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Wai'anae and Me

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  • Wai'anae and Me

    Hello to all and thank you in advance for your kokua.

    We've been traveling to Hawai'i for the last 3 years from the east coast of the mainland. We are currently here for the last 3 weeks on our 10th visit. We have fallen in love with Wai'anae and have found a house that we like as well.

    We understand the "issues" with the Leeward side (don't get in a traffic-related fight, for one), and intend to be nice, calm, neighborly----like comes natural to us. I believe we are Hawai'ian in our souls so I don't think we come across as crazy haoles. I expect a few eyebrows to raise as we are not typical Leeward residents, but I am not sure there is a "typical resident" anyway---we haven't gotten any stink eye at all and I am not expecting to. And we don't need to commute or find jobs (lucky/hardworking us!)---in fact, we would like to teach others how to do what we did to get into this kind of position without being born with a silver spoon----

    Anyway, would anybody be so kind as to give me some last minute input before we sign our life away on a house? It should be kindof a fun thread!

    Thank you for your help!

  • #2
    Re: Wai'anae and Me



    • #3
      Re: Wai'anae and Me

      Originally posted by ginabeena
      I believe we are Hawai'ian in our souls so I don't think we come across as crazy haoles.
      Only advice I'd give (understand, I'm NOT a resident of Hawai`i, but have family and other strong ties): keep the "Hawaiian in our souls" - no `okina in the English word "Hawaiian," btw - to yourselves as you settle in, or you'll set off many locals. No shame in being who you are with the lives you've led so far - even if you are crazy haoles. Be yourselves and your new neighbors will learn to respect you for you. Open eyes and ears (with a closed mouth, at least at first) can get you far. Congratulations to you both.


      • #4
        Re: Wai'anae and Me

        Leo! Now I just feel silly. I try for 100% accuracy and sometimes I just go too far!


        • #5
          Re: Wai'anae and Me

          Originally posted by ginabeena
          Leo! Now I just feel silly. I try for 100% accuracy and sometimes I just go too far!
          No need to feel silly, it's a common slip - you're willing to try, willing to learn, and you should keep making the good effort; I didn't mean to shame you in any way. You're already doing more than a lot of new residents would do.


          • #6
            Re: Wai'anae and Me

            If your house is located North of Makaha Vally road, you are somewhat safe. If your house is located south of Makaha Valley road, then you should build higher walls.


            • #7
              Re: Wai'anae and Me

              Originally posted by ginabeena
              And we don't need to commute or find jobs (lucky/hardworking us!)---in fact, we would like to teach others how to do what we did to get into this kind of position without being born with a silver spoon----

              Thank you for your help!
              PLEASE teach me how...I'm ALL ears. No Silver Spoons in my house, and I'd love to be able to do what you're doing, and still do what I do for a living too.
              PM me, I'm really interested.
              Need a place to stay in Hilo ?
              Cue Factory - Music for your Vision


              • #8
                Re: Wai'anae and Me

                Originally posted by tikiyaki
                PLEASE teach me how...I'm ALL ears. No Silver Spoons in my house, and I'd love to be able to do what you're doing, and still do what I do for a living too.
                PM me, I'm really interested.
                OOOO! AMWAY?


                • #9
                  Re: Wai'anae and Me

                  Originally posted by Leo Lakio
                  Only advice I'd give (understand, I'm NOT a resident of Hawai`i, but have family and other strong ties): keep the "Hawaiian in our souls" - no `okina in the English word "Hawaiian," btw - to yourselves as you settle in, or you'll set off many locals. No shame in being who you are with the lives you've led so far - even if you are crazy haoles. Be yourselves and your new neighbors will learn to respect you for you. Open eyes and ears (with a closed mouth, at least at first) can get you far. Congratulations to you both.
                  and you never corrected on Wai`anae?


                  • #10
                    Re: Wai'anae and Me

                    Where is the house, ginabeena? Please don't give an address but if you can give a street name or a specific area, that would help.

                    And, Keanu...I live south of Makaha Valley Rd...not by much, but south nonetheless!


                    • #11
                      Re: Wai'anae and Me

                      Aloha and welcome to HT.

                      I am sure many of use will be interested in finding out more about what you do.

                      FINALLY HOME IN HAWAI'I!

                      "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
                      Mark Twain


                      • #12
                        Re: Wai'anae and Me

                        Originally posted by tutusue
                        Where is the house, ginabeena? Please don't give an address but if you can give a street name or a specific area, that would help.

                        And, Keanu...I live south of Makaha Valley Rd...not by much, but south nonetheless!

                        Maybe her house in on Water Street.


                        • #13
                          Re: Wai'anae and Me

                          Originally posted by WindwardOahuRN
                          OOOO! AMWAY?
                          How about a uniquely Hawaiian offshoot of AmWay? You could call it --- HIWay!


                          • #14
                            Re: Wai'anae and Me

                            Originally posted by manoasurfer123
                            and you never corrected on Wai`anae?
                            What's wrong with Wai`anae?


                            • #15
                              Re: Wai'anae and Me

                              nothing wrong with it...

                              I just never seen it spelled that way... and that shows you how much I know about the language!

