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Hawaii Threads Trivia Contest -- Go Fourth and Multiply

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  • Re: Hawaii Threads Trivia Contest -- Go Fourth and Multiply

    Originally posted by scrivener View Post
    Malihini tax?

    aaaar. I'll fix it next time I update scores.
    Twitter: LookMaICanWrite



    • Re: Hawaii Threads Trivia Contest -- Go Fourth and Multiply

      Originally posted by scrivener
      I intentionally changed "ahole place" to "ahole street" to make it fit the "Heartbreak Hotel" lyric I was trying to mimic. Most of you caught it and correctly identified it as being in Ewa Beach (West Loch and Honouliuli are also acceptable answers--in fact, as a Leeward-side boy myself, I flinch at calling that neighborhood Ewa Beach and think Honouliuli is a much better answer), including zztype, tutusue, Mike_Lowery, Palama Kid, kanahina, Surfingfarmboy, Kalei99, Leo Lakio, mel, CranBeree, jdub, and Lavagal!
      Shucks, Ewa Beach was my first answer, but then I found this article that mentions an Ahole Street in what I presumed to be Kaimuki. Maybe it was a typo, because I wasn't able to verify it with Google Maps or the street listing in the yellow pages.


      • Re: Hawaii Threads Trivia Contest -- Go Fourth and Multiply

        Originally posted by liberty View Post
        Shucks, Ewa Beach was my first answer, but then I found this article that mentions an Ahole Street in what I presumed to be Kaimuki. Maybe it was a typo, because I wasn't able to verify it with Google Maps or the street listing in the yellow pages.
        Liberty...I bet it was supposed to be Alohea St. as the guy abandoned his car near Diamond Head Theater. My luck, tho'. I'm one point closer to you!


        • Re: Hawaii Threads Trivia Contest -- Go Fourth and Multiply

          Originally posted by scrivener View Post
          Malihini tax?

          aaaar. I'll fix it next time I update scores.
          Originally posted by Mike_Lowery View Post
          Malihini??? Don't make me go tita on you guys! I'll be HOME in 9 days!

          So long...and thanks for all the fish!


          • Re: Hawaii Threads Trivia Contest -- Go Fourth and Multiply

            Originally posted by Kalei99 View Post
            Malihini??? Don't make me go tita on you guys! I'll be HOME in 9 days!

            wear that 155mm bracelet to get the kama'aina discount, Auntie!
            Twitter: LookMaICanWrite



            • Re: Hawaii Threads Trivia Contest -- Go Fourth and Multiply

              HawaiiThreads Trivia Contest!
              Here are the questions for Day 9!

              Reminder: Answers for Day 8 are due 3:00 a.m.; answers to be posted Monday night at 9:00. These answers will be due by 9:00 Monday.

              1. Category: An Ear for News
                What appears in the ears of the PRINT (not online) EDITION of the
                Modesto Bee's Sunday, November 11 front page?

              2. Category: Psalmday, We'll Look Back on This and Laugh
                This portion of the King James translation of the Bible supposedly contains a clue about who one of its translators might have been. What's the clue, and who does it supposedly implicate?

              3. Category: Kamanawanaleia
                When John Prine performed at the Hawaii Theater in 2002, he said he
                was "worried" that he might "get beat up" if he sang one of his songs.
                Which song was he referring to?

              Please send me your answers IN PRIVATE MAIL by 9:00 p.m. on Monday, November 12! Good luck, and have fun!
              But I'm disturbed! I'm depressed! I'm inadequate! I GOT IT ALL! (George Costanza)


              • Re: Hawaii Threads Trivia Contest -- Go Fourth and Multiply

                Originally posted by scrivener View Post
                [*]Category: Stringing You Along
                What do Elixir guitar strings, Glide dental floss, and Gore-Tex have in common?[/list]
                This question also raises a few more questions...

                If one were desperate, could dental floss serve as a guitar string? Say, the high "E"?

                Or even more scary, if one were desperate, could a guitar string also serve as dental floss?

                Lastly, could a guitar's G-string serve as a bikini? Oh, that's right, that's called "Butt Floss". LOL!
                sigpic The Tasty Island


                • Re: Hawaii Threads Trivia Contest -- Go Fourth and Multiply

                  HawaiiThreads Trivia Contest!
                  Here are the answers for Day 9!

                  Category: Rude Vial Pig

                  This obnoxious candy, ridiculously popular in Hawaii in the nineties,
                  is no longer manufactured, much to the chagrin of many. What is it?
                  Well, the answer I was going for was Raven's Revenge, which really was quite a craze around here. I know there are other candies that are similar, but none, I believe, ever qualified as FADS the way Raven's Revenge did. "Ridiculously popular" was the key phrase here, but in my effort to keep the question not too easily Googleable, I may not have been as clear as I'd hoped. Plus, I also mentioned that the candy is no longer manufactured.

                  So I'm giving a full point to anyone who said "Raven's Revenge," and a half point to anyone who gave the name of another, similar candy.

                  Full vials and purple tongues go to InfinityProductions and Kalei99, who gave the correct answer! Kalei99 also sent along links to photos of the color it turns your poo, but you can Google that yourselves. I'm too polite to link to it.

                  Half vials and pale blue tongues go to Mike_Lowery, zztype, Surfingfarmboy, lavagal, acousticlady, Leo Lakio, and CranBeree, who all provided the names of candies that are still manufactured. Seriously, if you'd just shown the picture to people who were between the third and eighth grades between 1997 and 2000 (or anyone who worked with them!), I guarantee you'd have gotten your answer before you asked the sixth person. Sometimes, Google is not your best friend!

                  mel and liberty, I'll give you the half-point if you can send me a link to confirm...I couldn't find anything to verify your answers.

                  Category: Apparent Trap
                  I will be fairly surprised if anyone gets this, but I've said that before and have been wrong! The 1989 TV-movie Parent Trap: Hawaiian Honeymoon stars the enduring Haley Mills in the role(s) she originated in the Disney classic. It was filmed in Hawaii and set in an aging resort. For one point, in what Oahu town were the resort scenes filmed? For one bonus point, what specifically is located in real life on the grounds that served as the film's resort?
                  The film was shot in Waianae, on the grounds of the Pu`u Kahea Baptist Conference Center. It's that huge plantation house behind Waianae Baptist Church, the one with the giant royal palms. You can see it from Pilila`au Park, across the canal, or even from the drive-through at Taco Bell.

                  One point and autographed Hayley Mills posters go to InfinityProductions, Kalei99, acousticlady, and tutusue for getting the town correct ("Makaha" was also acceptible, 'though that's not a town).

                  One bonus point each to InfinityProductions (who got the denomination wrong, but knew it was a campground) and tutusue (who didn't name it as a camp but identified the plantation house).

                  zztype sent this link to some screen caps: You can see the less-attractive side of the plantation house in the background of the exterior shots. The shots are safe for work, but the website itself may not be. Please exercise discretion.

                  zztype also accurately predicted that tutusue was going to nail this one. The IMDB entry listed production people I figured tutusue probably knows.

                  tutusue says that the director of the original The Parent Trap was a dear family friend.

                  Kalei99 sent this link to an article that actually names Makaha as the location!

                  Category: Stringing You Along
                  What do Elixir guitar strings, Glide dental floss, and Gore-Tex have in common?
                  What I was going for was the fact that they are made by the same company, which is quite odd when you think about how disparate the three products are. I'm also giving credit if you said anything about how they are made with the same material. One point each for Mike_Lowery, zztype, InfinityProductions, helen, lavagal, liberty, Kalei99, acousticlady, Leo Lakio, tutusue, kanahina, Palama Kid, and CranBeree. One person guessed "Flagstaff, AZ," and while Gore Technologies does have a base there, these three products are not manufactured or administered there, as far as I can tell. If you can show me otherwise, I will be happy to add the point!

                  acousticlady says, "Actually knew this. We have a museum on campus and there is an exhibit showing right now called 'Molecules That Matter' Polyethelene is one of the featured molecules. Part of that shows how to "add" the tetrafluorine to make teflon."

                  After some research, I've decided "weevil" is going to have to be acceptible for the day 5 question! jdub, Peshkwe, and acousticlady get one point each, reflected in the scores below.

                  Here are the current scores!
                  22.50: Kalei99
                  19.5: zztype, liberty
                  19: InfinityProductions
                  18.75 tutusue
                  18.5: Leo Lakio, acousticlady
                  16.75: Surfingfarmboy
                  16.5: lavagal
                  13.75: CranBeree
                  12: mel
                  9.5: Mike_Lowery
                  8.5: jdub
                  6: Palama Kid
                  4.25: helen
                  4: kanahina
                  3: kiwidiva
                  1: Peshkwe

                  Whew. That was a lot of work! Thanks for participating, everyone! If you're being shy because you think your Google-fu isn't as good as others', please don't let that stop you! There's still a LOT of game left!
                  Last edited by scrivener; November 12, 2007, 06:37 PM. Reason: "I want Charles in charge of me!"
                  But I'm disturbed! I'm depressed! I'm inadequate! I GOT IT ALL! (George Costanza)


                  • Re: Hawaii Threads Trivia Contest -- Go Fourth and Multiply

                    Originally posted by scrivener View Post
                    Kalei99 also sent along links to photos of the color it turns your poo, but you can Google that yourselves. I'm too polite to link to it.
                    You know, I saw that site while trying to research this question - but the candy in the photo doesn't look like the picture you posted. Ah, well - c'est la sucre.


                    • Re: Hawaii Threads Trivia Contest -- Go Fourth and Multiply

                      Originally posted by scrivener View Post
                      [...]Well, the answer I was going for was Raven's Revenge,[...]
                      Oh good gawd...I've never heard of the stuff and neither has google!

                      [...]zztype also accurately predicted that tutusue was going to nail this one. The IMDB entry listed production people I figured tutusue probably knows.
                      Heh. You figured right. I had human googles who were kind enough to answer my emails during a holiday week-end. But, dayam, they made me work for it! I owe them senior diet cokes from McDonalds! BTW, living in Makaha didn't help me!

             the heck is she finding all of these answers? Hey, Kalei, while you're here for Thanksgiving how 'bout giving an advanced google class? Google 401, maybe?
                      Last edited by tutusue; November 12, 2007, 08:22 PM.


                      • Re: Hawaii Threads Trivia Contest -- Go Fourth and Multiply

                        HawaiiThreads Trivia Contest!
                        Here are the answers for Day 9!

                        Category: An Ear for News
                        What appears in the ears of the PRINT (not online) EDITION of the
                        Modesto Bee's Sunday, November 11 front page?
                        Darn it. I have to void this excellent question because I didn't know the Newseum does not archive the front page images. This most excellent website has been a recent favorite of mine, but I never bothered to check if back-issues were available!

                        Here's what I saw when I wrote the question:

                        And of course, you have to know what the ears are if you want to answer this question.

                        Armed with that info, you'd have said the "Goal Standard" and "Amazing Feet" photos.

                        ...which is what liberty and Kalei99 submitted! So while I think it's now an unfair question, they both DID get it right, so what do I do? Suggestions? How about giving them each 1 point in the future for a question they get wrong? That way they won't have a 1-point advantage but will still get the point. Argh!

                        On the other hand, this is a trivia contest, not an Internet scavenger hunt. If two people were able to get the answers (at least one of whom didn't get them from the web), couldn't others, too?

                        Meanwhile, Kalei99 says: "OK...First of all I have NO CLUE what the 'ear' part of the paper is. And apparently, the news room at the Modesto Bee didn't know either. Yep, I called them!"

                        tutusue says: "A bee doesn't have ears. Neither does a newspaper...I don't think!"

                        zztype says: "(Awaiting response from the newsroom of the Modesto Bee.)"

                        I'll decide what to do about the score after I've received some feedback from the participants.

                        Category: Psalmday, We'll Look Back on This and Laugh
                        This portion of the King James translation of the Bible supposedly contains a clue about who one of its translators might have been. What's the clue, and who does it supposedly implicate?
                        Shakespeare was 46 years old when the translation was being completed. The link shows Psalm 46. The 46th word from the beginning of the psalm is "shake" and the 46th word from the end of the psalm is "spear." Most scholars of both Shakespearean studies and Biblical studies think it's a dumb coincidence.

                        Not a coincidence, however, is that Mike_Lowery, liberty, Kalei99, Surfingfarmboy, zztype, acousticlady, kanahina, and Leo Lakio got it right! lavagal had the best wrong answer: "Bruce Springsteen, The River."

                        Category: Kamanawanaleia
                        When John Prine performed at the Hawaii Theater in 2002, he said he
                        was "worried" that he might "get beat up" if he sang one of his songs.
                        Which song was he referring to?
                        Well, I packed my bags and bought myself a ticket
                        For the land of the tall palm tree.
                        Aloha ol’ Milwaukee,
                        Hello Waikiki
                        I just stepped down from the airplane
                        When I heard her say.
                        “Wacka Wacka, nuka, licka
                        Wacka Wacka nuka licka
                        Would you like a ……Lay."
                        Yes, it's "Let's Talk Dirty in Hawaiian," one of many, many great songs Prine did sing that night. He was awesome, but something about the acoustics in that place drives me nuts. I could barely understand stuff he said or sang that night, and this wasn't the first concert I've seen there that had this problem. Gr!

                        Two leis for liberty, Palama Kid, Kalei99, tutusue, Surfingfarmboy, zztype, kanahina, mel, Leo Lakio, and lavagal for getting it right!

                        PS for Kalei99: It's not country; it's folk!

                        Soooo. Here are the current scores!
                        24.50: Kalei99
                        21.5: zztype, liberty
                        20.5: Leo Lakio
                        19.75 tutusue
                        19.5: acousticlady
                        19: InfinityProductions
                        18.75: Surfingfarmboy
                        17.5: lavagal
                        13.75: CranBeree
                        13: mel
                        10.5: Mike_Lowery
                        8.5: jdub
                        7: Palama Kid
                        6: kanahina
                        4.25: helen
                        3: kiwidiva
                        1: Peshkwe

                        New questions, next post!
                        Last edited by scrivener; November 12, 2007, 09:13 PM. Reason: "leaves entwined, like a vine..."
                        But I'm disturbed! I'm depressed! I'm inadequate! I GOT IT ALL! (George Costanza)


                        • Re: Hawaii Threads Trivia Contest -- Go Fourth and Multiply

                          Originally posted by scrivener View Post
                          [...]Meanwhile, Kalei99 says: "OK...First of all I have NO CLUE what the 'ear' part of the paper is. And apparently, the news room at the Modesto Bee didn't know either. Yep, I called them!"
                          Aha! Now I get it. Kalei? You have far too much time on your hands. Please join Pomai in the Real Men of Genius thread!
                          zztype says: "(Awaiting response from the newsroom of the Modesto Bee.)"
                          Sheesh! You, too?!!! The poor Modesto Bee is probably wondering what the heck is goin' on!

                          Scriv...why is this site one of your faves?
                          [...]New questions, next post!
                          It's past my bedtime. <tap><tap><tap>


                          • Re: Hawaii Threads Trivia Contest -- Go Fourth and Multiply

                            ...I'm working on them!
                            But I'm disturbed! I'm depressed! I'm inadequate! I GOT IT ALL! (George Costanza)


                            • Re: Hawaii Threads Trivia Contest -- Go Fourth and Multiply

                              HawaiiThreads Trivia Contest!
                              Here are the questions for Day 10!
                              1. Category: Beefeater
                                What does Tae's Teppan-Yaki serve with its varieties of teppan-yaki-style plates?

                              2. Category: Movie Questions Are My Can't-Think-of-Anything Category
                                In what film does the main character sculpt a mountain made of mashed potatoes while dining with his family?

                              3. Category: Big Wheel Keep on Turnin'
                                What television game show featured a round in which contestants answered questions while in a giant, human-sized exercise wheel of the sort you often see in a mouse's cage?

                              Question: I'm interested in doing an "identify this song" kind of trivia question (like an audio daily double!) using a flash-based song-player. This won't work if any of our participants have strictly dial-up access. Would you please PM me if a question like this wouldn't work for you? In fact, when you submit your answers, please just say whether or not that WILL work. Okay? Thanks!

                              Please send me your answers IN PRIVATE MAIL by 9:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 13! Good luck, and have fun!
                              But I'm disturbed! I'm depressed! I'm inadequate! I GOT IT ALL! (George Costanza)


                              • Re: Hawaii Threads Trivia Contest -- Go Fourth and Multiply

                                Originally posted by tutusue View Post
                       the heck is she finding all of these answers? Hey, Kalei, while you're here for Thanksgiving how 'bout giving an advanced google class? Google 401, maybe?
                                OK, OK....I'll share a few of my secrets:

                                Here's a real good one: Secret Number 1

                                This one's good for those hard to research questions: Secret Numba 2

                                And if you can't find it at either of those sites, this one really rocks! Secret numba tree

                                Hope this helps!

                                So long...and thanks for all the fish!

