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Channel 78 & OC16?

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  • Channel 78 & OC16?

    I have heard a few things about channel 78. Is it true that 78 is set up as a channel for future local programming?

    Also, is OC16 considered a testing ground for shows to spring into the local network stations? It just seems that everybody that has a DV is doing a show that only OC16 is airing in hopes of getting recognized by KHON, KGMB KHNL. Do any of these show producers make money?


  • #2
    Re: Channel 78 & OC16?

    No idea. I haven't been watching channel 78 for about a month or two and it was only to watch Kamen Rider V3.


    • #3
      Re: Channel 78 & OC16?

      I don't know about 78, but i do know that 16 is morally programmed. As for making any money there, I did have a pal go through a meet and greet for a potential pilot and he was bummed that 16 wouldn't take any alcohol or echo generation pop (sexy) type advertising money.

      The agenda at 16 seems to be more family oriented which is cool, but the content is so mellow and thin that some of the potential bigger money that my friend was seeking backed out solely because of the type of shows that are accepted. I guess seeing tiny with an etch-a-sketch doing graphics would turn anybodies gut It dosen't seem like 16 is about making money as a channel.



      • #4
        Re: Channel 78 & OC16?

        You got to understand that OC 16 was a station that was started on a grant for High School sports. The scrutinous bi-laws are pretty much grandfathered in (i.e., no alcohol and questionable advertising due to the young age of the potential viewers).

        Today OC 16 has expanded their programming to what we see now. Yea, some of the programming is “simple” but there seems to be a trend towards upgrading the production level of the programs.

        I like the programs that support local farming, fishing and spiritual beliefs. But the lot of the rest of the programs seems to lose content and generally get weak as the season goes on. Lack of creativity? Lack of marketing and sponsorship? No money to be made?

        IN MY OPPINION, the days of flagrant infomercial type programs on OC16 are numbered. The bar is getting raised and I just saw a new show that if OC picks it up, it will mean the end of crappy hand-cam production!!!



        • #5
          Re: Channel 78 & OC16?

          Yea, I guess that 16 is a good place to cut your teeth in production. I also hear stuuuupid things like Tiny has all the pull and can actually have a hand in what gets programmed. Same I heard about the ODL guy. Rumor is that it's all a religious mafia running OC 16. Funny what people say out there........



          • #6
            Re: Channel 78 & OC16?

            Originally posted by Ty Lee
            Rumor is that it's all a religious mafia running OC 16. Funny what people say out there........


            "it juzz so happens I'm one entahtainah dat happens to luvvvv jee zusss!"


            • #7
              Re: Channel 78 & OC16?

              Originally posted by kimo55
              "it juzz so happens I'm one entahtainah dat happens to luvvvv jee zusss!"

              Hang on! my statement was not making light of the followers , just that people say the funniest things about how things are done and who governs what.......


              • #8
                Re: Channel 78 & OC16?

                Originally posted by KaLaNi J.
                You got to understand that OC 16 was a station that was started on a grant for High School sports. The scrutinous bi-laws are pretty much grandfathered in (i.e., no alcohol and questionable advertising due to the young age of the potential viewers).
                Some truth here from what I've heard...there's some sort of corporate policy from Time-Warner regarding this. Will be interested to see how this pans out if their planned sports channel comes to fruition with the addtion of UH sports since advertisers like Budweiser are major sponsors.

                Originally posted by KaLaNi J.
                Today OC 16 has expanded their programming to what we see now. Yea, some of the programming is “simple” but there seems to be a trend towards upgrading the production level of the programs.
                There's a lot of good and bad ideas for TV shows out there, and the result is hits and misses. It is a great forum for people with good ideas and up and comers, like the kids at the Waianae H.S. program. Recently saw a very well done music video by those kids on "ODL". Some TV industry veterans being added to the mix of producers bodes well for future shows. Of course, you too can get your own show if your mom is the boss! Even better for mom if your softball team wins the state championship on OC16! seriously though, I know there's been an attempt to help out the less experienced producers improve their shows.

                The most mind-blowing story for me lately is finding out the the hostess of "Flavors of Technology", Sheri Canopin, was in this year's graduating class at the Police Academy. From beauty queen to busting bad guys.....wouldn't this make a great sweeps story? The funniest irony is that 'Local Kine Grinds" with the overweight Braddah Sam is gone, and the producer is now making a health show with Kala'i Miller (NRG)

                Originally posted by KaLaNi J.
                IN MY OPPINION, the days of flagrant infomercial type programs on OC16 are numbered. The bar is getting raised and I just saw a new show that if OC picks it up, it will mean the end of crappy hand-cam production!!!
                My feeling is that if sponsors are there to help finance these shows, they'll need to raise their production values as the bar raises, which is a win-win for viewers.


                • #9
                  Re: Channel 78 & OC16?

                  Hey TV Guy.....that was a very cool post! But don't you have to do a "pilot" first to get approved by a station before you get sponcors?

                  If the PD of OC 16 approves the programming, is he/she dictating the type of money the producer can get based on the quality of production?



                  • #10
                    Re: Channel 78 & OC16?

                    Originally posted by Sponge Rider
                    Hey TV Guy.....that was a very cool post! But don't you have to do a "pilot" first to get approved by a station before you get sponcors?

                    If the PD of OC 16 approves the programming, is he/she dictating the type of money the producer can get based on the quality of production?

                    Yes, a pilot is needed to both get on the air and woo potential sponsors. From what I've heard, a show that gets approved needs to produce a full 'season", which is 13 shows. I also think the majority of shows are paid the same for those programs,and it's up to the producers to sell their own time and make money for themselves as production costs will eat up a good deal of the money Oceanic gives. Also need money because Oceanic does not cut a check until the agreed upon number of shows are delivered and aired.

                    It would be interesting if money were based on the quality. Unfortunately, it seems like getting the show on may be more important than producing a quality show and not just filling up the air time. My pet peeve is the shows that will fill the last few minutes with credits or bloopers, instead of being able to fill the whole show with meaningful content. Two words come to mind......Quality control! Have to admit there is some well done stuff on from time to time.


                    • #11
                      Re: Channel 78 & OC16?

                      What!? When did they cancel LOCAL KINE GRINDS!?



                      • #12
                        Re: Channel 78 & OC16?

                        I've heard Braddah Sam is working on a pilot for a kid's show like Checkers & Pogo....Methinks he'd be a great host for a kid's show.....


                        • #13
                          Re: Channel 78 & OC16?

                          Ironic thing is that the prodcer of Local Kine Grindz decided to bond a fond good-bye to that show and decided to produce the show called NRG. I guess that all that unhealthy eating got him to go on the health kick!



                          • #14
                            Re: Channel 78 & OC16?

                            I believe the producer is in good shape healthwise, but I think Bruddah Sam and Lina Girl I swear I saw this somewhere but they decided after all these years to be more health concious and going to these places did not help so they folded the show. It was a good show for its time, I enjoyed it and Sam is a nice fellow, saw him speak at schools before, the fact they are concerned about their weight and health is a good step forward, I really wish them the best of luck.



                            • #15
                              Re: Channel 78 & OC16?

                              I like that show NRG! Being that a high percentage of Hawaiians are out of shape, it gives a cohesive alternative to eating habits that lead to poor health. Hope it stays on for a while.....


