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Aloha! Moving to Hawaii!

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  • #16
    Re: Aloha! Moving to Hawaii!

    You heard it alla' way over there? LOL! Dang, I didn't mean to be so LOUD!


    • #17
      Re: Aloha! Moving to Hawaii!

      Originally posted by Hope
      You heard it alla' way over there? LOL! Dang, I didn't mean to be so LOUD!

      Hi Hope, thank you for the compliment.

      Manoa.... is my brother...(from another parents) can be a handful sometime... but he is alllll good...


      "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
      Mark Twain


      • #18
        Re: Aloha! Moving to Hawaii!

        i just bought a book called " so u want to move to hawaii", get it. it explaines alot in it.


        • #19
          Re: Aloha! Moving to Hawaii!

          Originally posted by austintx
          i just bought a book called " so u want to move to hawaii", get it. it explaines alot in it.
 that the same one that was mentioned at the start of the thread and referred to a couple more times?


          • #20
            Re: Aloha! Moving to Hawaii!

            Hey wassap Austin,

            Im KaYa, from Kailua Oahu...Lived here all my life(*24*) years and love it, nice to hear that you want to visit, like aunty Lynn was saying get choke...I mean,"theres a lot of" threads about the same topic: an interesting one was the one 'Windward' started below:


            Anyways check u lataz!( See you around)

            A hui hou, (until we meet again)

            KaYa T


            • #21
              Re: Aloha! Moving to Hawaii!

              Originally posted by austintx
              i just bought a book called " so u want to move to hawaii", get it. it explaines alot in it.
              In the latest edition, does the author still refer to gecko s**t as "little ice cream cone droppings"?

              How quaint.


              • #22
                Re: Aloha! Moving to Hawaii!

                Originally posted by Leo Lakio
       that the same one that was mentioned at the start of the thread and referred to a couple more times?

                LOL>>>> it surely was posted on the very first post by the original poster...

                FINALLY HOME IN HAWAI'I!

                "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
                Mark Twain


                • #23
                  Re: Aloha! Moving to Hawaii!

                  Hello everyone!

                  Thanks again for the welcome! Been busy here the last few days getting things ready. I appreciate the ideas on the books and research ideas.

                  My son is 13 - hard age to transfer schools especially since it is more than just your average move.

                  Keep the ideas and hints coming...I really appreciate it!!!


                  PS...we are moving to the Kona side...My husband will be working at the airport there. ME? I have to find!


                  • #24
                    Re: Aloha! Moving to Hawaii!

                    Originally posted by WindwardOahuRN
                    In the latest edition, does the author still refer to gecko s**t as "little ice cream cone droppings"?
                    uh huh.

                    When we moved into our rental, we had them sprinkled throughout the house. I picked one up that was stuck to a door and was like "hmm, this looks like an ice cream cone or seedling or something."

                    Then we purchased the book at costco and, well...

                    My husband likes to tell that story to relatives... a lot.

                    Anyway, the book isn't that outdated if you get the 2005 edition. I think it's one of those books that's best borrowed from a library or read over an hour or two at borders in a comfy chair. It answered lots of our random questions that we came up with after moving. It's rather useful when friends visit - we hand it to them and let them read it when they start going on and on about how they want to move here too.


                    • #25
                      Re: Aloha! Moving to Hawaii!

                      Originally posted by Kelly0040
                      uh huh.

                      When we moved into our rental, we had them sprinkled throughout the house. I picked one up that was stuck to a door and was like "hmm, this looks like an ice cream cone or seedling or something."

                      Then we purchased the book at costco and, well...

                      My husband likes to tell that story to relatives... a lot.

                      Anyway, the book isn't that outdated if you get the 2005 edition. I think it's one of those books that's best borrowed from a library or read over an hour or two at borders in a comfy chair. It answered lots of our random questions that we came up with after moving. It's rather useful when friends visit - we hand it to them and let them read it when they start going on and on about how they want to move here too.
                      Gecko crap looks like bird crap, fer crapsake.

                      It does not resemble "little ice cream cones" unless your ice cream cones are full of bird crap.


                      • #26
                        Re: Aloha! Moving to Hawaii!

                        oi, mahalo for the mo'o info~while I'm eating......<lol> mmm..mmm....good


                        • #27
                          Re: Aloha! Moving to Hawaii!

                          Originally posted by Got2HaVKaYaNoW
                          oi, mahalo for the mo'o info~while I'm eating......<lol> mmm..mmm....good
                 were born and raised here...shouldn't bother you at all....


                          • #28
                            Re: Aloha! Moving to Hawaii!

                            u kno- wats so funny...I no mind kakaroach(flying kine) but when get one mo'o I cringe, flip, and get all eeked out..

                            My face look like dis ~>

                            & den when wiggle away I'm ~> all coo- lli'dat


                            • #29
                              Re: Aloha! Moving to Hawaii!

                              Picked up the book "Hawaii - The Big Island Revealed", 4th edition. Really interesting to read! I didn't see the other book "So You Want to Move to Hawaii" there, so I will have to keep my eye out for it.

                              I'm looking for a street map of the Big Island - anyone interested in getting a copy and sending it to me? I'll mail the $$ as soon as I get your address!!



                              • #30
                                Re: Aloha! Moving to Hawaii!

                                On Amazon you can get that book for .99 cents. You can also get used maps of any island. I got mine for 2.00 from there when I was going on vacation. Very useful.
                                Since when is psycho a bad thing??
                                Sharing withother survivors...

