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Iraq War Called Illegal by Hawai‘i Army Lieutenant

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  • Re: Iraq War Called Illegal by Hawai‘i Army Lieutenant

    Originally posted by Miulang
    NION is "Not in Our Name", an antiwar group.
    I did know that... however... in the advertisement they only said NION....

    It could possibly be some other group w/ the same objectives...however, I doubt it.


    • Re: Iraq War Called Illegal by Hawai‘i Army Lieutenant

      Originally posted by Miulang
      NION is "Not in Our Name", an antiwar group.
      NOIN is a communist front group founded by C. Clark Kissinger, who is a card carrying member of the Revolutionary Communist Party.

      I say again, strange bedfellows indeed.
      You Look Like I Need A Drink


      • Re: Iraq War Called Illegal by Hawai‘i Army Lieutenant

        Originally posted by nachodaddy
        NOIN is a communist front group founded by C. Clark Kissinger, who is a card carrying member of the Revolutionary Communist Party.
        Actually, most of the founders of NION are members of the RCP. Last I checked, Senator McCarthy, that was still legal in America.
        People are certainly welcome to read their "statement of conscience" and judge for themselves whether or not they agree with the organization and its efforts.


        • Re: Iraq War Called Illegal by Hawai‘i Army Lieutenant

          Originally posted by nachodaddy
          NOIN is a communist front group founded by C. Clark Kissinger, who is a card carrying member of the Revolutionary Communist Party.

          I say again, strange bedfellows indeed.
          And your point is, what? That it's time to bring up the Red Scare thing again? NION is not a communist front group. C. Clark Kissinger is only one of the people involved in the organization. Most of the people on its boards are veterans from the Vietnam War era protests. C. Clark Kissinger was a member of the SDS (and so was I, briefly, but am I a communist? I don't think so). I suppose you think the ACLU is a Communist front, too.

          Last edited by Miulang; June 22, 2006, 08:57 AM.
          "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain


          • Re: Iraq War Called Illegal by Hawai‘i Army Lieutenant

            Originally posted by Leo Lakio
            Actually, most of the founders of NION are members of the RCP. Last I checked, Senator McCarthy, that was still legal in America.
            People are certainly welcome to read their "statement of conscience" and judge for themselves whether or not they agree with the organization and its efforts.

            Leo, I agree with you 100%. Did not say it was right or wrong, just saying what it is.

            Way to play the McCarthy card. That is pretty predictable for some folks but did not expect it from you.
            You Look Like I Need A Drink


            • Re: Iraq War Called Illegal by Hawai‘i Army Lieutenant

              Originally posted by nachodaddy
              Way to play the McCarthy card. That is pretty predictable for some folks but did not expect it from you.
              If you choose to use old Cold War "red scare" tactics yourself, do not be surprised when they are reflected back, good sir. (Yes, I'm old enough to remember growing up with that propaganda.)


              • Re: Iraq War Called Illegal by Hawai‘i Army Lieutenant

                Originally posted by Leo Lakio
                If you choose to use old Cold War "red scare" tactics yourself, do not be surprised when they are reflected back, good sir. (Yes, I'm old enough to remember growing up with that propaganda.)
                What tactic? It is what it is. You're pretty feisty today.

                I am going to watch Brazil/Japan. I will check back with you in a few hours. The soccer ball is a great equilizer.
                You Look Like I Need A Drink


                • Re: Iraq War Called Illegal by Hawai‘i Army Lieutenant

                  i am not a NOTARY u nitwad.. and if u have a criminal background or you were arrested for ANYTHING, you should NOT be able to be a resident here.. we have enough criminals of our own... no need for one more LOL so let me be the 5th person to say.... YOU SHOULD LEAVE :d
                  If you see it and believe it, then you can achieve it and be it


                  • Re: Iraq War Called Illegal by Hawai‘i Army Lieutenant

                    Originally posted by nachodaddy
                    What tactic?
                    These hoary old phrases from the 1950s:
                    Originally posted by nachodaddy
                    a communist front group...a card carrying member
                    Flashback city; these are the words that were used to frighten the general public into believing that Communism was an evil monster (or should I say "evil empire"?), and that anyone who considered it as in any way an acceptable alternative to Capitalism was to be publicly vilified.


                    • Re: Iraq War Called Illegal by Hawai‘i Army Lieutenant

                      Originally posted by nachodaddy
                      What tactic? It is what it is. You're pretty feisty today.

                      I am going to watch Brazil/Japan. I will check back with you in a few hours. The soccer ball is a great equilizer.
                      Yeah, it sucks that the US lost, especially since our team this year was supposed to be better than 4 years ago. Oh well, my bets are on Brazil this time around.

                      "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain


                      • Re: Iraq War Called Illegal by Hawai‘i Army Lieutenant

                        NION is an organization just like the WRSC it's members include members of all political parties, trade unions, religious societies, and various other organization that umbrella the group. It is open to all that share the same ideals of peace and the strict adherence to International Law.

                        The Idea the Communism was the root of all political evil is an old one. There are many different kinds of socialism and what the USSR, North Korea, China, Cuba, Canada, and many more are very different and however similiar. The onary Communist Party believed was more toward the Anarchy side of Socialism, while most Socialist today such as Socialist International, believe in a Social Democracy through gradual social reform of states. I do not want to go to far into things to get off track. But many Parties in countries all over the world including the Labour Party of the United Kingdom, NDP in Canada, Bloc Qubeec in Canada, Socialist Party of Italy, and many more are based on the ideals of Marxism. Now Canada is despite the fact that it is Constitutional Monarchy is a Socialist State. Healthcare, Schools, Universities, Mass Transportation, National Resources, even Alcohol and Tobacco Sales are run strictly by the Government. This is to ensure that everyone is able to participate in vital activities without regard to class. Alcohol and Tobacco Sales in Ontario and some other Provinces are government run because the government pays for your healthcare and anything unhealthy for you must be heavily regulated so inorder to lower cost of healthcare services. Socialism does today does not include the striping of citizens rights, however some countries like to say they are communist but rather are a dictatorship run with a Parliamentary body on the sidelines doing what they are told.

                        Nachodaddy I hope that this does not offend you because even though you are not a supporter I am thankful that you understand my willingness to go the distance for what I believe in. Also I was Gung-Ho in the Marines I recieved a Meritorious Mast for explary service while training Combat Assault Company, 3rd Mardiv, MCB Kanaohe Bay, for deplyment in Iraq. I love the Corps, but I cannot abide by the man in charge who is sending people to fight it what is illegal. Under different circumstance I would be there right now fulfilling my dreams as a Marine.
                        "Canada shall be a refuge from militarism"
                        Prime Minister Piere Trudeau


                        • Re: Iraq War Called Illegal by Hawai‘i Army Lieutenant

                          Halftime. 1-1. Exciting to say the least. Brazil is the favorite but they are playing flat and have a HUGE expectation on thier backs. Watch for Argentina, IMHO. Sucks about the US but Ghana gets to advance. There is always a place in my heart for the underdog.......

                          Leo- It was not my intent to be hoary. If this opened up some old wounds, then I apologize. You got some years on me, wasn't around during the early parts of the cold war but they did make for some interesting Twilight Zones, don't you agree?

                          My take on communism and I want to get back to the game quickly is "the movie sucked but the book was much better" I have read the doctrines, part of my required reading in the "get to know your enemy" military development and they are good reads. Nothing evil. They don't work in practice, large scale. Commune on the North Shore of Kauai sure, but for a country to adopt it. No way. Has not worked, will not work, will never work.

                          Chris- No problems. We understand each other. Wish it was under different circumstances.

                          Go Japan!!!!!
                          You Look Like I Need A Drink


                          • Re: Iraq War Called Illegal by Hawai‘i Army Lieutenant

                            Originally posted by nachodaddy
                            they did make for some interesting Twilight Zones, don't you agree?
                            Agreed; the Cold War may well have been Rod Serling's best friend.
                            Originally posted by nachodaddy
                            My take on communism ... is "the movie sucked but the book was much better"
                            Well phrased; I like that. I just thought your earlier posting smelled of "scare tactics," that's where I found fault. Why else point it out, except to stir up "fear of the commies"?


                            • Re: Iraq War Called Illegal by Hawai‘i Army Lieutenant

                              Originally posted by Leo Lakio
                              Well phrased; I like that. I just thought your earlier posting smelled of "scare tactics," that's where I found fault. Why else point it out, except to stir up "fear of the commies"?
                              I am not going to attack a dead ethos. It is already dead, putting a couple of rounds into it is not going to make it deader. My comment was to support the "strange bedfellows" theme. I have said in previous posts that Watada needs a compass not followers. This is a strange play, for reason brought up in your first response. That word still has some very strong feelings attached.

                              Which begets the question: who contacted who? Is Watada being used as a puppet here? "We are here to help" shortly followed by the throw under the bus and instant martyrdom? There were other ways to play this, I again reinforce my recommendation to involve John Kerry from the start.

                              We only know what we think we know. This will play out and perhaps his reasoning behind this will come to light. Again, no reading between the lines, I just thought it was strange.
                              You Look Like I Need A Drink


                              • Re: Iraq War Called Illegal by Hawai‘i Army Lieutenant

                                OK, Lt. Watada's unit deployed today. He refused to get on the bus. Let the show begin. Additional coverage here.

                                Last edited by Miulang; June 22, 2006, 12:04 PM.
                                "Americans believe in three freedoms. Freedom of speech; freedom of religion; and the freedom to deny the other two to folks they don`t like.” --Mark Twain

