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KFIVE and the Hawaii State Spelling Bee

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  • KFIVE and the Hawaii State Spelling Bee

    Anyone watching the Hawaii State Spelling Bee?

    There were only 2 contestants remaining (The same two that were the finalist last year... Last Years Champ: Jonathan Lee of St. Anthony and last years runner-up Jasmine Kaneshiro).... when they came back on air... they switched to Entertainment tonight!!!

    The mistake wasn't noticed until about 5 minutes later...(Wait it's on MY DVR... I can give an exact detail)

    When they came back to the spelling bee... the show was almost over...they returned just in time for the final two words....

    Losing word: Desideratum

    Something that is sought for or aimed at.

    Language of origin: Latin

    Part of speech: Noun

    Winning word and New State Champion: Defervescence

    Congratulations Jasmine Kaneshiro of Hawaii Baptist.

    (interesting side note...didn't see too many public school kids in the contest...none were still in it when I tuned to it and there was still 6 contestants left)

  • #2
    Re: KFIVE F*cks up! Hawaii State Spelling Bee

    For the record, I am almost completely sure Jasmine was not last year's runner-up, but last year's state champ. HBA represent!

    Eagles for life!
    But I'm disturbed! I'm depressed! I'm inadequate! I GOT IT ALL! (George Costanza)

