINE!
                      Originally posted by 1stwahine View Post
                      You ain't no MARINE!As for anything else you post...whateva's. Anybody can say wat dey want hiding behind an alias.
                      Originally posted by manoasurfer123 View Post
                      Posting as an alias gives you NO credibility... matter of fact...
                      Makes you look like a liar and a coward.
                      Nice way to represent buddy!
                      Manoa & Lynn --- are you holding back from us? Have you got some proof that he is not who he says he is? Granted, I'd like some confirmation that he is not hiding behind a false alias (and I would condemn him for doing so), but I haven't heard anything yet that proves he's not who he claims to be. On what criteria do you base your statements?


                      • Re: Iraq War Called Illegal by Hawai‘i Army Lieutenant

                        Originally posted by MSgtRoderickSeatonUSMC View Post
                        Sorry, I forgot to mention perhaps, but I am using an alias because I dont want to be branded beyond the post. I got to admit, even as a marine, I dont have Lt. Watada's courage.
                        Originally posted by Leo Lakio View Post
                        Manoa & Lynn --- are you holding back from us? Have you got some proof that he is not who he says he is? Granted, I'd like some confirmation that he is not hiding behind a false alias (and I would condemn him for doing so), but I haven't heard anything yet that proves he's not who he claims to be. On what criteria do you base your statements?
                        On his own Criteria! He himself states he doesn't have Watada's courage...
                        And to me Watada is a chickenshat!


                        • Re: Iraq War Called Illegal by Hawai‘i Army Lieutenant

                          Originally posted by MSgtRoderickSeatonUSMC View Post
                          Yes I am a marine, and I dont really care if you believe me or not. But this is not the issue I am concerned with, but I care about Watada's case. If you want to just see my as Mr. Seaton, or plain Rod, or even better yet, Vipassana meditation guy, that is fine. I do however think you are a male since women dont display that kind of ego. No mom is going to have arrogance of their kids being deployed and reason about obeying superiors in an unquestionable fashion like a dad would. Even as a republican as you are, you wouldnt say such a thing about your own kids, dude! But I wont pursue it further sir. I am into opening chakras and being aware of the nature of reality, reading books on Dalai Lama, Tibetan Book of Living and Dying by Sogyal Rinpoche. This latter book, I recommend you read.

                          I feel Watada is not a coward, but one who served in the front lines of the media facing the greatest danger within the military. I am a dual citizen being Canadian also. I think Canadians embrace the kind of compassion Americans need to embrace. In the North American family, USA is the father, Canada is the Mother.

                          But quite honestly Lynn, wouldnt you want a guy like Lt. Watada to marry one of your daughters (if you have a daughter?). I know I would be happy to offer my daughter to him.

                          Do you regard, personally Watada as a true American or do you see him as a Japanese? (If you can only see him as the latter, you do know that Japanese are last to be cowards, and there has never been Japanese cowards). The British, i gotta say there might have been more cowards than not.

                          Eh! Dude! I am a MAN! gLAD you tink so! I paid Big Bucks to get my Sex changed!hahahaha

                          K-den. Let me answer your silly questions.

                          Yes, I have an ego. Rightfully so. Badda you? Don't let it.

                          I am not a Republican. I am a Democrat. However, I vote for the person not necessarily for the party.

                          As far as you being a Canadian ~ hahahaha ~ dat explains alot of things.

                          And no, I wouldn't want a man like Watada to marry any of my daughters if they were single. I have a son-in-law who is in Iraq!

                          Your last question is an idiotic one. Although I may disagree in what Watada did...he is an American. He was born in the United States of America. You are goofy! Being Japanese has nothing to do with what he did. End of story.

                          Lynn Da Man
                          Be AKAMAI ~ KOKUA Hawai`i!
                          Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


                          • Re: Iraq War Called Illegal by Hawai‘i Army Lieutenant

                            Correct me if I'm wrong... isn't impersonating a US Marine considered a Federal offense?


                            • Re: Iraq War Called Illegal by Hawai‘i Army Lieutenant

                              Originally posted by Leo Lakio View Post
                              Manoa & Lynn --- are you holding back from us? Have you got some proof that he is not who he says he is? Granted, I'd like some confirmation that he is not hiding behind a false alias (and I would condemn him for doing so), but I haven't heard anything yet that proves he's not who he claims to be. On what criteria do you base your statements?
                              Leo, anybody who is not afraid to Post and be Proud to back up what they say on such a topic as this would be willing to use their real name. I'm sorry if I've offended you but this is one topic I will not back down from.

                              Be AKAMAI ~ KOKUA Hawai`i!
                              Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


                              • Re: Iraq War Called Illegal by Hawai‘i Army Lieutenant

                                Originally posted by manoasurfer123 View Post
                                Correct me if I'm wrong... isn't impersonating a US Marine considered a Federal offense?
                                I think nachodaddy said something along those lines earlier in this thread - but I may be misinterpreting him. He did, however, come up with a series of questions to a previous poster, which revealed said poster to truly be a member of the Corps.
                                Originally posted by 1stwahine View Post
                                Leo, anybody who is not afraid to Post and be Proud to back up what they say on such a topic as this would be willing to use their real name. I'm sorry if I've offended you but this is one topic I will not back down from.
                                Not offended, my friend, just thinking that you are quick to judge in this case - you have your reasons, of course; I just haven't yet seen enough evidence to make me reach the same conclusion.
                                Originally posted by MSgtRoderickSeatonUSMC View Post
                                I am using an alias because I dont want to be branded beyond the post.
                                Originally posted by manoasurfer123 View Post
                                On his own Criteria!
                                For clarity, I didn't mean "alias" just as in a fake name - I meant as in impersonating a member of the Armed Forces of the United States.
                                Originally posted by manoasurfer123 View Post
                                Watada is a chickenshat!
                                Sorry, manoa - I won't sink to the level of addressing that kind of statement.
                                Originally posted by Leo Lakio
                                hiding behind a false alias
                                Did I actually say "false alias?" As opposed to what - a "true alias?" Ouch.

