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Flower's Bloom Cycles

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  • Flower's Bloom Cycles

    My wife and I last visited late this past January and were told that some of the local foliage were in a dormant (non bloom) state. Like the spring/fall here we were told. My wife wanted me to ask what the bloom cycles are. We would like to plan our next trip out ahead of time and she wanted to know if flowers would be in bloom say early March. Anyone know? Thanks!

  • #2
    Re: Flower's Bloom Cycles

    Here's a link to a story about flowering trees of Hawaii. Starts in spring to Summer fullness.
    Life is either an adventure... or you're not doing it right!!!


    • #3
      Re: Flower's Bloom Cycles

      Couldn't find a flower blooming cycle, so this is the best I came up with.
      Life is either an adventure... or you're not doing it right!!!


      • #4
        Re: Flower's Bloom Cycles

        I've got question, and pardon my ignorance. Do people get hay fever on O'ahu? I am allergic to Alder (a tree) pollen, so I figure I may be immune, but my wife seems to suffer from multiple allergies, so we are not sure if she will continue to experience those. It would be nice if we could leave them behind here in Vancouver, where our flowering season is long and intense. Anyways, I ask because up until now, I didn't realize that there was a blooming season in Hawai'i. I just assumed that the flowers were always in bloom. But what the hell do I know?


        • #5
          Re: Flower's Bloom Cycles

          No matter which isle, I am allergic to the Windward side. I don't even concern myself with which blessed blossom is blooming; 3 months out of the year I suck claritins like breath mints and stand in line to get my psuedomethamphetadrine and just deal with it.



          • #6
            Re: Flower's Bloom Cycles

            Originally posted by ItsGoTime! View Post
            I didn't realize that there was a blooming season in Hawai'i. I just assumed that the flowers were always in bloom. But what the hell do I know?
            I had horrible hay fever in Oregon (couldn't go outside in spring or summer without taking antihistimine or loading up on quercitin for weeks ahead of time) but never was bothered by allergies for almost 10 years in Hawaii...until we moved up near Volcano National Park. I sneeze off and on now (not voggy here either), but nothing like in Oregon's spring and summer.

            I've heard the humidity keeps the pollen down closer to the ground, so if you have flower allergies you may not be bothered by them as much here. It's way much dryer where we live now up at the summit (Big Island), so that supports the theory. Anyway, I used to read up on this a lot and the bottom line is that some people move here and have no more allergy problems and then for others its sneezing and itchy throat and watering eyes all the time. Guess it just depends on what's causing our allergic reactions, which is why some's histimines go nuts on the moister Windward sides and other's in the dry areas I guess.

            There are always flowers blooming here It's just that that not all species are blooming at the same time. When I first moved back to the mainland with my son who was 3 at the time and who had never left Hawaii before, my little boy looked around our new yard (it was winter), and with this really sad look asked "Where are the flowers?"

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