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IN the magazine

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  • IN the magazine

    Chanced upon a new ( actually can't tell how new it is; has no date) magazine. Cover price is 4.95 but there was a stack of them in the free publications thing, so...

    IN Magazine

    Glossy local fashion and event mag. That looks like it wantsta be mainland.
    Don't know how often it comes out. Could be a once shot deal. No date or year even. IF... you want more of John berger style T&A, pick this rag up. Has alotta T. Nudes in fact. (Check the horrorscope page)

    It's the usual contemprary stuff wherein they try to immediately turn each and every person having anything to do with the magazine, into a hot model star celebrity.

    Good spread on luxury autos.
    But too much glitzy glossy crap that makes it look as if Honolulu is in excruciating pain struggling to be as chic as Soho or the Hills of Beverly.
    In fact the mag is so glossy, it has a veneer and smell like varnish or some caustic acetone paint thinner liquid.

    an article titled;
    Johnny Love - Drinking makes you sexy.
    whose initial paragraph reads:
    "Drinking makes me sexy he boasted. I don't think so buddy.
    Drinking makes you and ugly mess."
    "makes you AND ugly mess"?!
    Peter Phillip Wingsoe and Ansley Brown, editors should concentrate on editing rather than jump on the "lookame aint I a chic celebrity, now?" thing they got goin on here. Phillip in particular should spend more time working on his mag than trying to sound pretentiously cute; "fortunate are those who do what they love. magazines have held sway over me since I was a child. "
    Uh, everything amazes children, chucko. They are indiscriminately attracted to, and entertained by everything shiny.
    Oh, so ya wanna create a magazine that sways a child, but simply frustrates an adult with standards?

    and of course, the obligatory article covering that dumb concept that really should be retired already; "The metrosexual".

    Oh; an article on receiving an invitation of "Black Tie Only" but is illustrated with three pictures of a bignose teenage nerd wearing a tux with a white thin bow tie...

    Some badly lit fashion shots...

    but hey, nice first try. Or tenth try. Dunno, still can't find a date or issue number in the thing.
    Last edited by kimo55; June 26, 2005, 10:10 AM.

  • #2
    Re: IN the magazine

    Saw the mag. Lousy writing. Needs a good copy editor *after* they hire writers. Publisher openly acknowleges taking free stuff (e.g., trip to Vegas) because of her position. (Ethics, anyone?) No volume or issue number, so you have no idea if it's the first issue or the hundredth. Blecch, as they used to say in Mad magazine.

    Pssst, Kimo. Watch where you leave your ... Oops, maybe shouldn't say that here.


    • #3
      Re: IN the magazine

      LOL! Welcome to A big Aloha to you.

      Auntie Lynn aka auntie Pupule
      Be AKAMAI ~ KOKUA Hawai`i!
      Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


      • #4
        Re: IN the magazine

        Thanks, Auntie Lynn! Been lurking awhile and decided, why not jump in?

        Now ... back to work I go!


        • #5
          Re: IN the magazine

          This one magggazine the best I ever see. Make HONOLULU look like dogdoo. Almost as cool as ISLAND WEEKLY!

          Nice of the publisher to run her prom picture.
          Last edited by buzz1941; June 27, 2005, 06:11 PM.
          Burl Burlingame
          "Art is never finished, only abandoned." -- Leonardo Da Vinci


          • #6
            Re: IN the magazine

            har.. this one funny rag.
            Dig this from da publisher's page:

            quoted verbatim: "As we were boarding the dinner curise, my guest and I we were greeted by Capt. Mike then we were escorted to the five star deck and was welcomed by the very courteous Steve Wanaga."

            Her overview in the "publisher's corner" reads like a 14 year old girl's diary:
            "I had an adventurous time these past few months! I aquired some property, no, not a man!... which adds a spin to my plate for now (da hell!?) My company relocated and it was an ordeal but it's important to talk with people that know the industry well."


            oh. get this one:

            "this issue, I wanted to highlight topics that talk about top locations, home decor, boat houses... "
            (how DO topics... talk?!)

            Here's a doozy:
            "at pro bowl day, I meet people who comped us a trip to LV and VIP suites, and gambling chips, and a golf tournament and a long boot shine. Who can say no to fun and gambling?"
            well the answer as pointed out before must be;
            "Uh, a publisher with ethics, maybe?!"

            and the thing ends with this nonsensical paragraph:
            "Of course, to the lovely Shivoni and her pianist Lenny Keys for entertaining us with their beautiful and pleasing sounds of jazz."

            Ok, I got it. The issue came out on April the first!
            Last edited by kimo55; June 27, 2005, 10:16 PM.


            • #7
              Re: IN the magazine

              I LOVE looking at local publications (I actually write for a couple). Some of them are just incredibly bad, like that little tab for surfer chicks I found once at Coffee Talk in Kaimuki.
              Because I write and edit, I'm always checking for bylines to see who's eating these days. The elitists write for West Ways, AAA's magazine, and part of me is like what the pho? as I really don't get it. Kinda shlocky.
              When I saw that this clerk was wrapping up his ego, er I mean, 9-year-old column in the Agonizer on Sunday part of me was bumming out! I mean, don't you love gazing into open sores, too? I just love reading really bad stuff.
              But I have to draw the line at novels. For instance, Danielle Steele and others like that. It amazes me how this stuff has made them millions. I turn into an editor the minute I thumb through one at Costco or something and wonder how some of this stuff got through a publishing house. (aside from all the money really easily pleased readers will poop out).
              I also like to read Hawaii Thread reactions to local pubs and stories. I know many of the writers and respect quite a few. Others I might not know but can appreciate their efforts. And then there are some that you just know they got the job because they fill a demographic, or because daddy works at the paper already.
              I'm just waiting for Scrivener to give us the results from last night's trivia!
              Aloha from Lavagal


              • #8
                Re: IN the magazine

                Originally posted by lavagal
                But I have to draw the line at novels. For instance, Danielle Steele and others like that. It amazes me how this stuff has made them millions.
                this material is from another planet.
                I worked at a used bookshop yeeeaaaarrrs ago. and we had stacks of harlequin romace paperbacks. amazingly dumb junk. it all looked the same. and it circulated very well.
                go figgah.

                But I'm just waiting for Scrivener to give us more trivia!


                • #9
                  Re: IN the magazine

                  Besides the "established" publications, I'm most impressed with SMART Magazine. It's fashion-driven, so I'm not interested by much of the content, but I notice the copy is written (and edited!) better. Also goes for a wider audience than just Hawaii, but there's a definite local connection.

                  Example: When SMART runs something about a local clothing designer or similar business, they make a point to add a flower graphic to point out that he/she/they are from Hawaii.

                  Since I'm a guy, there is very little in the magazine that I find interesting. But the overall quality is there.

                  Here's a link to an article about Emily Lopez in the Star-Bulletin:


                  Says she's from the Philippines, which would explain some of the copy that IN publishes. They really do need a copy editor. Lopez is also involved with that private club that's at the top of Century Center, if I recall correctly.

