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More UH Sports Go Pay Per View

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  • More UH Sports Go Pay Per View

    KFVE TV will be airing more University of Hawaii football, basketball and volleyball games on its pay-per-view service. All home football games broadcast by KFVE TV will be Pay-Per-View with the free same day delay eliminated until the next day. Two away football games will be pay-per-view with the delay airing the same night for free on KFVE TV. Selected University of Hawaii basketball and volleyball games are also going the pay-per-view route.

    A complete article from the Honolulu Advertiser is at this link:

    KFVE Expands UH Pay Per View

    I'm taking a poll on this at the Hawaii Radio & Television Guide website.

    Did anyone buy the pay-per-view package or individual football games last year? Anyone buying pay-per-view this year?

    Not being a die-hard sports fan, this issue is of little consequence to me. I am sure however that this will impact some of the UH Sports fans given that season ticket seating at Aloha Stadium drastically increased this year.

    And pay-per-view for an away game? That probably hurts.
    I'm still here. Are you?

  • #2
    Re: More UH Sports Go Pay Per View

    Originally posted by mel
    Not being a die-hard sports fan, this issue is of little consequence to me.
    It's not? But it's like a TAX against UH fans, and we all know how bent you get over new taxes...

    I think this just means you'll see more people drinking at bars so they can watch the games. Also means you'll have more drunk drivers on the road.


    • #3
      Re: More UH Sports Go Pay Per View

      I know you LOVE to pay MORE TAXES, so go right ahead and be a cheerleader for both the rail tax and the Pay Per View. Like I said, the Pay Per View doesn't affect me one way or another. I don't even have digital cable, which is required to get pay per view. I am happy with analog.

      That said, keep political discussions out of this section.

      Focus on the pay per view in this thread.
      I'm still here. Are you?


      • #4
        Re: More UH Sports Go Pay Per View

        Of course this is all about money and it makes sense, mostly. Games UH (Manoa) football fans used to get for free are costing them money now, but this has been true at other schools for a long time. The reality is that people who want to see games are going to have to pay for them--either at the stadium or through pay-per-view. The stadium is seldom sold out, so fans on Oahu have little to really complain about. Neighbor-islanders are the only ones being unfairly shafted here; their loyalty has never wavered and a lot of them would go to games live if it were at all feasible. I'm not sure how KFVE handles this--I know that when I lived in Hilo, even home games were available live (and free), and it did seem like the only fair thing to do for fans on neighbor islands.

        Now, volleyball is another issue and the only reason I clicked on Mel's link was to see which games we were talking about. Hawaii's fans have supported women's volleyball like vball fans nowhere else in the nation. UH (Manoa)'s women's program is the only volleyball program--men's or women's--in the nation that pays for itself. I don't think it's hit the point where it supports other programs, the way UH (Manoa)'s football and basketball programs do, but anyone can see that the relationship Dave Shoji's team has with its fans is special, and messing with that could be a dangerous thing. One goal of the pay-per-view arrangement is to get more fans at the stadium; it would be foolish to try and pull the same thing on volleball fans.

        It turns out that the two regular-season home games that will be seen on pay-per-view are Washington and Nevada. Both are interesting matchups, but neither of them is traditionally a sellout, so I think it's going to be fine.

        When games at the stadium or at Stan Sherrif center are consistently selling out and fans at home are forced to pay for live telecasts, then Manoa's fans can complain.
        Last edited by scrivener; July 17, 2005, 07:22 PM. Reason: Oongawa oongawa oongawa wawa.
        But I'm disturbed! I'm depressed! I'm inadequate! I GOT IT ALL! (George Costanza)


        • #5
          Re: More UH Sports Go Pay Per View

          Originally posted by mel
          I know you LOVE to pay MORE TAXES, so go right ahead and be a cheerleader for both the rail tax and the Pay Per View. Like I said, the Pay Per View doesn't affect me one way or another. I don't even have digital cable, which is required to get pay per view. I am happy with analog.

          That said, keep political discussions out of this section.

          Focus on the pay per view in this thread.
          You should go and re-read my post Mel. I said that the pay-per-views were like a tax on UH fans, and that you could relate.

          I've never once posted about my support of/opposition to the rail tax. Stop making stuff up.

          And I'm not a cheerleader for the pay-per-views. I think the new package stinks.

          Like I said in my original, on-topic post in this thread - more UH fans will opt to head for their neighborhood bar to watch the game than pay the money for PPV. An unfortunate consequence might be an increase of drunk drivers on the roads.
          Last edited by Palolo Joe; July 17, 2005, 09:02 PM.


          • #6
            Re: More UH Sports Go Pay Per View

            Originally posted by mel

            I know you LOVE to pay MORE TAXES, so go right ahead and be
            a cheerleader for both the rail tax and the Pay Per View.

            That said, keep political discussions out of this section.


            • #7
              Re: More UH Sports Go Pay Per View

              Originally posted by Palolo Joe
              And I'm not a cheerleader for the pay-per-views. I think the new package stinks.
              Whatever. You fallout from other posts and your response to my responses in the tax topic trail me like a bad penny. Don't bring that to this topic.

              Originally posted by Palolo Joe
              Like I said in my original, on-topic post in this thread - more UH fans will opt to head for their neighborhood bar to watch the game than pay the money for PPV. An unfortunate consequence might be an increase of drunk drivers on the roads.
              The difference between the UH/KFVE pay-per-view is that NO ONE is forcing anyone to pay to watch any broadcast. In the case of taxes, everyone is forced to pay it. The strongest statement anyone can make against the pay-per-view is to not buy it... and not even go to the bars that show it. It may be a radical approach, but businesses understand that when you don't vote for a product with your wallet.
              I'm still here. Are you?


              • #8
                Re: More UH Sports Go Pay Per View

                Speaking as a UH Football Season ticket holder, this will probably be our last year as season ticket holders. We got lucky this year, our section didn't go from $300.00 dollars a year to $5,000.00. But I heard next year, our section will jump that high.

                As for the pay-per-view issue. Who's getting all this money, not UH. It's funny, everytime a UH sports team does bad and the critics come out. You hear all the Coaches say; "their not professional, there kids". That's right, they're kids! So why is UH, KFVE and Oceanic pimping these kids like they are professionals and charging these insane prices to follow a middle of the road NCAA Division I school.

                I'm a UH alumnist, but I've just about had it! I'm sticking with NASCAR and the Raider Nation.

                former UH Sports fan


                • #9
                  Re: More UH Sports Go Pay Per View

                  Originally posted by DXer
                  As for the pay-per-view issue. Who's getting all this money, not UH. It's funny, everytime a UH sports team does bad and the critics come out. You hear all the Coaches say; "their not professional, there kids". That's right, they're kids!
                  There's Oceanic again reaming the public and at the end of the day, it's going to give them a black eye! Shitty imaging for Oceanic, again! Hawaii companies gouging locals. Why worrie about the mainlanders doing it to us when our own do it first!

                  I would support if I know that the money would go to school sports and classroom development. But since it's not

                  That's why people are starting to ditch Oceanic RoadRunner and stuff for Hawaii TelCom. At least there's a choice.........


                  • #10
                    Re: More UH Sports Go Pay Per View

                    I don't get why you guys are saying the money doesn't go to UH. Sure it does. KFVE had to pay the school for the rights to broadcast the game. UH (Manoa) doesn't take on any of the expenses related to broadcasting the games, but it does benefit from the exposure. KFVE spends the money to bring the games into our homes, and it's not going to do it as a public service--why should it? It needs first to get back the money it spends, and then it needs to make enough to make it worthwhile: which would be at least as much as it would make just selling the entire three and a half hours as infomercial time.

                    I don't see how this is related, but college athletes are not kids. They are old enough to vote, pay taxes, and die in combat. They are not professionals either, but the fact that they're not professionals does not mean money should not be made off of them. It costs money to run an athletics program, and the programs that make money need to support the programs that don't. Otherwise, you'd have to get rid of all the teams, because as I said earlier, only the women's volleyball team, men's football team, and men's basketball team operate in the black. Without the money football and hoops bring in, there would be no baseball, softball, golf, soccer, sailing, women's hoops, track, or men's volleyball. The cancellation of the women's teams would mean the end of the men's teams because of Title IX.

                    I don't blame you for being upset, and I agree that it's not the nicest way to treat loyal Manoa fans like DXer, but the truth is that if everyone in DXer's section at Aloha Stadium agrees with DXer that $5000 (that figure seems a bit steep--is that really what it's going to go up?) is just not worth it and nobody buys the newly available seats, Manoa will have no choice but to bring the prices back down. Supply and demand.
                    But I'm disturbed! I'm depressed! I'm inadequate! I GOT IT ALL! (George Costanza)


                    • #11
                      Re: More UH Sports Go Pay Per View

                      I believe, K5 was in a dogfight this year with Oceanic this year to bid on the rights to the games. They probably had to come up with a different scheme to stay competitive or they would have lost the contract all together. For Oceanic, their edge was simple, if they win the contract, a non-oceanic subscriber would be left in the cold, therefore, they were banking that non-subscribers would subscribe to oceanic to get the telecasts.

                      For K5, in order to compete with Oceanic, they had to come up with a scheme that would allow them to bid more for the package. Apparently, the result is this pay-per-view scheme in which K5 will try to recoup some funds that was included in their bid.

                      Scrivener is correct, the ultimate winners is the UH athletic program. Although the players are not professionals, the program must be handled as a business would, or they will continue to operate in the red (overall) and either have to cut back sports, or be subsidised by our tax dollars or tuition.
                      Whoa, Mista Buss Driva, eh, you can stop the buss o wat?


                      • #12
                        Re: More UH Sports Go Pay Per View

                        This is taken from the Honolulu Star-Bulletin article dated Feb. 18, 2005:

                        "Premium seat donations for the exclusive loge-level section will range from $5,000 to $20,000, in 2007 and will include benefits ranging from parking passes to choice seats for arena sports and baseball."

                        We got our letter from UH, next year our loge-level seats, which have been in our family for over 20 years, will jump to the $5,000.00 level. However, $5,000.00 for a parking pass, well that just might make it worth it.

                        Here's the bottom line, UH gets a small percentage of what K5 and Oceanic will make. Oceanic has almost reached complete saturatuion in the O`ahu market. They need to get more creative on making cash and what better way than to suck the money from loyal UH sports fan. Going to pay-per-view means, people must subscribe to Oceanic to watch UH football. How much more does it cost Oceanic or K5 to produce a High School football game at Aloha Stadium versus a UH football game? Surprisingly, not much more. This is the quickest way to pure profit and to squeeze, I mean squeeze, those last few hold outs who have refused to subscribe to cable. Oh, by the way, they will need to subscribe to DIGITAL cable to watch the UH football games live (Oceanic's digital subscriber numbers are no where near what there analog subscriber numbers are). Add a few more dollars to the register.

                        I am more than happy to spend between $75-$125 every home game. I'm helping out local clubs, local organizations and UH. But I'm sorry, K5 and Oceanic are just sucking the loyalty right out of me. I think this pay-per-view package is really going to backfire on K5 & Oceanic, a whole lot of people at the stadium feel the same way as me. Yes I do subscribe to Oceanic Digital cable and I do have Dish Network.



                        • #13
                          Re: More UH Sports Go Pay Per View

                          Why do people look at the corporation as the evil one, just because they're the juggernaut, doesn't mean there's evil intentions behind broadcasting UH games, or any game for that matter. It's easy to critisize and lash out against a company as Oceanic just because their the 'big dawgs'. There are alot of honest people making decisions on these broadcasts, that'll benefit the island in so many ways. Get your facts straightened out before you spit out false accusations. Alot of hard work goes into broadcasting a game, and the people involved do it for mainly two reasons, a living, and the love of our communities.


                          • #14
                            Re: More UH Sports Go Pay Per View

                            Originally posted by Eddie
                            Why do people look at the corporation as the evil one, just because they're the juggernaut, doesn't mean there's evil intentions behind broadcasting UH games, or any game for that matter.
                            I don't think anyone said Oceanic was evil--can you tell us where you got that impression? What people are complaining about is the fact that they've been loyal supporters of UH athletics for decades, through winning times and losing times, and the recent changes don't seem to honor that.

                            There are alot of honest people making decisions on these broadcasts, that'll benefit the island in so many ways.
                            I believe that if you look closely, you'll see that a few of us said the same thing.

                            Get your facts straightened out before you spit out false accusations. Alot of hard work goes into broadcasting a game, and the people involved do it for mainly two reasons, a living, and the love of our communities.
                            It would be very helpful to this discussion if you could tell us which accusations you consider false, or else we can't really respond to this. Do you disagree with the fact that KFVE and Oceanic exist as businesses and therefore are motivated by their need to profit? What exactly did someone say that has upset you so much?

                            Finally, nobody ever said that the people involved in broadcasting a football game are not hard-workers. That was never the issue. The complaint was that revenues from television commercials seemed to be enough for KFVE in the past, but now it sees the need to offer these games on a subscription basis, effectively shutting out many of the fans--other hardworking Hawaii residents who simply cannot afford these subscriptions. However, you can't use the "a lot of hard work" argument in a case like this. It takes a lot of hard work to ship slaves from one country to another, but that doesn't make the work right.

                            Anyway, it sounds like you care a great deal about this topic. If you'd like to have a meaningful conversation about it, please tell us specifically what we've said that you take such issue with.
                            But I'm disturbed! I'm depressed! I'm inadequate! I GOT IT ALL! (George Costanza)


                            • #15
                              Re: More UH Sports Go Pay Per View

                              sorry, I was responding to sponge rider.

                              "It takes a lot of hard work to ship slaves from one country to another, but that doesn't make the work right."

                              sheesh, why do you have to go to extremes to make a point. Unrelated to the issue of hard work. You trying to sound intellegent or something? Pull the stick out and breath a lil' bit.

                              K5 on the other hand, I don't know what costs they have to deal with, so they must have their reasons. Sux that UH fans have to pay more, but like mel said, just don't pay, that's a loud enough voice to start with.

                              And no, I won't have a meaningful conversation about it, because I was just speaking out against sponge's comments. I'm done.

                              ...Why do some of these 'posts' seem so bitter and 'I'm above you' or 'better thinker than you'?

                              My kootness krasheeouss.

