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Reception problems recently?

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  • Reception problems recently?

    I live in the McCully area and recently have been having reception problems. It seems as though there are like surges going through the cable which cause for some "hiccups" in the service every 10 seconds or so...

    Anyone else having this problem recently?

  • #2
    Re: Reception problems recently?

    The only thing I recently noticed is pixelated and occasionally frozen pictures on the AMC Movie Network. This has happened a few times on different days.
    I'm still here. Are you?


    • #3
      Re: Reception problems recently?

      Whenever I notice a significant amount of pixellation on our digital cable service I usually call up Oceanic Cable and report it. In the past, I've noticed problems on the channels closer being broadcasted close to the edge of their spectrum (750Mhz), like Encore in the past had a lot of pixellation problems.But for the most part it has gone away.

      There was a funny incident in the past that was the end result of my complaining. FX,Womens Entertainment and few other channels had constant pixellation problems. I called in and reported it. A few days later an Oceanic
      Engineer called me. He explained that there was a tree blocking the satellite
      dish at their Kona office. They tried to have the landlord cut it back but
      an adjoining tenant went and canceled the tree trimmer because she used the shade from the tree for her business. Ultimately the tree was cut back and the problem was resolved.
      Check out my blog on Kona issues :
      The Kona Blog


      • #4
        Re: Reception problems recently?

        That is just too funny -- and I can totally see it happening, too.
        I know a lot less than what there is to be known.


        • #5
          Re: Reception problems recently?

          O/T slightly, at that time I found out Oceanic was exploring moving their
          Kona headend and office north to Kaloko Light Industrial Park. They were
          exploring the purchase of the old perfume factory building (which had been
          vacant since the mid 1990's). At the time the purchase price was too high.
          Bear in mind the National Park Service almost bought this building too,
          but wasn't able to finalize the funding. So the purchase fell through.

          That being said, OTW ended up buying the building. They are currently
          renovating it and the adjoining land. They've installed a new satellite
          dish and built a new headend building with backup power. They are
          going to be opened for business over there September 6th, 2006, I believe.

          Anyway back on topic, the new facility won't have a problem with interference by trees as there is none like the ones at their current location.
          Check out my blog on Kona issues :
          The Kona Blog

