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"North Shore" on FOX

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  • #16
    Re: "North Shore" on FOX

    Another review, same general idea:
    Originally posted by USA Today
    Yet even the gambling addicts and escorts who populate The Casino hold more audience appeal than the characters on Fox's North Shore, which ranks as one of the worst-cast, worst-acted dramas in recent TV history. (Pity poor Brooke Burns, who could be drenched by one of the show's Hawaii waves and still not manage to look wet convincingly.)


    • #17
      Re: "North Shore" on FOX

      I guess we should rename this thread "North Shore" Death Watch.
      I'm still here. Are you?


      • #18
        Re: "North Shore" on FOX

        (Pity poor Brooke Burns, who could be drenched by one of the show's Hawaii waves and still not manage to look wet convincingly.)
        Now that's cold.


        • #19
          Re: "North Shore" on FOX

          Originally posted by mel
          I guess we should rename this thread "North Shore" Death Watch.
          Agreed. And maybe start a pool to pick how long until it gets cancelled.
          (Mahalos to Ryan for the fast replies about the ratings.)

          That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


          • #20
            Re: "North Shore" on FOX

            I guess this could almost be a positive review:
            When bad TV is good: ... The stories, usually involving the various guests who stay in the hotel, are mindless and predictable. The show gets bonus points, however, for the surprise closeted lesbians in the first episode. But the acting is more reminiscent of a high school play than high drama.

            Nevertheless, “North Shore” has a secret weapon: bathing suits. This show is an excuse to see sexy, half-naked people on your television set once a week. Mute the dialogue and you’ll double your pleasure.
            Meanwhile, FOX bombed in the ratings Thursday night -- "North Shore" drew a paltry 2.7 million (1.1/4).


            • #21
              Re: "North Shore" on FOX

              Kinda like Babe Watch...I mean Bay Watch? I watched it until my stomach couldn't take it anymore...thank God for the commercial breaks!
              Life is what you make of please read the instructions carefully.


              • #22
                Re: "North Shore" on FOX

                I feel a little weird for admitting that my wife and I have paused on North Shore occasionally while flipping around (something we don't do much as it is thanks to TiVo). I think going into it with the assumption that it will suck improves your enjoyment of the show immensely.

                "This is so bad!" we'd say, then watch another five minutes. Some airheaded blonde would say something stupid, my wife would make gagging sounds, but we'd end up watching another five minutes.

                A near-death experience on a floating hot dog? A drunk driver smashing one of those GEM electric cars to pieces? Brooke Burns talking confidently about hiring a kahuna to do a blessing (the previously mentioned dig about her being able to act wet keeps running through my mind)? A haole actor trying to play a local and actually blurting the line, "What's with you and all these haoles?" Brilliantly awful stuff, I tell you.

                Favorite moment from last night's rerun (which did a 3.0 rating/5 share, by the way)? When two "locals" (the word must always appear in quotes with these shows) approach one of the stars as she leans over her nearly-drowned friend, and she asks if she can use their cell phone to call an ambulance. "No," a guy answered defiantly, and I get all excited thinking I'm going to see a traditional "scruffy native makes trouble" confrontation. "Why?" she asks. "Because we called one already," he answers, and one appears over his shoulder. Ha! Funny! (And not a word of thanks, either.)


                • #23
                  Re: "North Shore" on FOX

                  That's so funny, my wife and I had the same experience, pausing in our nightly channel surfing on Dish Network out here in Kea'au and saying the exact things, "Oh man this is so bad"

                  The one good thing about Magnum PI and Hawaii 5-0 was the street scenes where islanders and visitors can readily identify with the locations that were shot. Makes for great re-runs decades later when you see the changes in topography like the backdrop in Hawaii 5-0 of Kalakaua with two-way traffic.
                  Life is what you make of please read the instructions carefully.


                  • #24
                    Re: "North Shore" on FOX

                    Originally posted by craigwatanabe
                    The one good thing about Magnum PI and Hawaii 5-0 was the street scenes where islanders and visitors can readily identify with the locations that were shot. Makes for great re-runs decades later when you see the changes in topography like the backdrop in Hawaii 5-0 of Kalakaua with two-way traffic.
                    And parking in FRONT of Iolani Palace!!!!!
                    I'm still here. Are you?


                    • #25
                      Re: "North Shore" on FOX

                      wasn't worth turning on the tube, IMHO. Big B.Burke fan, but I gotta agree.
                      Bad. bad. bad. Whenever I'm in a theatre and I see a really lame movie, I usually utter " to video..." not sure what I can say about this one

                      Scenery is nice tho. I agree, nothing like Hawaii 5-0 / Magnum where folks can go "hey, that's Waialae ave!"

                      Just funny how little locals appear in these tv series huh? On top of that, funny according to Hollywood, we all speak forced pidgin english. That's pretty sad.

                      Being half Hawaiian myself and growing up in the islands all my life, it's safe to say there are a lot of folks that can speak proper english... which more often than not is never the case on tv when "showcasing" locals.

                      ..very interested to see how the series "Hawai`i" does...


                      • #26
                        Re: "North Shore" on FOX

                        At Fox, success isn't in the script right now
                        New York Daily News, July 7, 2004
                        Preston Beckman, Fox Executive VP, Programming and Planning: "And we're very happy with the performance of the comedies we have on Wednesday night - 'Quintuplets' and 'Method & Red' - and there has been an uptick with 'North Shore.'"
                        Fox flops: It's not the heat, it's the vapidity
                        Chicago Sun-Times, July 7, 2004
                        Meanwhile, "North Shore," the network's bid to repeat its sudsy success of a year ago with the summer serial "The O.C.," is barely edging the WB's "Summerland." Neither of the two new surf soaps has come close to catching a wave like the one "The O.C." rode last summer on Fox. " 'North Shore' is still finding its way creatively," [Fox's Gail] Berman said in the trade paper.
                        In short? It could be worse. Out of its recent lineup of new summer series, Fox has killed The Jury first. So, North Shorelives on for another round.


                        • #27
                          Re: "North Shore" on FOX

                          >> A near-death experience on a floating hot dog? <<

                          Yeah, and he promised them it would be "the adventure of a lifetime". Right. And it was supposed to be Sunset Beach but was obviously Makaha.

                          >> A haole actor trying to play a local and actually blurting the line, "What's with you and all these haoles?" <<

                          And of course the 'locals' were shown as being mean, nasty bullies. Sheesh.

                          >> Brilliantly awful stuff, I tell you. <<

                          Jason Momoa (as the bartender) is easily the best actor & character on the show, followed by the blonde waitress (name unknown).
                          And still not one lick of Hawaiian music!

                          That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


                          • #28
                            Re: &quot;North Shore&quot; on FOX

                            A haole actor trying to play a local and actually blurting the line, "What's with you and all these haoles?"
                            And do you know how we can tell the haole actor is supposed to be a local? He has a tattoo on his chest. Because all local men have tattoos, you know.

                            This show is (almost) so bad it's good. But I can't really enjoy it, even for sheer camp value, because it's so obvious the writers and producers are making absolutely no effort to get it right. For god sakes, just hire three or four locals, just to make it look like you care. No, black men with dreads don't count. And writing throwaway lines like "I'm going to hire a kahuna" doesn't either, if you don't actually use Hawaiians.

                            I'm not looking forward to the cop show, either. If they do what I think they're gonna do, they're going to convince all of America there's an active volcano in Honolulu.


                            • #29
                              Re: &quot;North Shore&quot; on FOX

                              Originally posted by Lolo Paka
                              Just funny how little locals appear in these tv series huh? On top of that, funny according to Hollywood, we all speak forced pidgin english. That's pretty sad.
                              Well, given enough time and exposure, things might change. Look at how black characters were portrayed on TV in the 1970s. Everybody spoke with forced accents then, too. Nowadays you can actually get black TV characters who sound like real people.


                              • #30
                                Re: &quot;North Shore&quot; on FOX

                                Originally posted by Glen Miyashiro
                                Well, given enough time and exposure, things might change. Look at how black characters were portrayed on TV in the 1970s. Everybody spoke with forced accents then, too. Nowadays you can actually get black TV characters who sound like real people.
                                Brother Glen, my fingers are crossed that this is the case. I mean, c'mon, not all Hawaiian males need to speak Pidgin english... nor are they (all) bullies whose sole purpose is to terrorize haoles (which are always the "heroes").

                                BTW, I was ROTFLMAO at the tattoo remark

