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Do You Watch TV Programs On Line?

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  • Do You Watch TV Programs On Line?

    One of my duties at PBS Hawaii is maintaining/updating our web page, and I'm seeing a trend toward putting more video content on the internet. I just recently added a page to our site so that visitors can have access to all the PBS programs currently available online in one place.

    A little further down the road, we're looking at putting some of our locally-created content on line as well. So I was wondering, how many of you out there actually watch TV programs through your computer?

    Also, as a secondary question, I was wondering if you think TV online is more of a 'younger generation' thing? I am an almost 'baby boomer' and I personally would rather watch TV programs on my TV, but maybe I'm just an old guy....


  • #2
    Re: Do You Watch TV Programs On Line?

    My first choice would to watch a TV program from an actual TV when it is scheduled to air.
    If I knew ahead of time that I couldn't make it to watch the scheduled program then I would tape it (I don't have DVR or TiVO by the way) and watch it later on.

    There have been times when I forgot the set the VCR or there is a conflict with two or more shows I would watch airing at the same time then having a program on-line to watch would be a method for me to use. Also depending on the show, some shows would have their entire season on-line, adding a show after it was aired. Other shows would just keep only the last show aired.


    • #3
      Re: Do You Watch TV Programs On Line?

      I'm a much older 'fut' than you and I prefer watching programs on the TV...esp. since I recently invested in a large screen, HD TV and got Oceanic's digital HD package with DVR.

      I spend too much time at my computer as it is and just don't want to stay glued to it any more than I have to!


      • #4
        Re: Do You Watch TV Programs On Line?

        At the moment, my TV and computer are separate enough, and the TV monitor's of better quality, so I haven't yet gotten into watching content online that much - unless it's not available by other means. Then again, I don't watch a lot of TV these days, either.

        (And I still pledge to the two PBS affiliates in our area.)


        • #5
          Re: Do You Watch TV Programs On Line?

          BitTorrent, baby. I can't remember the last time I actually sat in front of the TV for something that wasn't live news.


          • #6
            Re: Do You Watch TV Programs On Line?

            Say "hi" to Leslie for me. It is all about the choices we have today and I think in order to get a larger audience, quite possibly even locals who have moved to the mainland and want to view PBS Hawaii programs being able to view them online is great. Personally, Id rather watch television, well on the television and not the computer. But I'd dare say the younger generation might be different and actually enjoys watching programs on the pc. I tape programs on my pc and then offload them to DVD sometimes. I think having a pc as an extra DVR is great.

            So allowing the viewer these choices is better for all served I think.



            • #7
              Re: Do You Watch TV Programs On Line?

              Originally posted by dancingpencil View Post
              One of my duties at PBS Hawaii is maintaining/updating our web page, and I'm seeing a trend toward putting more video content on the internet. I just recently added a page to our site so that visitors can have access to all the PBS programs currently available online in one place.

              I'm so stoked to hear that! Especially PBS because their programming is more of the "search and learn" demo. As a matter of fact, in my webinars, I talk to many cable show producers about flipping on the web-channel aspect of their programming so that all around the world can view local content. I teach an internet mthod called "Snack and Stick" to cable show producers.

              If the initiative is to expand the brodcast into viral, then it might be cool to use viral API tools like Brightcove or YouTube or LimeLight.

              Bravo PBS Hawaii for making the move........



              • #8
                Re: Do You Watch TV Programs On Line?

                hi this is sansei and to dancingpencil,im in my late 40's and i only watch Tv and then when their isnt anything on,i'd watch my Dvd's on Computer so either way it'll be good for those who may not have time to watch tv and have only the computer so i think both way's are ok.

                Well thank's for your time


                • #9
                  Re: Do You Watch TV Programs On Line?

                  I am a watcher of tv programs on the net.

                  I watch many ABC station shows, they have a very easy site to navigate watching shows. CBS's Inner "something" site is easy as well. I also watch shows on the netflix site (such as Heroes, or Dexter) due to the ease of watching them (they remember where I left off if I shut down in the middle of a show).

                  I love PBS, and will definately look at your site to see the content. I wish National Geographic put their shows online. Im sure eventually they will.


                  • #10
                    Re: Do You Watch TV Programs On Line?

                    what is a "tv", I have heard about those in a movie,lol.

                    nah, I do a mix of both. I tend to watch my news on the www, as well as catch the missed episodes when AF has the DVR booked. But I do like that there is practically no such thing as a missed episode.

                    An email from God:
                    To: People of Earth
                    From: God
                    Date: 9/04/2007
                    Subject: stop

                    knock it off, all of you

                    seriously, what the hell



                    • #11
                      Re: Do You Watch TV Programs On Line?

                      Some of my favorite shows are scheduled during my activities, so yes, I watch TV programs online


                      • #12
                        Re: Do You Watch TV Programs On Line?

                        Prefer to watch it on TV and DVR works for me when schedule conflicts with viewing, but I do catch up online when I don't have time to sit in front of the TV or we forgot to set the time.
                        "Be god to each other."


                        • #13
                          Re: Do You Watch TV Programs On Line?

                          hardly use the tv. We have three laptops and the house is wireless. Hubby uses the tv more than any of us (@45yrs, he is the eldest; in this house, everyone under 40 prefers the puter). Often you can find everyone huddled in front of the computer watching some vid.

                          I use youtube everyday, and look for everything/anything. If KHET would put up a channel I would subscribe.



                          • #14
                            Re: Do You Watch TV Programs On Line?

                            Don't forget about iPods. They support video. By placing the shows on-line, you may find more people will watch during daily commutes or other "down time".

