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Was my Hawaii trip false? sheltered? naive?

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  • #61
    Re: Was my Hawaii trip false? sheltered? naive?

    Originally posted by 1stwahine View Post
    Club FemNu? Yep! It can be real COOL!


    Auntie Lynn
    Yes, some very beautiful women there.

    The funny thing is more than one person on the island told me that this was just eye candy if you want the real deal you need to go to Thailand. Everyone speaks so highly of the place.


    • #62
      Re: Was my Hawaii trip false? sheltered? naive?

      Originally posted by mjj View Post
      No problem. I don't mind recalling it. Specifically it was at the Karaoke Hut which I believe was in/near Waikiki. Also some cool people at club FemNu.

      I know, I know, maybe we would have instead have been met with lead pipes if we were in another part of the island (if thats what your getting at)

      We made our rounds through the island up to the north shore where we went sky diving and all that. But most of the fun was in Waikiki.
      That's cool. You may have even met cool local people, and not just the "transients", i.e. people who have moved to Hawaii recently, and will probably move from Hawai'i months later. Now that I think about it, proximity to Waikiki in itself isn't a damning factor to a clean experience for you, as I do recall going to the Honolulu Zoo for an event which seemed to have a lot of longtime Hawaii residents. But I would still try for some excursions away from Waikiki next time, and see how you feel.

      If you want to be careful, take another trip before making a full blown plan to move. Try to meet people, and even take sociological notes. See if you can come up with mental statistics; how many long term residents you chat with, and if you like them or not. Personally, I think anyone with an open mind can make friends in Hawaii; a race factor may be there, but I believe it can be overcome. The bottom line is, you have to like it there, and you have to like people.

      Also consider "island fever". Examine your own behavior. Do you like to take long drives to different cities and states? In Hawaii, you can drive around your island in a few hours, and that's that. This can be upsetting to some people.

      Try to check out a lot of residential neighborhoods, to see which ones you like and would enjoy living in.

      I suppose now I'm getting into very well visited territory so I'll stop babbling
      Last edited by Vanguard; January 25, 2007, 05:24 PM.


      • #63
        Re: Was my Hawaii trip false? sheltered? naive?

        Next time you come, contact me. I'll give you a Full Island Tour dat you won't find in the Tour Groups! I'll show you the in's and out's of Oahu! You wanna see eye candy? HAHAHAHAHAHA Just let me know.

        Auntie Lynn
        Be AKAMAI ~ KOKUA Hawai`i!
        Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


        • #64
          Re: Was my Hawaii trip false? sheltered? naive?

          Originally posted by Vanguard View Post
          That's cool. You may have even met cool local people, and not just the "transients", i.e. people who have moved to Hawaii recently, and will probably move months later. Now that I think about it, proximity to Waikiki in itself isn't a damning factor to a clean experience for you, as I do recall going to the Honolulu Zoo for an event which seemed to have a lot of longtime Hawaii residents.

          If you want to be careful, take another trip before making a full blown plan to move. Try to meet people, and even take sociological notes. See if you can come up with mental statistics; how many long term residents you chat with, and if you like them or not. Personally, I think anyone with an open mind can make friends in Hawaii; a race factor may be there, but I believe it can be overcome. The bottom line is, you have to like it there, and you have to like people.

          Also consider "island fever". Examine your own behavior. Do you like to take long drives to different cities and states? In Hawaii, you can drive around your island in a few hours, and that's that. This can be upsetting to some people.

          I suppose now I'm getting into very well visited territory so I'll stop babbling
          Well, I thank you a lot for the advice. They were indeed locals born and raised (but I'm not sure they were "Hawaiian"). Hell the funny thing is they seemed to envy us being from California as much as we did them living in Hawaii and one was trying to move to San Diego (thats a mistake if you ask me, I'd so take Oahu).

          I'm really a self contained kinda person I don't care to drive all around and I mean its not really that far by plane. I think the humidity would bug me eventually though.

          But anyhow, if you take a look up about 3 posts you will see that I have since decided against it. I'm a kick back person but I'm really pale and I just don't think I could handle living in a place where theres a good chance get my head bashed in on any random walk or wrong turn. That and I found its not truly possible for me to take the kind of paycut it would require.

          I'd really like to visit again soon though.

          I'm going to Amsterdam and Germany in March and I don't think its going to be as warm :P


          • #65
            Re: Was my Hawaii trip false? sheltered? naive?

            Originally posted by 1stwahine View Post
            Next time you come, contact me. I'll give you a Full Island Tour dat you won't find in the Tour Groups! I'll show you the in's and out's of Oahu! You wanna see eye candy? HAHAHAHAHAHA Just let me know.

            Auntie Lynn
            Thank you for the offer but I think I might be a little too young for you at 25


            • #66
              Re: Was my Hawaii trip false? sheltered? naive?

              Originally posted by mjj View Post
              Thank you for the offer but I think I might be a little too young for you at 25
              Dear Heavens! I wasn't talking about me! Oh! No!!!! I know many places....I said I'll give you a TOUR! Read carefully.

              Too funny.

              I can hear the laughter in the room.

              Stop it everybody!!

              Auntie Lynn
              Be AKAMAI ~ KOKUA Hawai`i!
              Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


              • #67
                Re: Was my Hawaii trip false? sheltered? naive?

                Originally posted by 1stwahine View Post
                Dear Heavens! I wasn't talking about me! Oh! No!!!! I know many places....I said I'll give you a TOUR! Read carefully.

                Too funny.

                I can hear the laughter in the room.

                Stop it everybody!!

                Auntie Lynn


                • #68
                  Re: Was my Hawaii trip false? sheltered? naive?

                  Originally posted by 1stwahine View Post
                  Dear Heavens! I wasn't talking about me! Oh! No!!!! I know many places....I said I'll give you a TOUR! Read carefully.

                  Too funny.

                  I can hear the laughter in the room.

                  Stop it everybody!!

                  Auntie Lynn
                  LOL, oh man, I can't read, the first part sounded cool but then I read the second part as "You wanna see my eye candy?????". How funny!

                  I'd love a tour! I think we might visit again in late August. I don't think I can stay away.

                  That reminds me. I heard they banned smoking there now? I'm not really in to smoking (cigs anyway) but it was so prevalent I cant even imagine Hawaii with out it. I must admit while intoxicated I did it just like everyone else (hell I felt out of place not smoking there). Can't believed they banned it.


                  • #69
                    Re: Was my Hawaii trip false? sheltered? naive?

                    Originally posted by tutusue View Post
                    Nope! To young to DATE!

                    Originally posted by mjj View Post
                    LOL, oh man, I can't read, the first part sounded cool but then I read the second part as "You wanna see my eye candy?????". How funny!

                    I'd love a tour! I think we might visit again in late August. I don't think I can stay away.
                    Great! We got that cleared!!! You almost gave me a Heart Attack! j/k
                    Just let me know one month in advance. Ok? Ok!

                    Looking forward to meeting you.

                    Auntie Lynn

                    P.S. You won't be the first HT Member I've given a Tour to. You'll be safe. Honest.
                    Be AKAMAI ~ KOKUA Hawai`i!
                    Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


                    • #70
                      Re: Was my Hawaii trip false? sheltered? naive?

                      Originally posted by mjj View Post
                      I'm a kick back person but I'm really pale and I just don't think I could handle living in a place where theres a good chance get my head bashed in on any random walk or wrong turn.
                      Did the crime level skyrocket in just a few short years? Hawaii may not be 100% crimeproof, but I didn't find Honolulu to be any worse a place for crime than major cities on the east and west coast. The only city I ever felt uncomfortable in was (pre-Katrina) New Orleans.


                      • #71
                        Re: Was my Hawaii trip false? sheltered? naive?

                        Originally posted by 1stwahine View Post
                        P.S. You won't be the first HT Member I've given a Tour to. You'll be safe. Honest.
                        Very cool. I look forward to it as well .


                        • #72
                          Re: Was my Hawaii trip false? sheltered? naive?

                          Forget this tour talk, Aunty. Where's this eye candy ? I wanna see !!!! But shhhhhhhhh, our secret ok ? ok



                          • #73
                            Re: Was my Hawaii trip false? sheltered? naive?

                            I got CANDY...I could serve you on da block!

                            Its so paunny!

