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KITV is Sensually Yours

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  • KITV is Sensually Yours

    I watch the evening news with my two little girls. My oldest is getting a handle on current events, and my husband and I are news junkies.

    But when KITV ran the spot for Sensually Yours during the 5 or 6 p.m. news, I turned it off. Last night I had on Dance with the Stars as the girls take dance class and I thought they'd like it. And again this highly sexual commercial came on.

    How is it that this commercial about plunging bras and G-strings gets to run during "family time?" I wrote an email a few weeks ago complaining to KITV mgt that it is inappropriate for the news, but didn't get a response.

    I'm just one mom in one household and KITV doesn't need me.
    Aloha from Lavagal

  • #2
    Re: KITV is Sensually Yours

    I saw that a couple weeks ago, too. I was shocked.


    • #3
      Re: KITV is Sensually Yours

      Maybe some of you tv station people can help out here. I'm remembering years ago that local spots were on something called a "rotary"; they'd pop up whenever and wherever but I think not during prime time. Does that system still exist? I agree with Lavagal and Kilinahe that the Sensually Yours spot is inappropriate for that time frame. Hmmm...does that ad tend to air during the news' sportscast? Just curious.


      • #4
        Re: KITV is Sensually Yours

        It has gotten a little out of control over the past two or three years. KGMB9 actually ran a few infomercials during prime time. I am told the person responsible for that unfortunate mishap was eventually fired. I think better communication between the programming directors and the sales department could possibly clear up the confusion. But hopefully one of these individuals will eventually post on this thread and give is the “actual factual” explanation.

        We can’t be so fixated on our desire to preserve the rights of ordinary Americans.

        — U.S. President Bill Clinton
        USA TODAY, page 2A
        11 March 1993


        • #5
          Re: KITV is Sensually Yours

          Originally posted by tutusue
          Maybe some of you tv station people can help out here. I'm remembering years ago that local spots were on something called a "rotary"; they'd pop up whenever and wherever but I think not during prime time. Does that system still exist? I agree with Lavagal and Kilinahe that the Sensually Yours spot is inappropriate for that time frame. Hmmm...does that ad tend to air during the news' sportscast? Just curious.

          If that's the case then there's another arguement against automation of our airwaves.
          Life is what you make of please read the instructions carefully.


          • #6
            Re: KITV is Sensually Yours

            Just saw that Sensually Yours ad during the 6:00pm news on KGMB-TV. It aired at 6:16pm, during the break before the weather report. Maybe that's why Guy was smiling when they came out of break.


