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New Star-Bulletin look

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  • New Star-Bulletin look

    I've heard about it through friends but can't really check it out myself since I'm on the mainland now. Isn't it debuting today? Any reactions? I'm just curious to see if it's well received or not.

  • #2
    Re: New Star-Bulletin look

    edit edit edit.
    I thought Sin worked at the SB. I update a couple of Web sites where I work, but I think the changes to the Star-Bulletin site are too subtle for me to detect. Maybe someone else could enlighten Sin and me?
    Aloha from Lavagal


    • #3
      Re: New Star-Bulletin look

      I don't think it's changes to the website; it's the print edition. But if you go to the website, there's a couple stories about the changes in Sunday & Monday's "To Our Readers" columns.


      • #4
        Re: New Star-Bulletin look

        Originally posted by lavagal View Post
        edit edit edit.
        I thought Sin worked at the SB. I update a couple of Web sites where I work, but I think the changes to the Star-Bulletin site are too subtle for me to detect. Maybe someone else could enlighten Sin and me?
        Used to work for the bulletin Lavagal, now live in the mainland though i try to keep track of the happenings back home.

        and the changes aren't to the bulletin website but the paper itself, at least that's what i hear. so hopefully some friends in the newsroom can send me a copy or two. hint hint.


        • #5
          Re: New Star-Bulletin look

          Check out what former SB writer and media-watch blogger had to say about it in today's posting:


          • #6
            Re: New Star-Bulletin look

            Originally posted by sin View Post
            Used to work for the bulletin Lavagal, now live in the mainland though i try to keep track of the happenings back home.

            and the changes aren't to the bulletin website but the paper itself, at least that's what i hear. so hopefully some friends in the newsroom can send me a copy or two. hint hint.
            I just read Frank Bridgewater's note regarding the restyle. I would keep track, too, Sin. I hope your former colleagues grant your wish!
            Aloha from Lavagal


            • #7
              Re: New Star-Bulletin look

              Basically, it's an effort make things easier to read and digest. The biggest visual change is that stories will no longer jump from one page to another. (I think we're only the second paper in the world to do so.) That means fewer stories per page, but actually more stories overall throughout the paper.

              In a few weeks, the Advertiser will copy this.
              Burl Burlingame
              "Art is never finished, only abandoned." -- Leonardo Da Vinci


              • #8
                Re: New Star-Bulletin look

                I like the concept, though maybe the overall look needs to be refined a bit. I've seen some South American dailies that do this (and a few others I have seen, but can't read as they're not in English) and they really have some eye-popping graphics, design, etc. Is it much more work for the writers, to write a piece on the section front and then do another story for the inside?


                • #9
                  Re: New Star-Bulletin look

                  Originally posted by buzz1941 View Post
                  In a few weeks, the Advertiser will copy this.
                  thinking the same thing, except i gave them a few months.


                  • #10
                    Re: New Star-Bulletin look

                    Originally Posted by buzz1941
                    In a few weeks, the Advertiser will copy this.

                    Originally posted by sin View Post
                    thinking the same thing, except i gave them a few months.

                    Maybe not. They had already been through that sort of thing when Gannett bought them and all papers became USA Today. There is merit in running a paper with smaller stories that can be read like People Magazine.

                    Personally, I like to read something different in each of the papers. When reporters write from the same event, I want to see a different take. I hope that one reporter will spot what the other reporter didn't. That's probably too much to hope for. Young cubs write to please their editors, old fuhts write to please their sources, and starving freelancers like me say screw it and write interesting stories (shameless self plug!) and hope they get noticed.

                    What I also wonder is if this is in response to having to produce papers on a cranky press that ignores registration marks.
                    Aloha from Lavagal


                    • #11
                      Re: New Star-Bulletin look

                      Originally posted by lavagal View Post
                      Young cubs write to please their editors, old fuhts write to please their sources, and starving freelancers like me say screw it and write interesting stories (shameless self plug!) and hope they get noticed.
                      i usually wrote to please myself and disguised it as news. that works too.


                      • #12
                        Re: New Star-Bulletin look

                        saw this in yesterday's (sunday) online version of the star bulletin:

                        New format gets praise as pioneer in industry
                        One e-mail summed it up: "LOVE your new format!! LOVE IT LOVE IT. No more jumping. Poifect!"

                        We have heard nothing but positive comments -- by e-mail, telephone and in person -- about our "Newspaper Meets the Web Site" format that we began last week.

                        You like the fact that we offer options, with the bare-bones facts on the covers of our sections and more detailed stories inside. And you really like not having to deal with stories that "jump" from the covers to inside pages.

                        The Star-Bulletin staff will be fine-tuning this model in the coming weeks as we continue to explore ways to help you get your news easier and quicker.

                        Thank you for supporting our new format, which we believe is unique in the industry; we already have been contacted by other papers wanting to find out more about it.

                        Please send comments, ideas or suggestions to

                        -- Frank Bridgewater, editor

                        Talked to a friend of mine who does not dislike the new format but doesn't really think it's any better than the old version of the star bulletin. but she thought it might be more attractive to younger readers who want things quick and dirty nowadays. Still haven't seen it for myself yet though.

