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Honolulu Crapvertiser?

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  • Honolulu Crapvertiser?

    front page of island life section, of today's honolulu advertiser, a "family newspaper" or so i thought;

    Some british pop star soliciting a girlfriend and describing his level of sexual prowess.

    No shame, no shame.
    HonAd: are you TRYING to lower your standards to the tawdry level of tabloids purposefully?!

    I like the Honolulu Star Bulletin as much as the next guy, but please allow the Bulletin to look good on their own, by their own works. Not by your becoming the ignoble daily.

  • #2
    Re: Honolulu Crapvertiser?

    This reminds me of the spread they did a while back offering helpful tips to women on how to prevent... well, for lack of a nicer term, the exposure of "buttocks cleavage" with midriff-bearing shirts and low-rise pants. A legitimate fashion concern, I suppose, with tops getting shorter and bottoms hanging lower, but it was the cheesy, pin-up photos that made me shake my head.

    And imagine pitching that to the model? "Okay, bend over... a little more..."

    A few weeks before and after that, there was another spread with a similarly titillating photographic component, but right now I can't remember the topic... only that I thought for a minute I'd gotten one of those magazines from those shelves at the corner ABC Store...


    • #3
      Re: Honolulu Crapvertiser?

      Originally posted by pzarquon
      This reminds me of the spread they did a while back offering helpful tips to women on how to prevent... well, for lack of a nicer term, the exposure of "buttocks cleavage"

      ok. It's oaf fish shull;
      they goin' down.

      a few weeks ago, Tanya Bricking Leach, (I think she's at the advertiser. tho if you use the advertiser search and punch in
      ya get nuttin'.
      so who knows.
      Anyway, her column headline one day was something like;
      "guys just wanna go to bed with me"
      her column apparently deals with relationships. This day's query, some adolescent was asking Tanya how to handle her dilemma:
      "all da guys like do jezz one ting wit me and dass jezz have sex. Tanyaaaaaaah. Whaaaamaaahgoindoooo!?"

      Her response was equally one dimensional and as infantile:
      "Cuz, girl, men are pigs!"

      I felt sullied after reading this. Had to wash my mind out with an hour of
      "Green Acres"


      • #4
        Re: Honolulu Crapvertiser?

        Originally posted by pzarquon
        This reminds me of the spread they did a while back offering helpful tips to women on how to prevent... well, for lack of a nicer term, the exposure of "buttocks cleavage" with midriff-bearing shirts and low-rise pants.
        And that reminds me of a cartoon I saw recently where a stereotypical heavyset plumber is bent over a kitchen sink, with his trousers sagging to expose his butt crack... except that he's wearing a thong. The house's owners are observing, horrified. One says, "Somehow that's even worse..."


        • #5
          Re: Honolulu Crapvertiser?

          Originally posted by Glen Miyashiro
          And that reminds me of a cartoon I saw recently where a stereotypical heavyset plumber is bent over a kitchen sink, with his trousers sagging to expose his butt crack... except that he's wearing a thong. The house's owners are observing, horrified. One says, "Somehow that's even worse..."

          crack kills...


          • #6
            Re: Honolulu Crapvertiser?

            Originally posted by pzarquon
            This reminds me of the spread they did a while back offering helpful tips to women on how to prevent... well, for lack of a nicer term, the exposure of "buttocks cleavage" with midriff-bearing shirts and low-rise pants. A legitimate fashion concern, I suppose, with tops getting shorter and bottoms hanging lower, but it was the cheesy, pin-up photos that made me shake my head.

            And imagine pitching that to the model? "Okay, bend over... a little more..."

            A few weeks before and after that, there was another spread with a similarly titillating photographic component, but right now I can't remember the topic... only that I thought for a minute I'd gotten one of those magazines from those shelves at the corner ABC Store...
            As upsetting as that spread was it left pretty good impression on your mind if you can recall it so vividly. Sex sells and it got you to look and more importantly, remember what was described even if it was a byline.

            When I see something I don't think is appropriate in a newspaper, I just ignore it and read onto the next article. For me to stop and stare and then get disgusted over it is wasting my time and like it or not the story did it's job by getting your attention. I choose to read the more important sections like the sunday ad fliers!
            Life is what you make of please read the instructions carefully.


            • #7
              Re: Honolulu Crapvertiser?

              OK, I'll admit the Bull has done its share of boners, but since we're talking about the other guys here, uh, here:

              While I was still working in the old newsroom, in the Newspaper Bldg., we kept what we called the Webmaster Wall with funny kine stuffs all over it.

              Here's a photo of the Webmaster Wall .

              Look over toward the right side and you'll see an Advertiser Features Section front page hanging up. If you click on the photo, you'll zoom in to the full-sized version so you can get the "full effect." Go ahead, I'll wait...

              They did a cover story comparing different sausages. Uh, OK. But for some stupid reason, the page layout left us in stitches!


              Make trouble, have fun, do good stuffs.


              • #8
                Re: Honolulu Crapvertiser?

                Originally posted by zztype
                They did a cover story comparing different sausages. Uh, OK. But for some stupid reason, the page layout left us in stitches!




                "island life" section.
                sausage comparison.


                there really is NO island culture left to report on.
                so we to a pithy photo feature on...
                ohhhyea. THAT captures island life.

                "Why I kick your dog"?

                I'll kick yer frikken dog any time I want! You turned "Island Life" to greazy linksausage! You! bahkatahdeh!

                oh... how I dream of Hawaii... of the old days....
                Last edited by kimo55; December 16, 2004, 10:06 PM.


                • #9
                  Re: Honolulu Crapvertiser?

                  Originally posted by kimo55
                  "Why I kick your dog"?

                  I'll kick yer frikken dog any time I want! You turned "Island Life" to greazy linksausage! You! bahkatahdeh!

                  oh... how I dream of Hawaii... of the old days....

                  I guess I wasn't clear: I used to work at the Star-Bulletin. That was the wall over my desk in the Bulletin newsroom. It was NOT the Advertiser newsroom.

                  Make trouble, have fun, do good stuffs.


                  • #10
                    Re: Honolulu Crapvertiser?

                    ...ok, so we have some dude quoted in the advertiser;
                    "i am looking for a ho. I am just average in the sack"
                    now; today's advertiser proudly exhibits to us, once again, the standards are dropping to rock bottom, tho that may be their intent.
                    apparently no one there, with their inflated staff, is interested in taking a stand toward public decency, nor do they have any inclination to retain any semblance of a "family newspaper".
                    In the movie section, we see a picture of a dog sticking his nose in the #*&%@+ of a cat with her tail raised high.

                    no shame!
                    Now, just because the public responds to a continually lowering of standards and humor, and requires even more prurient entertainment to keep their interest, does not mean the advertiser should display indecent, aesthetics-offending visuals such as is seen more and more mainly on late night TV and hitherto was fodder only for publications such as "hustler".
                    Last edited by kimo55; January 8, 2005, 06:49 AM.


                    • #11
                      Re: Honolulu Crapvertiser?

                      Originally posted by pzarquon
                      This reminds me of the spread they did a while back offering helpful tips to women on how to prevent... well, for lack of a nicer term, the exposure of "buttocks cleavage" with midriff-bearing shirts and low-rise pants.
                      Was reminded of this old thread with today's Honolulu Advertiser fashion spread, "Underwear undercover." The close-up photos of bust and derriere include helpful tips like, "White or colored panties under white pants act like a bright sign pointing to your panty lines," and "Sometimes you actually want those pretty underthings to show."

                      Ah, just in time to fill the momentary void John Berger's leaving on the other end of South Street...


                      • #12
                        Re: Honolulu Crapvertiser?

                        Originally posted by pzarquon
                        "Sometimes you actually want those pretty underthings to show."
                        I kinda liked it.
                        But I'm disturbed! I'm depressed! I'm inadequate! I GOT IT ALL! (George Costanza)


                        • #13
                          Re: Honolulu Crapvertiser?

                          The Advertiser ran a story on May 29 about the problems with leadership of the Honolulu Symphony; see .
                          What I found interesting was that among all the symphony board members who resigned was Honolulu Advertiser president and publisher Mike Fisch. They mentioned him once early in the article but never again; they had quotes from a whole lot of other folks but not from him.

                          That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


                          • #14
                            Re: Honolulu Crapvertiser?

                            Check out the photo caption on the editorial page in today's issue, where the caption says the photo was taken one day after Hurricane Iniki struck in 1996.
                            Time warp!

                            That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


                            • #15
                              Re: Honolulu Crapvertiser?

                              Originally posted by LikaNui
                              Check out the photo caption on the editorial page in today's issue, where the caption says the photo was taken one day after Hurricane Iniki struck in 1996.
                              Time warp!

                              to most people, "editors" do this: "alter, adapt, or refine... to direct the publication..."

                              yea. well, maybe 'editorial' mean sumpin else to them.

                              Hey advertiser;
                              what da hell happened on September 11, 1992 in Hawaii that rings a bell?

