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Jim Manke on HPR?

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  • Jim Manke on HPR?

    I swear I heard Jim Manke handling afternoon drive-time duties on KHPR 88.1FM yesterday. I think I only heard his name once, but his voice sure sounded familiar. Is he stretching his broadcast legs? Is UH not paying him enough?

    In any case, if it was his first day at the mic, he did pretty good.

    I had a hard time concentrating on his reading, though, after I listened to a fun Chinatown segment by Noe Taniagawa. Oh, her audio tour of the Chinatown nightlife was very well done (including the creative "driving home afterward" denouement), but she closed it with, "True dat." I almost drove off the road.

  • #2
    Re: Jim Manke on HPR?

    Ha! I heard the "true dat" part too, but it was during ATC at lunchtime on KIPO. I almost couldn't believe my ears.


    • #3
      Re: Jim Manke on HPR?

      I heard him the other day. I was like, "who?"


      • #4
        Re: Jim Manke on HPR?'s a fact...looks like a little moonlighting from putting out pr fires at UH for ol' jim...
        Don't be mean,
        try to help.


        • #5
          Re: Jim Manke on HPR?

          Looks like he may be going back to his roots. I can’t imagine he’s not at least partially responsible for choosing Jade Moon to be commencement speaker at UH graduation this weekend.

          UH Manoa Summer 2006 Commencement

          We can’t be so fixated on our desire to preserve the rights of ordinary Americans.

          — U.S. President Bill Clinton
          USA TODAY, page 2A
          11 March 1993


          • #6
            Re: Jim Manke on HPR?

            Yep, getting used to hearing his voice already. Glad I wasn't imagining things. Hope Al Hulsen is still keeping busy!

            Interesting that Manke just appeared (as it were) with little fanfare. Is he still working for UH as well? Dealt with him quite a bit during my days at Ka Leo. His patience with scrappy student journalists was impressive... as was his occasional ability to distract and frustrate. But hey, that's PR!


            • #7
              Re: Jim Manke on HPR?

              Originally posted by pzarquon
              Yep, getting used to hearing his voice already. Glad I wasn't imagining things. Hope Al Hulsen is still keeping busy!
              Since I'm not there, I need to ask a bit of explanation on this. Was Al doing that airshift prior to Jim?

              I've wondered how Al is these days; I knew him when he left Hawai`i for Minnesota, then assisted him with a production after he returned to HPR. Since it's been more than a decade sinec I stopped working at an NPR station, I've lost touch with him. Absolutely charming gentleman, extremely talented, a true pleasure to work with (and he was responsible for teaching me to never say it "hah-nah-lew-lew" ever again...)


              • #8
                Re: Jim Manke on HPR?

                Originally posted by Leo Lakio
                Since I'm not there, I need to ask a bit of explanation on this. Was Al doing that airshift prior to Jim?
                Not sure. Just that I was used to hearing his voice, among others, doing the daily "local news update." I think Al's main beat was Pacific Islands, but like most of the talent at HPR, pulled double and triple duty. Jim's doing a fine job... and I suspect we'll hear from him shortly!


                • #9
                  Re: Jim Manke on HPR?

                  I last saw him at UH in the lab school fire aftermath... dealing with us during press conferences, etc.


                  • #10
                    Re: Jim Manke on HPR?

                    Manke here ...
                    It was I. I talked with HPR about doing some things with them after I "graduate" from UH (has to happen sometime, right?), and a few days later they called to offer the opportunity to do a vacation relief shift while Al Hulsen was away. Aiming to do the same thing for two weeks in October.
                    Radio roots? Yes ... WHRB/WHRB FM - Radio at Harvard for Greater Boston (and for the campus, of course); KAIM waaay back when it was Billy Graham religious during the day and classical music at night when I was finishing up at UH; and the KHVH when it was affiliated with KHVH (now KITV) Channel 4 - Bob Sevey hired me to start the all-news "Information Central" format.
                    Thanks for listening.


                    • #11
                      Re: Jim Manke on HPR?

                      By the way, I took vacation time, I checked with the Ethics Commission (since I'm a State employee), my boss said okay, AND I did it as a volunteer (no pay).


                      • #12
                        Re: Jim Manke on HPR?

                        Originally posted by Kimo
                        AND I did it as a volunteer (no pay).
                        Good man, Jim. Next time you see Al Hulsen or Derrick Malama, say hello to them from Gregg in Seattle.

