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Weekly Improving?

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  • #46
    Re: Weekly Improving?

    Originally posted by kimo55
    "Don't think I'm not incoherent!"
    meaning? that you are not logically connected?
    Be AKAMAI ~ KOKUA Hawai`i!
    Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


    • #47
      Re: Weekly Improving?

      Originally posted by AbsolutChaos
      I agree that such diction/syntax seems pretty silly and desperate, however, rather like children striving valiently to fit in with some "in crowd" (the Weekly's attempt at trying to seem “legit” to club-goers or patrons who would frequent the establishments under discussion?)
      You nailed it AbsolutChaos... and the reason it reads so strangely is that the writer probably doesn't talk like that in real life. Just like when some mainland haole tries to use pidgin and ends up making an ass of himself.

      Maybe Kimo needs to put down the Weekly and pick up an issue of Readers Digest or Honolulu Magazine or something. It's obvious that he's drastically outside of the Weekly's demographic. You won't get so bent if you read a magazine aimed towards people your age. You know what I'm sayin' playa?

      Originally posted by kimo55
      I'll just saunter down to this bar where "The staff as Skybox encourages patrons to get their game on with the chick behind the bar" Whatever that means. Sound full of possibilities, though.
      Did you bother to read the entire story? If your reading comprehension is as sharp as you make it out to be, you would have realized the writer was trying to be cute when describing the availability of Xbox game consoles to customers in the bar. Give the bartender an ID, and customers can "get their game on."

      It's pretty lame, but hey, what else is new?


      • #48
        Re: Weekly Improving?

        Originally posted by Palolo Joe
        You know what I'm sayin' playa?
        Know wheah ahm comin from, playa? del rey!
        Yo. YoYo. May. Yo Naise!
        Gidown wid you bad sewf.
        Ah speak jive.
        Whuzzhappnin mah mayun!
        ged down witcho syndrome!

        Originally posted by Palolo Joe
        Did you bother to read the entire story?
        yea I did. Excruciating.
        And I want that 5 minutes of my life back!

        If your reading comprehension is as sharp as you make it out to be,
        Ohhh.. I NEVER said I have sharp comprehension.
        I'm just one average member of the reading/consumer public

        Give the bartender an ID, and customers can "get their game on."
        yea. of course. got it. about a month ago.

        Point was;
        " get yer game on"
        "get yer drink on."
        what else?!
        get yer sheeshee on, after ya get yer drink on.
        get many of yer drinks on, then ya get yer Vom on.
        Spend too much; get yer broke on.
        get yer I'm outta here on.
        Get yer rev on. when ya get yer car drive on, ya see ya got yer fuel off.
        So ya get yer pull into the station on, and ya get yer gas up on.
        ya get yer drive down kalakaua on.
        Then ya get yer D.U.I on.
        Yo, ossifer! I was only getting my everything on. Too legit to quit?!
        Nah. I be too hip fo that. I gettin mah meterosexual on, wit mah spiked hair. kangol. Got my Fumanchu shirt. On
        Got my Hipper than thou attitude On. Got it sideways, on. Just like I got my trucker hat on.
        Got my cheap temporary logo-ed this month's fad clothing lines on, which, (as soon as I see everyone else begin to follow another ubertrend,) will be discarded, as quickly as I chuck this trendoid slang, ready to pick up the next hyperlingo that will have been old news already with the gangstarappahs in south central.
        I am a proud, insecure member of a highly impressionable "demographic" youbetcha. I mean YO! On. and On!

        Originally posted by Palolo Joe
        Maybe Kimo needs to put down the Weekly and pick up an issue of Readers Digest or Honolulu Magazine or something.
        I continually, against my better judgement, give them the benefit of the doubt. Hope springs eternal.

        But soon I may take yer advice and lean heavily toward the aforementioned issues, cuz, well, I have issues with the weekly's downward spiral.

        (ya know... just realized sumpin; With all the new positions open, they will soon have much fresh blood on staff and it just maybe, could become another wholly different publication, methinks.
        It could only get better.
        After all, if yer at gutter level, you can only go up.)
        Last edited by kimo55; January 29, 2005, 07:07 PM.


        • #49
          Re: Weekly Improving?

          Originally posted by kimo55
          tellya one thing they could improve; their tv commercials. That strange twitchy dude telling us; you may not LIKE the weekly, but yer gonna read us.
          here's another atrocity I just realised after seeing this strange twitchy dude again, on the telly last night where he continually reminds us: "You may not like us..."
          (oh yea. Tha's sum good promotional message there kids...)
          He also tells us the weekly offers news and entertainment devoid of euphemism!


          but whadda we see?!
          bar reviews full of low level high school hack writing and ghettospeak.

          full page obscene pornographic sex surveys.

          what I wanna know is:
          what does that strange twitchy dude habitually smoke anyway?
          and where can i get some?
          cuz I wanna fully escape reality too!
          Last edited by kimo55; January 31, 2005, 01:24 PM.


          • #50
            Re: Weekly Improving?

            my understanding is that pidgin is a creole, while creole is a pidgin.

            "1. Pidgin language (origin in Engl. word `business'?) is nobody's native language; may arise when two speakers of different languages with no common language try to have a makeshift conversation. Lexicon usually comes from one language, structure often from the other. Because of colonialism, slavery etc. the prestige of Pidgin languages is very low. Many pidgins are `contact vernaculars', may only exist for one speech event.

            2. Creole (orig. person of European descent born and raised in a tropical colony) is a language that was originally a pidgin but has become nativized, i.e. a community of speakers claims it as their first language. Next used to designate the language(s) of people of Caribbean and African descent in colonial and ex-colonial countries (Jamaica, Haiti, Mauritius, Réunion, Hawaii, Pitcairn, etc.)"

            Because hawaiian pidgin is a creole and not a pidgin, most linguists (this is according to my college prof) respect it as a true language.

